The Press Conference Did Biden No Justice

@porwest (87794)
United States
July 12, 2024 7:58am CST
Whitey Herzog, the famous St. Louis Cardinals manager resigned in 1990, joking, "I came here in last place and I leave here in last place. I left them right where I started." He'd come full circle. But he also understood, even though in the end the team was in last place, his legacy would still be remembered most for his successes. If he hung around longer, and remained in last place longer, no one would remember the good days. They'd only remember the bad ones. The time to quit was before the focus of his legacy would be forever altered. I am not going to say Joe Biden has had an illustrious career in politics. Hardly. His entire span in politics is quite the opposite actually. Nonetheless, in Democrat circles he certainly always left an impression. With the solo press conference last night, preceded by one of the worst presidential debates in the history of American presidential debates, and with more and more renowned Democrats and Democrat supporting actors abandoning him in his reelection efforts, it was one that did him or his legacy no justice. It was simply further affirmation. He can't do another four years. Besides gaffing during the NATO summit, introducing the Ukrainian president as Putin, he referred to Kamala Harris as, "Vice President Trump," during the press conference, and never caught the slip. He rambled and rambled and rambled and rambled, stopping himself several times mid-sentence just to generally leave his answers incomplete. Several times he simply ended by saying, "Anyway," and then calling on someone else in the press corps. Which was telling as well when you think about it. He was literally going off a card so he knew who to call on to ask him a question. Which says two things really. He doesn't have any connection to the press that he should be able to know who they are more than three years into his presidency. And the White House felt a very strong need to have a level of control over the press conference by preselecting who would be able to ask questions. Peter Doocy from Fox News, incidentally, one who usually offers pretty hard questions, was never called on. Although I will give the ones who were, credit for asking fairly hard questions. They didn't go as hard on him as they should have considering what's at stake and the circumstances. But I'll say they did well enough. Did the performance at the press conference turn any heads or change any minds? Not hardly. It wasn't a good performance. It was better than the debate. But it's still too late. And Biden wasn't coherent enough to even remotely demonstrate that the debate night may have been a fluke. His absolute refusal to undergo a cognitive test is also something doing him and his campaign no justice. They keep saying, "A doctor hasn't warranted one." But the American people want to be reassured. If you have nothing to hide, a doctor does not need to call for a test to be done. You can ask for it to be done to put the biggest question you are faced with right now to bed. The fact is, he can't pass it. He knows it. His campaign knows it. The White House knows it. And because of his adamant refusal to do it, we know it too. The thing is, for all of the supposed achievements Biden likes to brag about, which of course exist only in his mind, what he is laying the foundations for now are the final notes in his very long story. They won't write books about what he did in the past. They'll write books about what he's doing now. They'll write about his serious mental decline and the steep fall of a man who didn't know when to quit for the good of his party and perhaps, for the good of the American people. Even aside from his mental decline and his being unfit to lead. Even aside from the abysmal track record of his presidency—the real one, not the one he tells us about or the media spins. How can the American people understand what motivates someone, who has for nearly four years railed on about the serious dangers a Trump presidency poses to our very way of life, who then through his own actions and failures, passes along the baton willingly and on purpose? The longer Biden allows this to go on, the worse it will get. Not for the country. In an odd way I think Biden has done the greatest service by waking up the American people to the reality that Biden was never fit to govern. But for him, his family, and his legacy. He's the little engine that could but unfortunately, he's run out of tracks—and he has no idea why the train's not moving anymore.
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7 responses
@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
12 Jul
The question is WHO is pushing him to stay, so many people are asking him to make a favor to America and quit.
3 people like this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 Jul
it's every 1 that works for him specially his wife Shummer, & every 1 that KNOWS he's not well.
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@LadyDuck (469488)
• Switzerland
12 Jul
@2ndchances24 I think that his wife is the one who does not want that he quits. She surely has a reason.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 Jul
@LadyDuck Not to mention his whole family that's benefitting from it all.
