Do you still have phone booths in your city?

Phone booth in Australia.
@pitstop (13175)
June 27, 2024 4:37pm CST
Adelaide, and possibly other Australian cities, still has phone booths. There are two within walking distance from my home! The fun thing is that phonecalls are free from these phone booths. I've tried it once and they work well. I called my wife when we were at a restaurant and I saw a phone booth outside. It was a fun conversation!
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10 responses
• India
28 Jun
It has been almost 2 decades since I saw a phone booth. I do have found memories of seeing a phone booth .Most times, I used to call international calls from phone booth. I used to envy the calling cards to be used in certain phone booths. With cellphone and internet around, guess phone booths were phased out in most countries. Good to see this piece of information. Thanks for sharing!
@pitstop (13175)
• India
28 Jun
There's certainly a charm inn using a phonebooth.
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@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
29 Jun
@pitstop yes there was. But now a days no one uses that. Everyone prefers to use mobile phones.
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
28 Jun
But I guess you can call a person through WhatsApp or any other app if you have internet data.
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@Beestring (14133)
• Hong Kong
28 Jun
I think there are still a few in my city.
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@pitstop (13175)
• India
28 Jun
Have you ever used them?
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@Beestring (14133)
• Hong Kong
28 Jun
@pitstop I have used one time decades ago.
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@capirani (2840)
• United States
28 Jun
I do not think there is even one phone booth left in my town. Ever since cell phones have taken over, the phone booths have disappeared.
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@pitstop (13175)
• India
28 Jun
I've rarely seen people used them here too
@marguicha (219881)
• Chile
27 Jun
I have not seen one in years. I think that they took them away after they were destroyed often by burglars and naughty teens.
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@pitstop (13175)
• India
28 Jun
They will get burglarised if they have coins in them.
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@kaylachan (65348)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
28 Jun
That's funny. We have a few, but weather they actually are connected to anything, I do not know. They have been removed from most places.
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@pitstop (13175)
• India
28 Jun
Try using one the next time you see one and see if it works!
@MarieCoyle (34025)
29 Jun
I did a post on this maybe a few months booths, and pay phones, are pretty much obsolete now.
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@pitstop (13175)
• India
29 Jun
Yes, and that's why it's exciting to see one - especially one that works.
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@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
28 Jun
No, we don't have phone booths here in my city. I don't know if they are available in other cities of the country but I don't think they have disappeared after the introduction of mobile phones.
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@pitstop (13175)
• India
29 Jun
They are extremely rare.
@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
28 Jun
You don't see too many of these nowadays. Are they all free? Perhaps they are. I haven't used one like - in forever! lol
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@pitstop (13175)
• India
28 Jun
I have found them all over Adelaide.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
28 Jun
I haven't seen a phone booth in decades. Have a good weekend.
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@pitstop (13175)
• India
29 Jun
I get to see one every day at least!
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@MasGion (1833)
• Malang, Indonesia
28 Jun
Nothing free in my country. There is phone booth but must pay using coins. but there aren't any now
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@pitstop (13175)
• India
28 Jun
They don't seem to be common in other countries.
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