Is It Beginning to Make Sense Yet?

@porwest (85053)
United States
July 12, 2024 12:07pm CST
Do all those Trump trials and charges and indictments and all of that make sense now? Is it starting to sink in at least a little bit why they were so important? What was the real threat? The truth, folks. That was the threat. That if you had no one else to focus your eyes on, you'd see Biden for real. If you could make Trump out to be this bad, evil dictator wannabe, why, it would make Biden seem like a clear choice. You could overlook the economy, inflation, the border, Afghanistan and so many other things. Just look at Trump. Look what HE'S done. Look what HE will do. "Oh my God, he's a felon." It reminds me a lot of that old saying that when you have one finger pointed at someone else, there are three more pointed back at you. No one would care too much about those classified documents in Biden's garage, or Hunter's antics, or the secrets Biden might have been selling via coordinated access channels as VP. People would not care too much that Biden wasn't doing press conferences, or holding cabinet meetings, or probably not even making the decisions. People might not focus too much on the gaffes or the trips and falls, or getting lost on stages. Just keep your eyes on Trump, folks. Watch those trials. They go on for hours and hours and we'll televise them to keep your attentions over there. And then we'll get out the pundits and Trump haters to give you wall to wall coverage of everything Trump is accused of— Just don't look over here. Nope. Don't do it. Because we don't want you to see what's really going on here. Over there, folks. Just stay over there. Look, look, there's a J6 committee thing to watch. Go and have a look. Just whatever you do, and we mean, whatevever you do, do not look over here! Sound a bit crazy? I don't know. Is it?
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9 responses
@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Jul
This has been going on since Trump was in office. He's also not the first president to have dirty laundry being aired during or after his term. Only this time (at least as far as I can remember) it cost him one election. And, people still have their blinders on. Yet, November looms ever closer.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
13 Jul
I still continue to have questions about that election. We may never know the answer, but there were so many red flags the question is simply begged. Either way, it is VERY telling if Trump does actually win a second time. Even his popularity being bigger in 2020 than 2016 and now even bigger in 2024? He may not have lost the election after all, and I know it sounds tin hatty, but that may be the OTHER reason eliminating Trump was so gosh darned important. He knows something and that scares the living hell out of the Democrats. When you go after a guy as hard as they have gone after Trump, it's not about a threat to democracy they are worried about. It's about a threat to the ESTABLISHMENT and his personal interest in returning the government back to the people, where it belongs.
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@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
13 Jul
@porwest I think you could be right about that. You just said it yourself, so many red flags. I just hope something drastic happens, and the election goes well. And, the right person becomes elected.
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
14 Jul
@porwest I think you could be right about that. You just said it yourself, so many red flags. I just hope something drastic happens, and the election goes well. And, the right person becomes elected. -------That's right. Roevember is coming and the right man ((Sleepy Joe)) will be elected.
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@lovebuglena (43886)
• Staten Island, New York
12 Jul
They will do anything to bring Trump down but all their efforts lead to the same thing. Trump only comes out on top. Instead of wasting their time trying to bring him down and prevent him from running and winning in the 2024 election they should focus on running the country and getting America out of the hole it's in. Whether they see Trump as a threat or hate him personally, it is obvious that he is the better choice. Biden is not fit to run this country and should be out of the race. Or be replaced by someone better. But who?
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
17 Jul
They will do anything to bring Trump down but all their efforts lead to the same thing. Trump only comes out on top. Instead of wasting their time trying to bring him down and prevent him from running and winning in the 2024 election they should focus on running the country and getting America out of the hole it's in. Whether they see Trump as a threat or hate him personally, it is obvious that he is the better choice. Biden is not fit to run this country and should be out of the race. Or be replaced by someone better. But who? ---------This is some hole. The best economy in the world. More jobs. Lowest inflation in the world. What kind of moron would want to put the Loser back in charge?
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
18 Jul
This is some hole. The best economy in the world. More jobs. Lowest inflation in the world. What kind of moron would want to put the Loser back in charge? @xander6464 Prices are 21% higher than they were in 2020. Get real, bud. And lay OFF whatever you're smoking.
@porwest (85053)
• United States
18 Jul
People seem to want to question now, who are obvious Trump haters, why Trump is winning, and I keep going back to "people remember his first four years and they are reminded now, with things in the crapper under Biden, how much better things were." They (the Trump haters) can deny it. But the American people are neither blind nor stupid. Even our buddy Greg talking about low inflation and a great economy when wages are down, median income is down, and prices are up 21% since 2020—people like him have no ability to think. They even say this stuff with a straight face. It boggles the mind.