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@FourWalls (66720)
• United States
12 Jul
He should quit while he’s behind. I find his arrogance (“I wouldn’t be running again if Trump wasn’t running” as if he’s the only hope for the Democrats, and the “I’ll drop out if God tells me to” [which is dangerous for an 81-year-old to say] remark last week) annoying, and he’s NOT doing anyone any good…least of all, himself and the country.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
12 Jul
Maybe he has too much confidence they'd stick with him no matter what, even now? He's been covered for for 3 1/2 years. The left is ACTING like this is all a shock to them after that debate. But the truth has been out there a LONG time and all the left did was cover, spin, deny, deflect, and lie. It's caught up with them, and as I have said, no matter what they do now isn't going to matter. The Democrat party has lost the trust of the American people as they (the American people) weigh in on the possibility that the Democrats allowed America to be put in perhaps the most dangerous and vulnerable position we could ever be in the history of this country and left major decisions to be made by people the American people did not elect. The silver lining is that America potentially dodged a bullet, and the Democrats will now have a guaranteed four years to sort out their issues. Kind of makes one wonder a bit more too about all those indictments and trials against Trump and perhaps offers some insight as to WHY these were SO important to do.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
12 Jul
@FourWalls I think you are wrong about that. The media sure wants you to believe that. And some do. But when you look at the rallies and the polls it tells a very different story. When you count the yard signs and flags, it tells a different story. When you look at news media ratings and who is getting the higher ones, it tells a different story. When you even look at the polls surrounding people's opinions on the trials and indictments, more Americans are angry about them than they are about what Trump is accused of. Polls indicate most people agree the justice system was weaponized. They also indicate that Trump is not the #1 issue concerning Americans. On top of that, Biden has a 36% approval rating. Why is that? Well, because the polls indicate a majority of Americans are not satisied with Biden's handling of inflation. They are not satisfied with Biden's handling of the border. They are unhappy with his policies. You can put anyone you want over Biden if he gets tossed out. But Trump's popularity doesn't just come from American's anger over the witch hunts. Americans are not convinced that Democrats have the right ideas to lead the country forward. And because Biden IS the Democrat platform, Americans would only see any other Democrat as the same failed policies with a different name and face. If Biden was winning at all, one iota, it would be because his policies would greatly trump (pardon the pun) what Trump did already and will offer tomorrow. If Biden had EVER been winning, his approval ratings would be much higher. If Biden was winning, the debate would not have been as serious a threat to their chances, because people would have put anyone else in office who would have supported popular Biden policy. There's not just one reason Biden will not win this election. Sure, he could have come closer had the debate NOT happened the way it did. But presidents with his approval rating, as George Stephanopoulos pointed out, do not get reelected historically. So, this was not the REASON Biden would have lost anyway. It's just the final nail in the coffin that makes sure of it. However unpopular you think Trump is, his approval ratings are still more than Biden's, and that WILL matter in November. Mark my words. The one thing that ISN'T popular are Joe Biden's policies. In order to win an election, it's not enough to simply not be Donald J. Trump. You still have to do the work of the American people and have achievements you can run on that Americans all agree are actual achievements. Biden hasn't done that.
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
12 Jul
I just read the news.
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
12 Jul
@porwest I admired very much one of our presidents when he announced that it was time to stop. Most people don´t realize that there´s an age when you are either going to doctors or playing with your grandchildren.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
12 Jul
@marguicha Country first. America first. One of THE most basic jobs of the President of the United States is to govern in the best interests of the American people and protect the safety of your citizens. If you are unfit to lead, you cannot do either of those most basic things. It alone disqualifies someone from the presidency, as well as does having any interests outside of that primary job. You are not for your party. You are not for winning an election. You are not for your personal interests or aspirations. You are for America, period.
@porwest (87794)
• United States
12 Jul
It wasn't good. But nothing new, or I should say, no new revelations. Just more affirmation he's got to go one way or another.
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@RasmaSandra (78786)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Jul
So is it a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation?
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
13 Jul
That pretty much sums it up.
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@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
12 Jul
I watched the first 10 minutes but then I had to turn it off. I couldn't handle it.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
12 Jul
I totally agree & as sad as it is it all falls on the WHOLE staff that is wanting him to fall on his face in disgrace to the very end. I watched it all & just shook my head, it was so pitiful & sad.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
12 Jul
And it will only get worse. The more the White House continues to deflect and deny, as well, the more it hurts their cause. As I have said, the Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place considering no matter what they do now, the election is still lost for them. They have lied to the American people and lost their trust, and nothing they can do now, including switching candidates, can save their chances.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 Jul
@porwest I see heads rolling like bowling balls & ALL H3LL breaking loose for the next few mons 4-sure that's why we are stocked up for what's coming.
@Beestring (14358)
• Hong Kong
12 Jul
When my friend sent me the news that Biden introduced the Ukrainian president as Putin and referred to Kamala Harris as, "Vice President Trump, I thought that was a joke.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
12 Jul
Nope. As Biden would say, "Not a joke." But at the same time, it's not like this has not been known for a VERY long time that something was VERY wrong with Joe Biden. The act they are now putting on that they are shocked only after the debate is also very telling—they can't say now they couldn't see it before.
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