Oh Walmart

@GardenGerty (159754)
United States
June 22, 2024 1:26pm CST
Not my favorite place to shop by any means, but it seemed the best place to get the things we needed for our trip. Bob wanted to have power steering and transmission fluid on hand in case something happened and we needed it. Would you believe Walmart no longer carries it.We went to O'Reiley's Auto when we left there. Plus, we went to a different Walmart than we are used to, and I was completely lost for the moment. I was buying pet supplies. I forgot that in some stores it is between personal care and lawn and garden. The store in Newton has pet supplies in a big section back by Groceries. I was lost. I will say that the bigger the WalMart stores get, the less of what we need is on the shelf. I got a gravity feeder and gravity waterer for the cats as we are leaving them home. I wanted to get it in time for them to practice with it before we leave. We had talked about taking them along with us, but it would be stressful. Bob is afraid we would lose one or both of them. Boarding them at the vet would stress them too. This way they will have familiar sights and sounds around them and will be able to sit in our chairs and sleep on our bed. As it has gotten hotter they have been spending more time inside anyway. So that is one thing done for the trip. I will set up the feeder and waterer this afternoon. At least Walmart had those.
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15 responses
• United States
22 Jun
A really dumb question, but what about your cat's bathroom needs? I clean my "kid's" litter boxes twice a day, and today I caught Freya doing a poopie and caught it before she could bury it. It's fun to watch because she will dig through the clean litter box searching for her poop and not finding it, then digging deeper in case she missed it. I have to fish her out of the box and let her know I cleaned it out before she could cover it. I don't catch it that often, but it is fun as I have a container that I have a gallon zip lock bag in (it's a metal canister with a glass cover) that I put the used litter in and dump it once or twice a week. It's one of the things that many of the home house keeping sites state you DON'T dump down the toilet as the litter will clump up and clog the toilet and plumbing very seriously and cost a small fortune to fix!!! Anyhow, I just wondered about the cat's bathroom needs. OH, I don't bother with Wal Mart anymore. They aren't worth the bus fare or the time.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
I will have four large litter boxes. That is the best I can do. IF I were to have someone come in they would run out and disappear. It will be stinky, but it will be okay. I never ever ever flush my kitty litter.
@porwest (85053)
• United States
23 Jun
I actually like Walmart, although it's not always the best experience for a variety of reasons. But they mostly have what I want—that I buy there, of course, since not everything is cheaper at Walmart. It serves its purpose, is probably my best assessment of Walmart.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
And I would have to agree with that assessment. I was surprised about the fluids, as they used to carry them.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
27 Jun
@GardenGerty It's probably just supply and demand. If not enough people bought them, they probably didn't see a reason to carry them anymore.
@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
22 Jun
I go to a few different Walmarts none of them are close to me. I just go if I am in the area. They all seem to be organized a bit differently
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
In "ancient times" they were pretty much mirror images. We have made trips across the US stopping to meet our needs at Walmart. We even had an atlas that had every Wal Mart marked on it.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
23 Jun
@GardenGerty I heard long ago they were trying to get all of them to have the same layout..but not all of them do. The one I probably go to the most is laid out differently y than the other ones in the area.
@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
23 Jun
It's frustrating when stores don't have what you need, but I'm glad you found the feeder and waterer for your cats. It sounds like you're taking good care of them while you're away. Have a great trip!
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
I hope they can figure out that they can make more food come out if it gets slim.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
24 Jun
@GardenGerty I hope so too. Fingers crossed they figure it out quickly!
@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Jun
Are you going to have someone come check on them? While stressful, if George and I couldn't come home everyday, we took them with us. It's not enough to just have food and water at the ready. Cats require conpanionship. They nneed to make sure their litter box is clean. things like that. Being completely alone, for the deration of your trip, would be just as determental.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
When we had one cat, she went with us. Bruno and Bitty have each other when we are gone. They have our scent. I will have a lot of litter boxes set around the house. If we had someone come in the house, Bitty would hide and never come out, or she would run out the door and we would lose her. Yes, when my sister passed, Bruno definitely missed her. He is more social and would likely do well with someone coming in.Bitty would not.
