I finally got my dryer fixed by Sears! Have any of your appliances needed repaired lately?

June 25, 2024 6:54am CST
I wasn't feeling well and didn't do laundry for a long time. Then I was feeling a lot better and did a load and while taking my laundry out of the dryer I saw an orange spot on the back of the dryer that looked like the dryer was burning. My sis said to not use it. My sis looked at it and turned it on and didn't like how it sounded and said do not use it until she finds somebody to look at it. That took one or two months Sis found Sears (they don't have stores anymore but they do have a repair business with technicians) and the technician came yesterday. The technician said the orange color on the stainless steel inside is where the heat comes out so it gets to be discolored. He said even if I got a new inside(I didn't ask if that was possible) the stainless steel would change colors again. The dryer did have a lot of lint in it even though I clean it each time I dry something. My sis washed a very old blanket (I have no idea why, she just does things in my house) the blanket made it through the washing machine okay, but she put it in the dryer and went home. Then she told me to get it out of the dryer when it was done. I opened the dryer and the blanket was in pieces. The technician took the front of the dryer off and took out all the lint. He said a lot of it was pink which was the color of the blanket. After he left, I fed my cat, Onyx, then did a load of laundry! when you get desperate you do things like wear the same clothes over and over and hang towels on the back of stools to get them dry so that you can use them over and over again I washed some sweatshirts (I forgot we are in a heatwave and won't be wearing them for a few days! I put them in as they were in my hamper) towels and nightgowns. The best feeling was washing my jammies. it felt so good to go to bed last night with clean jammies. I wash my bed which could use a washing next week as I have somebody coming over who can make it. I am hopeless at making my bed because it won't stay together. Life is good again I have my dryer back! I can be clean again! Has any appliance of yours needed a technician because it needed to be repaired or you thought it needed repairing? Bonus question since I am in a good mood! Did you know you can get Sears to repair something even though they don't have any physical stores anymore? I had no idea! I asked my sister what area around me would I find the store and she said there were no stores
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10 responses
@kobesbuddy (78889)
• East Tawas, Michigan
25 Jun
To get an appliance fixed, all we need is a phone number to call:) Our Sears store is gone, but a person can still order online.
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@kobesbuddy (78889)
• East Tawas, Michigan
25 Jun
@LovesEverybody Sears had a catalog store here, for about 25 years. A person walked in the door, looked at a catalog and placed an order, if they decided to buy something. It was ordered and then delivered to this Sears location. They would call and let them know, when the items arrived.
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26 Jun
@kobesbuddy I never heard of such a thing. My family never bought anything from Sears after the stores closed. Daddy used to buy all his tools whenever Sears was still a store
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25 Jun
I think my sis made the appointment for me online. She is more comfortable with doing things online than I am =) Yes, our Sears store is gone too. I think it has been gone for quite a long time as I had to ask my sis around what area would i find a Sears store and she had to tell me I won't find one! With the service I got I will definitely have my sister use her phone to get Sears to come here!
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
25 Jun
Glad you got it fixed, Nothing here has needed repairing,
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
26 Jun
@LovesEverybody hope you too had a great day
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26 Jun
thank you. I am glad you don't need anything repaired. It seems we need something repaired all the time. Our handyman has to put a new faucet in our bathroom. My sister bought the faucet but we are waiting for the handyman to install the faucet Hope you have a great day!
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28 Jun
@RasmaSandra thank you! I have been having quite good days but am a little anxious because of coming storms.
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@shaggin (71911)
• United States
29 Jun
Wow that was such a long wait! I bet you wish your sister had never washed that blanket now. Your sister could have washed a load of laundry for you now and then so you didn’t have to repeat wearing the same clothes so much. I’m glad you finally have your dryer back now!
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6 Jul
I do wish she never washed that blanket! I didn't even ask her! I did my sheets on Tuesday and they feel so clean! I do wish my sister had done a load of laundry once in a while, but we live quite far apart so it is a little inconvenient It is great to have my dryer back! I did laundry on Tuesday but am still not done with what I have to wash Hope you and your cat have a super day!
