Tuesday is Too Hot

Sparta, Tennessee
June 25, 2024 9:53am CST
After getting so badly sunburned on Sunday, any sun is too hot for me. I'm still healing even though Mother Nature doesn't care. I'm working at Chris's today. This will be the last week that Kyle's daughter will be here. She's asleep too by the way and it's 9:45 in the morning here. I got a lot of work on my puzzle done this morning since I could sit on the floor and not be in as much pain as yesterday. There is still some but no where near as bad as it was. I wish I could say the same for the redness lol. I didn't work on much yesterday as the burn is also down my arms and onto my hands. So holding my hands above heat let out doing anything on the stove and the burn on my legs let out doing anything with the oven. It'll be the same way today so I figure I'll work on the computers. The new one is still in the process of being set up for design work while I'm using this old black one for work like here and mypoints and a few of the other sites I still do. I do need to stop and do my tags on my car today. This is my last week to renew them and I keep forgetting. Hopefully it'll be as easy as it has been the past couple years lol. What's everyone else up to today?
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4 responses
• United States
25 Jun
I feel bad that you're still suffering from that sunburn. I haven't had a bad sunburn in a long time but I can still remember how painful it can be. Hope you have a good day and renewing the tags for your car doesn't take too long.
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• Sparta, Tennessee
25 Jun
thank you. I haven't had a bad one in a while either because I usually avoid the sun like the plague but Sunday was so worth it.
@AliCanary (3198)
4 Jul
Oh no, I'm sorry you got sunburned. I find aloe gel to be very soothing for a sunburn. Actually makes a pretty good moisturizer in general! Always worth having a bottle around.
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@choijungeun (2622)
• Hangzhou, China
25 Jun
Today is a rainy day,it's still raining at midnight.I am staying up late and trying to sleep soon.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
26 Jun
I'm so sorry you got such a bad sunburn. I hope you will use a good sunscreen in the future. I just have an AC repairman coming out today. Our AC has decided not to work. Have a good day.
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