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@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
23 Jun
@GardenGerty Thease are things to think about if you're going to go away. Never assume they'll be 'fine''. I hope the best for them.
@MarieCoyle (34016)
22 Jun
I really, really detest Walmart. Many reasons, but I have known several people that either have worked in a Walmart store or a large distribution center for Walmart, and they were treated like dirt. That's the biggest reason I don't like them. I am glad I have other choices to go to that have what I need and the prices are very comparable. I know Walmart has taken over and now there are a lot of people who really don't have a choice, it's Walmart or nothing.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
I live an hour from anything that is comparable for shopping. 30 minutes from Walmart. I was treated mostly okay when I worked at Walmart.
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@MarieCoyle (34016)
24 Jun
@GardenGerty I am glad that you were treated ok there. I am also glad I have a lot of choices and don't have to go to Walmart!
@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
22 Jun
That’s smart not to take them. I’d be scared I’d lose them too; cats are just better escaping than dogs.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
We used to take Princess. Bruno we might get away with taking, but Bitty is very skittish.
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@jobelbojel (35114)
• Philippines
23 Jun
Some stores here too does not have all the stuff we need. Hoping the cats will get used to it before you leave.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
Yes, I worry most about the food. I will leave a dripping sink for them.
@Juliaacv (50051)
• Canada
22 Jun
I don't like going to Walmart so much. But this morning at 7am when I couldn't find my summer straw sunhat, and knew that I needed one for just after 9am, Walmart was the only gig open to pick one up at. And it isn't terrible looking and it was really cheap.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
Yes, they are best places to go for off peak shopping hours. Usually they have some of everything.
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
22 Jun
I haven't looked for that stuff at Walmart in a long time. You are right about the layouts. The one I usually go to pets is beside groceries
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
We happened to go to a different town and that just threw me off.
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Jun
Will someone be checking up on the cats while you're gone? I hope you enjoy your visit with your daughter and Bob enjoys his class reunion,
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
No, if someone were to check in on the cats they would be out the door in a flash and no one would be able to catch them.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 Jun
It can be a bit of a dilemma about what to do with pets when you want to go away. It's good you've found a solution.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
This is a longer trip than we originally planned, but for our two cats it will work.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
23 Jun
I wonder if the Walmart Supercenter would have everything you need. Ours is a Supercenter. Have a good day.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
Ours is a super center as well, and used to carry these automotive fluids. I did not check behind Bob's back. He said he asked.
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• United States
23 Jun
I have to add that there are "self flushing litter boxes" which are wonderful, except in my apartment the cat's litter box is in the bathroom next to the toilet. That would be fine except that there is no electrical outlet there to plug anything in (the bathtub is about four feet right of the toilet-handy for electrocuting someone!!). So I would have to move the litter box if I went self flushing. Oh well, it doesn't take that long for the two cats and the litter boxes. My cats were great while I was living in a motel and waiting for an apartment to come open. They loved the room and I made arrangements that the maids only came in 3 time a week max. I had worked as a motel maid so I did my own room most of the time and the maids took breaks and sat with the kitties the days they didn't have to clean the room. They brought special treats for the brats and fed them the treats, loved them and played with them. I couldn't figure out WHY the first week I would come to the room and the cats would be sound asleep on the bed. The three days that the maids did the room the cats went with me in the car, the head maid told me about all of them spoiling the "pretty kitties" in the room. They even held a party for the cats when I was going to check out!!! Boy did those cats think they were top of the heap!!!
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
People who love cats, really do love cats. It is fun to see.
@popciclecold (37904)
• United States
23 Jun
I know what you mean about Walmart, they change everything at our local one. So I know how you felt.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
23 Jun
Dollar General is bad as well.Before I moved, the store I went to was laid out with pets near lawn and garden, but I had grown accustomed to the other way around.