So the same employer that played with me wants me to be their employee but, my bp is high

@grenery8 (7248)
Croatia (Hrvatska)
June 17, 2024 11:09am CST
Not literally high, i hope, i didn't measure it. No, when someone is messing with us, we say here my bp is high. So, chronologically, after they called me 2 times to be a substitute and go through one round of job interviews where i waited eternity for them to get me from the reception lobby, then some general info, then saying there is a round 2 where i have to stay 2 hours on an actual job, i received no feedback from them and they said they will let me know. Me being me, i waited a day, contacted them again and all of a sudden, they picked me and want me to sign a contract 13 days before i start working cause, they had in the past people who would give up. That was strange for me, for all i've been through with them and for the third time, they said different dates for when i start. This is a 6week job, i did my best but they were testing me too much for a normal human being, they still do. Today, i was hoping for a nice closure before i start working for them. Due to heavy traffic, i was late 4 minutes, for which i contacted them but signing a contract turned into an almost hour waiting them to print copies of contract and my copy, the female manager said, will wait me on first day of job, on july 1. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears, almost 1 hour waiting for a manager to show up, then a secretary who asked me some stupid question, then waiting again, while they all said that i should be patient cause there are too many contracts to be printed. I travelled by bus and tram 1,5 hours and i thought the contract was ready, if it isn't, don't call me then (my inner thoughts), especially when it is so hot outside, 89F or 32C. I am not a wonder woman, i have my limits. yes, the room was cool but this treatment was awful and not giving me my own copy of contract but also asking me to give them a call will i really come working a week before july 1. I persuaded the manager to send me my contract by email but guess what, she didn't send what my paycheck will be. Very suspicious, unprofessional and i think she got mad when i said at the end of our meeting that i thought the contract signing would be faster. Do employers need to behave like this? I didn't have this kind of experience like, ever. I have no other job offer; I went for one job interview on Saturday but it is maybe physically challenging job but it pays more and there was just one round of the interview, not all this. This 6week job is not for a Pentagon, minimum wage, working as a receptionist in a residential building and you can't cancel the contract when you sign it (sounds illegal a bit). P.s. i refused the offer
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3 responses
@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
18 Jun
That sounds like an awful lot of trouble for a 6-week job. I hope it works out for you. Have a good day.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
18 Jun
@grenery8 You're welcome. Thank you very much. It will be very hot for the next week.
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 Jun
@LindaOHio it will be. weather is not stable at all. just an update; i sent an email that i'm not going to work there and the big manager wrote that contract is invalid then. i am free though pretty sad how it was all played.
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 Jun
i think the same and thank you for your kind answer. i am desperate but i didn't deserve this; i am still tense and i shouldn't be. this manager has a deadline today, to give me a feedback. if not, i will say goodbye to her. thank you. have a good day too and stay away from sun, if you can.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
17 Jun
This doesn't sound like a great place to work. I would only take that job if you are desperate. My guess is if you do, there will be more trouble to follow.
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
17 Jun
i am in that desperate position, unfortunately but, i also don't have a good feeling and didn't enjoy those 2 hours that i spent with an elder man on reception, who was more occupied with how old i am (which i refused to say) and do i have children and husband. he said he needed my age for something. he was my father's age and i gave him vague answers but hearing from this manager he will give me training for a week, 8 hours, from monday to friday, i am having second thoughts. i need a job but not another trauma. i wish i got another job offers just, they actually need to come.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
17 Jun
@grenery8 Maybe you could just do this on a temporary basis until other things pop up.
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
18 Jun
@snowy22315 my thought as well, though i didn't know they would make my life this hard, since i didn't start working yet. Work itself should be the hardest. And if if this manager doesn't send me the information about paycheck, then i am saying goodbye to them. And there is no law here to force me to work, even if i signed the contract.
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• Indonesia
19 Jun
I think you should think twice and carefully before deciding.
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• Indonesia
25 Jun
@grenery8 I'm concerned about you. Be patient!
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