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@dfollin (25305)
• United States
16 Jul
Yep, it sounds a bit crazy, but the world has gotten really crazy! The Coronavirus/Covid came. Trump said he found in the White House basement many respirators. Then he said he got them! Wow! What a hero! However Trump made it mandatory that they must be put on senior citizens and a certain amount of people that came into the ER's had to be considered a Covid patient no matter what reason they came in! Trump is buddy, buddy with Russia. And Russia started a war and killed many people in Ukraine! Huh? Yeah, this is a crazy world and they are linked together. This is just my opinion of the situation from what I have heard on the news.
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@dfollin (25305)
• United States
17 Jul
@porwest No and the media isn't very trustworthy either all the time.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
17 Jul
Lots and lots of fake news out there, especially when it comes to Trump. More than ever people have to be able to do their own homework to find the truth, because the media sure in hell isn't going to give it to you.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
19 Jul
@dfollin They are the least trustworthy as they have ever been. The bad part is that many people aren't aware of that, and so whatever narratives they try to sell, people actually buy.
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
13 Jul
What people care about is Project 2025 and Trump's promise to be a dictator on day one. Also, his rampant pedophilia and wanting to make women property of the state. As for his record? Tremendous Unending FAILURE! Trump Steaks, airlines, casinos...Do I need to go on? His record as President? Even worse. More debt, fewer jobs, worse economy and fewer rights. That's why only losers support him.
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
14 Jul
What kills me is the fact that the very people and whose red states depend on federal money for funding, Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare, etc. idiots who support Trump. Like he is going to slash your aid and increase your taxes so the millionaires pay less. So stupid. but MAGA! Morons.
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
14 Jul
@NJChicaa What kills me is the fact that the very people and whose red states depend on federal money for funding, Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare, etc. idiots who support Trump. Like he is going to slash your aid and increase your taxes so the millionaires pay less. So stupid. but MAGA! Morons. -----And how about the idiots in Texas who are still without power because they keep voting for Republicans?
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
14 Jul
@xander6464 Yup. The idiots in red states who vote for Trump don't understand that he wants to SLASH funding for all of those programs they rely on to survive.
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
12 Jul
Trump being a felon and Biden being old are not mutually exclusive. Two things can be true at the same time.
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
12 Jul
@porwest I think stealing classified documents and obstructing efforts to have them returned and inciting a riot are pretty serious things. Trying to get the GA Secretary of State to mess with the results of the 2020 election is serious too.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
12 Jul
You are missing the point. Why Trump? Why was Trump suddenly the bad guy that we had to change the rules about and go after with a vengeance, pursuing criminal charges and felonies? Why Trump when we have always had bad actors that were "protected" by their presidential status in the past? Doesn't that make you wonder at least just a LITTLE bit? What was the purpose? On top of that, what he's supposedly been accused of isn't even serious stuff to the degree or seriousness of others before him? In fact, they are ALL petty claims and charges. You have to be at least a little cynical here. They went after Trump like no one ever in the history of America before him. WHY? I think it's a question worth asking, especially when we know what we know for sure now about Biden that they cannot hide anymore. Now we know more about why they might have wanted the news to focus on something other than Biden. Maybe it's crazy, but at the same time, I really don't think it's as crazy as it sounds.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
12 Jul
@NJChicaa You are COMPLETELY missing the point here. You don't think putting a program in place that got a border patrol agent killed was not a serious issue? And by the way, Obama tried to cover that up, but it got out. You don't think tampering with the IRS to slow down applications for conservative PACs during an election was not a serious issue? You don't think that rape was a serious issue? You don't think that perjury was a serious issue? What I am referring to here is Obama's Fast and Furious program. I am also referring to Obama when I mention the IRS thing. This was CLEAR election tampering. So was lying to the American people as to the source of the attacks in Benghazi since it would have made Obama look bad for reelection. On the other issues I am referring to Bill Clinton. The point is that serious issues of the past HAVE to be considered when we talk about serious issues of the present, and what the motivations are to prosecute Donald Trump when you could have prosecuted lots of people for lots of more serious things before him. The point is there were motivations behind these pursuits that went BEYOND the criminality of them, and it is clear that the accusations, charges, indictments, whatever were all POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. BECAUSE they were politically motivated... The next question is WHY? Doesn't matter if you think these are crimes or whether or not you think they are serious ones. It matters why Trump is the only one ever held to answer for them? And why you can sit there and say what happened to Trump is right and ignore everyone else matters too, because it gets to the heart of YOUR motivations and concerns. In other words, you couldn't care less about the law. You just want to see Trump go down no matter what. INCLUDUING considering Hur's conclusion that what Biden did with his classified document situation was very illegal and a definite felony, and yet he also concluded the only reason he would not prosecute was because he felt Biden could not be afforded a fair trial. But in your mind it's a so what situation because Biden isn't Trump and in your mind the law only applies if it hurts Trump. It was a witch hunt with a purpose. And the purpose was NEVER to hold someone accountable for criminal activity. It was to politically assassinate someone and tarnish their reputation, and possibly remove him from the ballot to pave the way for a failed administration to win an election. If that's not THE CRIME of the century...I don't know what else might be other than actually sending an assasin through the direction of the FBI or the CIA to kill Trump. If it were ever proved that Biden actually had his justice department directed through the White House to do this to Trump, it would make Watergate look like a big fat nothing story, and Biden would be guilty of TREASON. And in this country, that is still the BIGGEST and WORST crime you can commit.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
13 Jul
That's what they are good at, they call trump this that & everything under the sun BUT yet if people was SMART they'd know what they are saying is the VERY same thing THEY are doing, & your right, it's all a distraction from what they are really doing.
