Monday Has Come Again

Sparta, Tennessee
June 24, 2024 7:11am CST
So Monday has come once again. We had a busy weekend so I'm not happy lol. Saturday our training was canceled so we took the time to catch up on housework. My husband spent the day edging the yard outside and I spent my day cleaning inside. After we got done, we went over to a friend's...well two houses to help her move. She had gotten a lot done before we got there but we still helped her move some of the heavy stuff. Sunday was Boat Day. Chris rented a pontoon from her job and a bunch of us went out on Center Hill Lake. I'm paying for it today but it was so worth it. My friend Tish took the baby out and she loved the water. Two of the women were sun bathing, the guys just sat on the boat and talked. It was just a good day. Today I am feeling the weekend. I am so sunburned. My legs are the worst. And people wonder why I don't wear shorts lol but just in case I got in the water that's what I wear. I got some amazing family pictures though and it was worth it. I want to make rock candy and cake pops and gummy bears but I don't think I'll be getting it all done today lol. I think I can get the rock candy done. It's so simple. Cake pops I think may wait until tomorrow. I'm not sure yet. I do know that I will be making candy grapes. There's also two pasta dishes that I want to make sometime this week. I've been slowly working on Charazard. That puzzle is a little over half done but there is still more to do. One or two color puzzles are always harder. Mindgames is still the book of the moment. The first five chapters have been read and done nothing but made me cry lol. My husband doesn't even ask anymore lol. We're slowly working on getting a house. We need to save a lot more moeny and get our credit up but there is a goal. I've been pushing my business and the yard sale items. Plus I'm adding a few candy items to the shop. I'll be doing gummy bears, the cake pops and rock candy. I can sell pretty much all of that for cheap-ish amounts. So fingers crossed it all works out. What is everyone else up to today?
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2 responses
• United States
24 Jun
Your weekend sounds like you had a whole lot of busy mixed in with fun. Hope adding the cake pops, rock candy and the gummy bears brings in some nice cash. Right now I'm reading The Exchange by John Grisham but MIndgames is on my next to read. With it being so hot my afternoons are earmarked for reading and enjoying the a/c.
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• Sparta, Tennessee
24 Jun
Oh I am so staying in as much as possible right now lol. The rock candy is started that will take at least a week. I'm debating on doing cake pops today
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Jun
@JordanLader I remember having rock candy when I was growing up. I love anything sweet. My grandkids love cake pops. Hope you get yours done today
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• Sparta, Tennessee
24 Jun
@Marilynda1225 I used to love rock candy but I don't eat it much anymore.
@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
25 Jun
Sounds like you've been super busy. Ouch! Sorry you got sunburned. Good luck working on getting a house. No real plans for today. Our AC is out. Must call someone at 8 am to get it fixed. Have a good day.
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