Tuesday Morning Brief

@just4him (317038)
Green Bay, Wisconsin
July 9, 2024 9:00am CST
Good morning from sunny Green Bay, Wisconsin. It's 71 F and feels like 78 F. Muggy too. Ugh! Today is Bible study. I'm going. Yea!!! I'm also going to get some watermelon and bananas after Bible study today. It's too hot not to have watermelon. I'll also get my exercise, walking and foot cycle, spend time with you, and work on a book, I hope. If I left it alone, it would be fine, but it wasn't fine and needed changes. The changes are going well until they aren't and I need to use more brain power than I want on these hot days. Oh well, In the Hands of Mighty Men really is coming along fine. I have about a hundred pages to go. I have the laundry done and put away. That's the plan for the day. How's your day going? Thanks for reading. The image belongs to me.
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9 responses
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
9 Jul
You are so right, it's too hot not to have watermelon. Tomorrow morning I also go to buy it.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
11 Jul
@just4him We will have this evening, it was not cold enough at noon.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
13 Jul
@LadyDuck I hope it was delicious!
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Jul
I bought it and already had a nice slice. Enjoy it when you buy it tomorrow.
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9 Jul
My day has been good. I plan to read most of the day. but first, I need a snack
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Jul
Enjoy your snack.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
11 Jul
@LovesEverybody You're welcome.
1 person likes this
11 Jul
@just4him thank you! I enjoyed my snack. I don't have them often, but do enjoy a good snack once in a while!
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
10 Jul
Oh you are so productive! I got some things done, always need to do more.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Jul
Sometimes, it doesn't feel productive. There's always more to do.
@Tampa_girl7 (49864)
• United States
9 Jul
My husband has the day off and we need to get a few groceries.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Jul
Enjoy the day together. I hope you get everything you need.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49864)
• United States
9 Jul
@just4him It’s been a good day. I hope yours has been nice too.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Jul
@Tampa_girl7 It was. Thank you. I'm glad you had a good day.
• United States
9 Jul
Enjoy going to Bible Study and of course getting your watermelon and bananas. I just finished the last bit of watermelon left from the 4th celebrations. Glad that you're making progress on the book. The cover is intriguing. Nothing going on here. I'm just doing the usual stuff around the house, crocheting and reading. It's too hot to do much. We have a heat advisory and it's disgusting.
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• United States
9 Jul
@just4him glad you enjoyed your watermelon. We had a quick thunderstorm late afternoon but it didn't cool anything off.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Jul
@Marilynda1225 Thank you. I did. I hate it when the expected rain doesn't cool off the weather, leaving it hot and muggy.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Jul
Thank you. Bible study was good. It felt good to get back to it. Yes, I have my watermelon and bananas. I had a slice with my lunch. It was so refreshing. I'm sorry it's too hot to do anything other than crochet and read. I'm sorry there is a heat advisory in place.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
10 Jul
Thanks for the update. Your book cover looks great. Hope you have a good day. Nothing much going on here.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Jul
You're welcome. I'm glad you like the cover.
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
9 Jul
Glad you are having fun today. Day not so well...I have somehow managed to lose an important file on the puter. Looked everywhere. I will have to check the chromebook.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Jul
I hope you find your file. Thank you. It was a good day.
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
10 Jul
Hope your day went as planned.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Jul
It did. Thank you.
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
9 Jul
Glad your books is coming along, I started writing up some more articles today, Cannot do much with the heat but we did have some thunder showers today,
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Jul
I'm glad you got some writing done. I'm sorry it's so hot. I'm glad you had some thunder showers. Thank you.
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