Eldoret, Kenya
June 21, 2024 3:08am CST
I am proud African though from one of the poorest countries. Poverty of Africans id greatly attributed to greed and poor leadership. There are claims that colonialism contributed to our poverty but I tend to believe that colonialism infact brought in more advantage. Imbalances in property ownership is the reason why most of our African states are poor. For instance it is not uncommon to find a person owning 1,000 acres of land in a poor countryside where 1000 people are homeless. I believe the solution to African poverty problems lies in their hands and not the hands of donors from the western or eastern developed countries. What do you think? Your opinion is appreciated!
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6 responses
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
21 Jun
You are absolutely true! Other countries may help... but NOT for free. You have to find the solutions to your problems and politicians must work for their people.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
21 Jun
@SIDIKIMPOLE The past colonizers did nothing good to your country. They got what was interesting to them but did nothing to improve the life of those who live there. You need good leaders now.
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• Eldoret, Kenya
21 Jun
I agree with you. Our leaders only go after loans and leave office with a burden of repaying the loans with the incoming leaders
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• Eldoret, Kenya
21 Jun
@LadyDuck Sure, but our colonial masters brought us religion and education. Upon independence, those who had gotten enough religion and education used it to take power and control all resources. Those who got education a bit too late are still struggling to make ends meet yet the others are enjoying life undisturbed.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
21 Jun
You aren't blaming me for poverty in Africa so I will agree. Jokes aside, I think alike. While it's true colonialism doesn't allow the continent to grow and prosper as much as it's supposed to, if the local leaders - or powers that be - didn't accept "bribes" and actually fought for the freedom and wellbeing of their people, the situation would improve. I can't deny it's very hard, Pan-African leaders usually get murdered.
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• Eldoret, Kenya
21 Jun
Sadly most Africans do not support good leaders. They support leaders who bribe them for leadership posts
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
21 Jun
@SIDIKIMPOLE I feel that, my country is not free of corruption and nepotism either. Most people care about short-term and then they wonder why public services are so inefficient.
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• Eldoret, Kenya
21 Jun
@sabtraversa But African leaders are heartless. They mismanage resources, loot public funds and store proceeds in foreign accounts. It is a pathetic state of affairs. But what choice have we?
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
21 Jun
It's great to hear your perspective on the issues facing Africa. You make a valid point about the importance of addressing imbalances in property ownership and the role of leadership in combating poverty. It's inspiring to see your belief in African agency to solve these problems.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Jun
Countries need to eventually become responsible for their own affairs. Every country needs strong leaders.
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• Eldoret, Kenya
21 Jun
Sure, poor countries have leaders who live very lavish lifestyles!
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@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
21 Jun
I think most politicians only aim to gain something for themselves. Most are corrupt while they are aiming to gain richness they hide in lies to stay clean.
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• Eldoret, Kenya
21 Jun
You are right on this. People suffer because of poor leaders
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• China
21 Jun
Strong leaders are beneficial for national independence, but I don't think colonialism is beneficial for the people.