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@JESSY3236 (19578)
• United States
25 Jun
I didn't know Sears still did repairs. Last year my mother's washing machine was banging. My mother bought a part for it, but it still was banging. I ended up getting a new washing machine. I haven't been using our dryer much lately. My great-aunt and great-uncle put up a clothing line for us to use. My mother has been using the dryer more lately. I hope our dryer lasts a few more years. I don't want to have to get a new one.
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@JESSY3236 (19578)
• United States
2 Jul
@LovesEverybody I'm under 5 foot too. But I can reach ours. ())))))))))
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6 Jul
@JESSY3236 my parents set up the clothesline for taller people. You are so lucky you can reach it!
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26 Jun
I am worried about our washing machine and how long it will last. they were bought as a pair in bright red by my parents. daddy bought Mommy one and Mommy bought Daddy one as a Valentine's Day present because both of ours were broken. That was almost 20+ years ago so I worry that the washing machine will need to be fixed or have to buy a new one. I can't reach the clothesline my parents had up as I am under 5 foot
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@dya80dya (36155)
14 Jul
Yes. I have an old blender, but I am not sure if it can be repaired. It has a burning smell. I already bought another one.
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15 Jul
if it smells like it is burning, personally I would get it out as it doesn't sound safe. I wouldn't take chances even if you got it fixed
@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
26 Jun
i hope my appliances are still holding on. it is great your sister advised you and that tehnician helped you. very strange that blanket ended in pieces.
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26 Jun
the blanket was probably 20+ years old and sat in storage for most of the years. or my dryer just likes to destroy my laundry!
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6 Jul
@grenery8 I think that is it! the dryer didn't want the blanket inside her. She is always grumpy when it is the evening! I lose most of my clothes in the evening!
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
28 Jun
@LovesEverybody or dryer didn't like that old blanket was inside her, who knows.all is well that ends well
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@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
25 Jun
I wonder if your sister worried that would happen to the blanket so she tried it out on your dryer instead. Sisters are sneaky like that. I did not know Sears still did repairs. Actually, the last appliance that needed repairing was the refrigerator, and since they couldn’t do it, they just bought another one. I think it was cheaper for them to buy a new one.
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25 Jun
Maybe! I can see my sister trying it out at my house since my dryer is probably 20+ years old. That way she could say it was an old dryer anyway! Our last refrigerator never worked right. My parents called the store to repair it many times and they could not do anything. The water dispenser dispensed brown water that stunk of rotten eggs. After a bad repair visit, my parents asked for the best repairman only to find out we were just visited by their best! we lived with a leaking refrigerator for 27 years as the store would not give us a new one. I saved for many many years and bought myself a new but not new refrigerator last year. The one I bought had a few scratches on it, but I needed one and even my sister who is bothered by things like that said it wasn't noticeable I am glad Sears still has technicians. they run a great business, They gave me on the morning of the visit via email the 30-45 minute time frame to expect him and on top of that the exact estimated time of arrival and invited me to come back in case the time changed. I didn't have to wait around having no idea when the repairman would come
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@choijungeun (2622)
• Hangzhou, China
25 Jun
My fan just broke down at last month,I tried to fix it but failed,now i bought a new Fan.Luckily,the rain keeps falling in this month,temporarily i don't need it,but it will work when the summer heat comes.
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26 Jun
when there is rain, does it cool off a lot? I am glad you were able to buy a new fan. they are important for the heat. My area just finished having deadly heat. It is getting a bit cooler but still hot and humid.
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• United States
25 Jun
I'm glad you were able to get your dryer fixed. I've used Sears for repairs too and they are my go-to if I need help with my appliances.
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25 Jun
I appreciated I had a good idea when they were coming so I didn't have to sit around and guess when they would arrive. I will definitely go to them when I have something wrong with my appliance, too
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@paigea (36328)
• Canada
25 Jun
I didn't know Sears still repaired things. We had to have an electrician out because some plugs weren't working. I always hang my laundry to dry, though I do have an old dryer if I really need something quicker.
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26 Jun
I didn't either! I assumed when the store closed everything about it closed. I was surprised when Sis asked me if I wanted them to come. Our handyman knows how to do many things, but I think my sister says he is an electrician. He came and fixed the light in my kitchen when it exploded because it got too hot and the light bulbs broke and got whatever light bulbs are made of. we have a clothesline which Mommy had up in the basement, but there is no way I can reach it because i am short
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