Finding Joy in the Ordinary

@annierose (21589)
July 4, 2024 4:38am CST
Ever wondered why everyone's always pushing us to be extraordinary? It sounds cool, but sometimes it's just plain overwhelming. Instead of aiming for the stars, let's take a moment to appreciate the wonders of everyday life. Learning to appreciate the little things in life can really change how we see each day. It's all about finding happiness in the small stuff we often miss. Have you ever taken a moment to think about which little things in your daily life bring you the most joy and why?
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8 responses
@cabuyogty (2721)
• Philippines
5 Jul
I have always appreciate the little things i have in my life such as waking up everyday , i like to do volunteering tasks online and mylot
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
6 Jul
That's a wonderful mindset, appreciating the small things can bring so much joy and contentment to life. Volunteering online is such a meaningful way to make a positive impact, and engaging with communities like MyLot can be really rewarding. What kind of volunteer work do you enjoy doing online?
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
9 Jul
@cabuyogty Volunteering in animal welfare online sounds incredibly fulfilling. Helping pets find loving homes is such a meaningful way to make a positive impact. Keep up the great work!
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@cabuyogty (2721)
• Philippines
8 Jul
@annierose i'm volunteering online in a cat and dogs welfare online where you can adopt a pet dog or cat .
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@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
4 Jul
Seeing my water apple tree is being fruitful can really makes me happy. I can buy them in the fruit store, but have it on my own tree is truly a bliss
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
4 Jul
It must be incredibly rewarding to see your water apple tree thriving and bearing fruit! Having that direct connection with nature and enjoying its fruits right from your own tree sounds like a wonderful joy. It's those simple pleasures that can truly brighten our days.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
4 Jul
@ifa225 Nature has a magical way of bringing joy into our lives, doesn't it? Nature's gifts truly have a special place in our hearts.
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@ifa225 (14464)
• Indonesia
4 Jul
@annierose nature brings a warm joy and I don't know why it makes me that way
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@allknowing (132209)
• India
5 Jul
It is those small things that make my day. What made my day early this morning is when Billu the mother cat came home. She spent the whole night out the first after she has had her babies.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
5 Jul
That's so sweet! The little moments with our pets can truly bring so much joy and comfort.
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@sarik1 (7098)
5 Jul
I agree to you point .
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
5 Jul
Thanks, Sarika! Sometimes it's the simple things that make life special.
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@iKONICNoona (4171)
• Philippines
4 Jul
I always appreciate every little thing that happens in my life . During the pandemic I realized everything can change in a moment . Life is really short and borrowed. I changed the way I see things now and Im always showing greatfulness and appreciation no matter what . That way you are also teaching yourself to be contented , appreciative and thankful. The best feeling ever .
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
4 Jul
That's a beautiful perspective, Patricia! Learning to appreciate every little thing can truly transform our outlook on life. It's amazing how moments of gratitude and contentment can bring so much joy. What's one specific moment recently that made you feel especially grateful?
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• Philippines
4 Jul
@annierose I know this may sound a little over acting but to be honest I am always grateful to God that He always wakes up in the morning to enjoy another day and another life that He gave me. There are instances that some people die in their sleep and I am always grateful that He wakes up to be better than the previous days or to continue what or where I left off ...
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
5 Jul
@iKONICNoona That doesn't sound overacting at all, Patricia! Being grateful for each new day is such a beautiful way to live. It's a wonderful reminder of how precious life is. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt thoughts!
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
7 Jul
little things bring calmness to my mind. a breeze is one of them, currently.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
8 Jul
That sounds lovely! There's something so soothing about feeling a gentle breeze, isn't there? It's like nature's way of giving you a calming hug. Do you have a favorite spot to enjoy it?
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@grenery8 (7248)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
10 Jul
@annierose you said it really nicely that nature is giving a hug, like it. Closest to the window, i would say.
@franxav (13736)
• India
4 Jul
So true.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
4 Jul
That's right! Sometimes, it's the simple things that bring the most joy. What little things brighten your day?
• India
4 Jul
It's easy to get demotivated when we aim for stars. Enjoying the ordinary moments also helps us appreciate things that are part of life. A lot of money, riches , power cannot buy happiness. It cannot buy the happiness when a child gets a chocolate or a toy. Well, after lot of falls from aiming for stars and sky, I have appreciated these moments though life pressures deprieve some of the happiness. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
5 Jul
You’re so right, Anish! Finding joy in the ordinary moments can make life truly fulfilling. Thank you for sharing your thoughts too!
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