Why does the American people need 2.5 years to choose and elect a new President?

July 9, 2024 9:20am CST
We can see that both France and the UK had elections this month. I didn't even know that the old governments had fallen, it was not covered so well in the media, but now that both countries rejected the far right propaganda, they have new leaders. It took only two months to choose and elect new leaders, and they take power right the next day. Amazing.
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4 responses
9 Jul
We don't. I need one day.
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@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
9 Jul
I must be missing something. Where did 2 1/2 years come from?
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9 Jul
@AmbiePam Not sure, I wondered that myself.
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@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
9 Jul
What? Where did that idea come from? Two and a half years is a strange number for someone to come up with.
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@sabtraversa (13822)
• Italy
9 Jul
I know very little about foreign election systems but I'm sure the UK and France are quite different. If I'm not mistaken, the elections in the UK weren't extraordinary, while those in France were. No goverment fell though, as far as I know. Here the media said Macron called for extraordinary elections due to the EU elections results suggesting the French were unhappy with him. They didn't vote for a new president though, elections were just for the parliament so at best they might have a new PM. It won't be easy though. Then I'm not sure people need so much time to choose, they don't seem to think too deeply and they usually have their favorite people and parties already. Then one might argue many French people were scared of the far-right and went to vote (turnout is higher compared to EU elections), might be. I'd definitely take my time to choose whom to vote for the US elections, perhaps waiting for both candidates to die of old age and praying for better options.
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
9 Jul
I do not know a lot of the UK elections, but I know that the French President Macron announced slap election after EU poll defeat. My husband told me yesterday that I am surely wrong and it cannot take so long to choose and elect a new President in the US...MEN!