What did you learn at myLot?

@allknowing (131614)
June 26, 2024 9:26pm CST
Rather than ask how much one earned here it is better one asks what they learnt. What we learn here could be far valuable than what we earn I have been here for years and I can say I have learnt a lot. What comes immediately to mind is the existence of pea nut butter. Today it has become a staple diet in our household And then there is the talk of dark choclate and its benefits......the list endless. What about you?
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16 responses
@LeaPea2417 (36917)
• Toccoa, Georgia
27 Jun
I learn about things going on in different countries for example @marguicha and @JudyEv , they both have such interesting posts.
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@marguicha (217718)
• Chile
27 Jun
It seems that every country is interesting. But they are different and worth knowing.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
May be you have not read mine
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@JudyEv (330405)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Jun
Thanks. I do try to make sure my posts are interesting. Well, mostly, anyway.
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@rsa101 (38043)
• Philippines
27 Jun
I learn a lot of things in here. Nearly everything concerning life, culture, and the arts is largely random information. There are some praises and rants about politics that I can see, as well as some that sound religious. Since each post requires a different response, it is difficult to quantify or identify the lessons you have learned here.
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@rsa101 (38043)
• Philippines
27 Jun
@allknowing True, it really does help to address my mental health issue and create distraction when it comes to helping me relax. I have been observing that from my Mylotting for quite some time. I do not push to get a monthly income in here because I really do not care about the pennies that trickle in, which is why I only get paid after a few months. I am just having fun posting and interacting with all of the members here. While the pennies might spur me to write something here as well, that motivation is purely incidental.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
@rsa101 There are a few here who regularly get paid more because of their time zones. I used to check my bank may be a couple of years ago and did earn quite a bit but now as you say pennies just trickle.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
Going by what we learn here even though as you have said we cannot quantify that has far greater value than the cents we earn.
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@marguicha (217718)
• Chile
27 Jun
I learned about the importance of Spain in the Philippines. There are Spanish last names, Spanish words and even Spanish dishes with a twist.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
That must have made you proud.
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@marguicha (217718)
• Chile
27 Jun
@allknowing I know a lot of History from part of the world (the occidental part). But I´m afraid that I knew (and know) little or nothing from the Orient. I have learned about some of your food here too.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
@marguicha Food is one thing I notice we pick from users here.
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@kaylachan (61542)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 Jun
I shouldn't be as picky as I am about what I read and respond to, but I'm human. I know a lot of people talk about food, which I often skip. Politics, which I also skip. Earning I can get behind. I would have to say time managment, on maximizing my time so I make the most. Making my time worth it, while also not getting screen fitigue.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
I have not come across any posts that discuss time management. If you have then good for you.
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@kaylachan (61542)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 Jun
@allknowing No. I haven't either. I learned time managment by doing, learning who's likely to reply to me. Seeing what's trending Knowing the best times to be on. Basically I'm self-tought through being here.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
@kaylachan You have a point there. Your own experience taught you when to post, who to respond to etc.
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@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
27 Jun
I have leaned that pet are essential to keep as they are stress relievers. It's not necessary that you have someone to stay with, a pet is also a company.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
I may have contributed here as we have always had pets and know their worth (lol)
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@psanasangma (6699)
• India
27 Jun
There are many things I learnt .. right now I couldn't point out but I know when I have problem in remembering of any plants or flowers there are users to identify... besides I learn how to be thankful and grateful
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
There is so much one can learn here
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@GardenGerty (158537)
• United States
27 Jun
I have learned there are a lot of kind and interesting people all over the world.I have learned about different foods (still have not tried any East Indian, but I will) and customs and different speech idioms. I have seen people care for and pray for people that they have never met except for here.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
There is so much going on here and that is more than wanting to earn.
@LadyDuck (465017)
• Switzerland
27 Jun
I have learnt about different habits in other countries and their food. I have learnt a lot reading the discussions of myLot members.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
Here at myLot there is no restricton on the lengthy interactions that we have with each other.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
@LadyDuck My off line contacts are busy in their own world and coming here gives me an oportunity to talk.
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@LadyDuck (465017)
• Switzerland
27 Jun
@allknowing This is true, I have very long interactions with a member who (like me) almost never posts.
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@RasmaSandra (75770)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
27 Jun
At one time I ate so much peanut butter I cannot eat any more now,
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
Did you also get to know about peanut butter from myLot?
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@JudyEv (330405)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Jun
I've learnt a lot about the day-to-day lives of citizens in other countries and of other cultures.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
That is so true. I do not think even browsing the Net would give us such an exposure.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
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@JudyEv (330405)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Jun
@allknowing It's hard to learn about the everyday life of citizens from anywhere else. You can learn lots of facts and figures but not the domestic things.
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@Shiva49 (26325)
• Singapore
27 Jun
We are the same wherever we live. The divisions and wars are foisted on us by a wily minority.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
It is amazing how we all have so much in common.
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@dya80dya (35114)
27 Jun
I learned that there are supportive people here. I learned about different drinks that can be used instead of water.
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@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
There is so much of good advice we get to read here.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
27 Jun
There's a lot of things that we can learn from others in life just by asking what you want to learn about, there's always some 1 some where that can help you with what ever it is.
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• India
27 Jun
Well,everyday is a learning for me from mylot. It is not a single idea or information rather many that comes from mylot. There are certainly interesting discussions and we get incidents and stories reported from different parts of the world. Again, we could look at things from a different perspective in mylot and that perhaps improves our understanding and intra-personal skills.
@allknowing (131614)
• India
27 Jun
You have summed it up so well. Yes. There is lots we get t learn from myLot by intereacting with each other.
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@jstory07 (135241)
• Roseburg, Oregon
27 Jun
I love peanut butter and chocolate. Both are good.
@Beestring (13752)
• Hong Kong
27 Jun
I've learned a lot here. Culture, food, art etc.
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