Life update

@sissy15 (12285)
United States
July 11, 2024 8:44pm CST
I haven't been present on Mylot mostly because it won't allow me to do anything from my laptop. In order to view or comment I have to do it on my phone which I hate using for any kind of typing because of fat thumbs and a smaller screen. It makes it difficult for me to type the way I would like. I also make way more mistakes when I type on my phone. My current solution is to write myself an email and go in via my phone and copy and paste it into mylot. It's no ideal but it's the only thing I can think of. At first I thought it was just my web browser but my husband checked it out and was having the same problem. I type faster on a computer and am able to catch more mistakes. Anyway, this is the reason for my absence. I've been really busy too but I would have updated sooner had it been easier. I am off work for the summer which is already quickly coming to an end. I had a great but difficult year at work and the summer has been a much needed break. I'll miss working with the teacher I was in with but I'll be back with the teacher I was with the previous year. Both teachers gave me the class roster as they knew it to be for when I go back after the summer and it's a really difficult group. We have the majority of the heavy hitters. It's going to be a stressful year and this summer was really needed. The crazy thing is I do miss the kids even if they do make me pull out my hair. When I go back I'll be going back to an almost new staff. So many teachers and staff have left. The teacher I was in with last year was amazing. She made sure I felt appreciated and repeatedly told me she couldn't have done it without me and listened to any and all of my suggestions. On my last day she gave me an amazing gift I didn't expect. She got me three tickets (which is the size of my family) to the Ohio Caverns something we had talked about previously and I told her I really couldn't afford it over the summer since I wouldn't be working and I don't get paid when I don't work so I was shocked and incredibly grateful when I saw what she got me. I am used to giving more than I get around holidays and last days so I was in total shock to see something so thoughtful. I love giving to others and I usually go overboard because I want to get people something I think they'll genuinely love and she did love what I gave her but I never expect anything and to see she put a lot of thought into what she gave me made me think once again how amazing she is. She was also my son's first grade teacher and she still talks fondly about him. I brought him in with me a couple of times this year to help when she was short-handed on days that I knew he wouldn't be missing much at school. She has always been amazing with him. I haven't done too much this summer but have done a few things. We took a trip to Cleveland and checked out the Lakeview cemetery which is huge and beautiful and incredibly neat (the Garfield Mausoleum is here and there's a super neat story there that I'll get into some other time). We checked out b.a sweetie candy store which is huge. We also went to Edgewater Park which is a big park and was a neat place to visit and ate pizza from a pizza place in Little Italy. Our last trip was to Marblehead Ohio which is closer to me and we checked out the Lighthouse. Before I went on break we took a trip to Athens Ohio and had a fun adventure and did a hike in Hocking Hills in Logan Ohio to Old Man's Cave. It was a long and tiring trip but we enjoyed it. As far as my son goes he's doing well. He's grown up so much physically and in maturity. He's been such a huge help lately. He takes care of the cats (that's his chore), he helps bring in and put away groceries, he does after dinner dishes, and then does whatever else I tell him needs done. He's an amazing and sweet kid. Everyone that knows him loves him. He has a big infectious smile that everyone mentions to me. They always tell me has one of the best smiles and he greets almost everyone with that big smile. He's grown up so much and is starting to figure out who he is and has become more social and has become his own advocate. He doesn't have meltdowns anymore his last one was over a year ago. He has become more adventurous and has started trying new foods (he has sensory processing disorder so this is a HUGE one since he sometimes has texture issues that make him gag). We have never completely catered to him. We make dinner based on what we have and he either eats it or we give him either PBJ or something we have for the microwave that he can make himself. He now eats almost everything we make even if he doesn't love it. He told me he knows we work hard and went out of our way to make food and he said he appreciates the effort we put in so the least he can do is eat it. He has just grown up so much and I'm so proud of this kid. He also likes pizza now. Something we didn't think he'd ever like. This kid has worked so hard to get to where he is and every struggle was worth it to see him really succeeding at life.
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3 responses
@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Jul
I know how you feel. I type better on my macbook, too. Don't know what the deal with mylot is. I use Safiri on my mac and it works fine, but if I try to use Edge or Opera or even Chrome it just doesn't work. I'm glad you found a way to stop by.
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@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
12 Jul
I am curious as to what is going on with it lately. It has been like this for months. I haven't tried using it on safari. Chrome is my main browser but I tried edge too. I may have to try and see if safari works for me. I have windows though. If I could find a way to make it work on my laptop it would save me a lot of headache.
@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
12 Jul
I also just found out they stopped updating safari for windows. At one point in time I used it on my old windows computer. I knew it was developed by Apple but I also knew that at one point they had it available for windows which I guess is no more. So I get to continue doing it this way.
@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Jul
Good to hear an update on how you and your family are doing. I don't myLot on my phone for the same reasons you give. It's just too difficult.
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@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
12 Jul
I'm just curious why I'm having issues using it on my computer. I really despise writing from my phone. I'll sometimes comment from my phone but not write a post from it.
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• India
12 Jul
Glad to know you are doing better. Why not reach out to the laptop store and state you have an issue .Perhaps, they could assist even if remotely to fix the issues with your laptop.That should keep you going with mylot. I do agree typing fast is not something possible in smartphones. Besides, correction and modifiying things are much better in laptop. Well, enjoy your time!
@sissy15 (12285)
• United States
12 Jul
It's not an issue with my laptop. It's either a mylot or browser issue. My husband fixes computers and built my laptop. My husband has the same issue when he tried to access mylot from his computer so it's definitely an issue with mylot and some browsers.
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