How is Deflection a Winning Strategy

@porwest (85053)
United States
June 28, 2024 3:26pm CST
It's not that when the White House holds a press conference, I don't fully understand what is going to be expected. They are going to do their best to use a lot of words to really tell you nothing that generally adds to the discussion. And I suppose that's fine to an extent. Does anyone ever really get direct answers from any White House press conference regardless of who the president is? But today's press conference, the day after one of the worst presidential debate performances probably in history, in which it led top Democrats and Biden supporters to all but abandon their guy, you'd think they'd be very interested in doing quite a lot of damage control. After all, you didn't just lose the debate. For Heaven's sake, you lost CNN!!! But they simply pointed fingers at Donald Trump and played off the debate performance as just another day. Nothing to see here. Don't worry about it. "The president knows he had a bad day, but he's a fighter." Yeah, but now it's not just Republicans on the horn about mental decline. Now it's the Democrats too. It's CNN! You can't just dismiss that one and call it a big, fat nothing. You've got to explain this one, because beyond just Democrats, the ones who saw this debate were the undecideds. The independents. You know, the ones who decide elections? Yeah, those people. This was an opportunity for the White House to speak directly to the American people, to the news media, and to anyone else interested and tell the story. Explain it, and quell fears that something is wrong with the president's health. Why screw that up? Why just shrug your shoulders? Look, they kept saying throughout the press conference that Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself. He just wants to win and he doesn't care what that means or does to anyone else. But, aren't you doing the same thing? Not answering serious questions about the president's ability to lead and outright blowing off the worst and most terrifying performance of his life? To do what? To win an election, the country be damned, fit president or not, and to hell with the interests of the American people. What a damn shame, and frankly, a disgrace. You can play the game the way the game is played when things are normal. But when they're not? You have to change the rules.
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6 responses
@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
28 Jun
Lots of news all over the Internet today. I saw something about Michelle Obama. What does she have to do with all this?
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
29 Jun
I would assume if there is talk about replacing Joe Biden, her name might be on the list. That would be my guess. Although the two names I have seen floated the most are Gavin Newsome and Gretchen Witmer. Biden's camp has been quick to suggest they aren't bowing out of the race. But clearly Democrats don't want him. At least not right now.
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
29 Jun
@porwest thank you for the info,
@moffittjc (120850)
• Gainesville, Florida
29 Jun
I didn't see the debate, but it went about how I expected it to. Biden is not fit to lead this country, yet his supporters still try to tell us he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. And why are they trying to say no big deal, carry on with business as usual? Because Biden is not the one pulling the strings. He's just the puppet figure that faces the public. Someone else is calling all the shots. So they don't care how bad Biden looks.
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@moffittjc (120850)
• Gainesville, Florida
4 Jul
@porwest I do agree with you now, since I’ve seen the Democratic Party backlash over the last few days. But who would they replace Biden with? Harris is a joke, and Trump already beat Hillary once before. What options do they have? Michelle Obama?
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
9 Jul
@moffittjc I have heard them toss out Gavin Newsome and Gretchan Whitmer. Apparently, someone asked Michelle Obama and she said she wasn't interested. I think any of these three choices would be equal disasters, and the thing I think is whoever they pick doesn't matter. It's too little too late. Democrats have lost faith in the ability of their party to make sound decisions and it's going to cost them no matter what they do in November.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
2 Jul
Amazingly though, the Democrats are not only in a fit of panic after the debate, but they are also calling for him to step down. This, I think, was the straw that broke the camel's back. They cannot deny the mental decline anymore. They can't deny that his age is a serious issue. And they can no longer lie to the American people and tell us Joe Biden is fine. BECAUSE WE ALL SAW IT. lol
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@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
28 Jun
I haven't seen the debate, but everyone on mylot is talking about what a disaster it is. CNN would rather make sure people continue to hate trump, then admit something is wrong with Joe. Is having a president the demicrats can control really that important? Or, is it the hope that Joe doesn't survive another term and Kamillia can take over? What happened to the democery we were raised on?
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
29 Jun
I wounder if all those who think that Biden is "still good" will take a cruise on a large ship on treacherous water, with Biden as the only one in charge to operate the ship! He is not only old, he has health problems and dementia. The European newspapers are posting a list of possible new candidates for the Democrats. I see Kamala Harris in the list, they really want to lose!
@dgobucks226 (34957)
5 Jul
As a communicator for the president, she is woefully unqualified. This press secretary is a DEI check the boxes pick. What can one expert...
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
9 Jul
Nailed it. Granted, MOST White House press secretaries are nothing more than spin machines. But she takes the cake.
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
9 Jul
@porwest Yes, their job is to defend the President, but she tells more lies and half-truths than Biden himself. Of course, trying to defend Biden's record and incompetence is definitely a challenge. I always thought Sarah Huckabee Sanders did a credible job for Trump.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
11 Jul
@dgobucks226 I would agree about Huckabee. I think at some point people need to just be given the truth. Is that such a tall order?
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
29 Jun
It's funny how all the media is choking on their words after all this time of bad mouthing trump all this time & he just served them their very own GOTCHA , & it's strange how Biden can sound SO DIFFERENT after the debate with a speech, REALLY?
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