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
14 Jul
what are "they" really doing?
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
17 Jul
@NJChicaa Not leading the country forward. Their ineptitude in office and lack of world leadership has opened doors for Putin to invade Ukraine and for Hamas to go after Israel. On top of that, the Taliban are back in charge. North Korea is back to testing nuclear weapons. Iran is emboldened again. China has ramped up their efforts against Taiwan. We have decades high inflation. Stores are being looted. Crime is on the rise. The border is out of control. They are beginning to take measures to alter the Supreme Court. They want to abolish the 2nd Amendment. They violated the 4th with the vaccine mandates. They were complicit in violating the 1st through shadow bans and silencing conservatives on social media which evidence shows pushes came directly from the White House. They have corrupted our military and other agencies and services with DEI initiatives. They have made every faction of society an enemy of each other, inciting hate and violence. They have lied about Joe Biden's health and who is actually running the country. They have covered up potential crimes by suppressing evidence in Hunter Biden's laptop. There's a lot "they" are doing, and none of it is good. None of it is in American's best interests. All of it is to maintain power and control and turn democracy on its head and fundamentally change what the founders established. The fact that you see none of this is very telling of your inability to see anything clearly.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
17 Jul
That's what they are good at, they call trump this that & everything under the sun BUT yet if people was SMART they'd know what they are saying is the VERY same thing THEY are doing, & your right, it's all a distraction from what they are really doing. More and more this administration is looking like the Wizard of Oz. The curtain has been pulled and we see the big powerful green man is actually someone else just pulling levers and cords to hide the reality of what's really going on and who's in charge of it. The only difference is we can't be sure who the Wizard really is.
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@moffittjc (120850)
• Gainesville, Florida
12 Jul
If your words weren’t so true, it would almost sound like a conspiracy theory!
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
13 Jul
Hey? lol
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
12 Jul
Not crazy at all! That is exactly what was going on. Do anything and everything to stop Trump from running for President, destroy his reputation, destroy his business holdings, accuse him of treason, and put him on trial to keep off the campaign trail. With so much Trump mania going on 24/7 who's going to notice someone who appears unfit and incapable of being President. Hopefully, some will get the point you are trying to make, but others will ignore your post or be so filled with Trump hatred they will just spout off the medias talking points without any analysis whatsoever. **They will call him a felon, although this decision was made in a rigged heavily democrat NYC district, with a corrupt judge, who would not allow the defense to call their expert witness. And whose bias was evident as a donator to the Biden Campaign. **They will bring up the Georgia Election interference phone call where he inquired about how the vote count was going. Unless Trump is confiscating the ballots and changing the votes himself to Republican, then how is that election interference? Of course, many key swing states did exactly that in 2020, according to precinct watchers who were kept away from observing the vote count. **They will bring up the classified documents issue and ignore the fact that Biden as VP and even Senator had taken documents himself. And when Congress wanted a recording of the special counsellor's taped conversation regarding the documents and Biden's part in it, they were denied by the corrupt Attorney General Merritt Garland. **And of course, the "threat to democracy" chant. If free speech to oppose government decisions were ever in question they have been since Biden took office. People imprisoned over a year without due process for January 6th protest. A DOJ weaponized to go after anyone associated with Trump and put them on trial. We saw this with Michael Flynn when he was entrapped before Trump's presidency even really started. --How one could support the Democrats after all the lying, lawfare, cheating, and cover-ups is beyond me, unless you either hate Trump's personality so much you are blinded by the truth, or you are totally duped into believing whatever lies the media prints without actual research. --With these types of people, you will never get through to them or have them acknowledge the points you are making. Similar to Russia or China, in the Bidens and the Democrats America there is only one view. And that is the only viewpoint these people read or hear. *And if anyone dissents you will be silenced in one way or another. Just ask Donald J. Trump and anyone associated with his administration. Fortunately, some Americans are starting to speak out. But will it be enough? -- Concerned citizens must take heed, the Democrats will do anything to remain in power. Their only concern for this country is to steal another election and win, and if that means eliminating Joe Biden now that he has served "their" purpose... they will
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• United States
12 Jul
As I've said before, I'm about as political as a jelly fish. What I am wondering is how come the American public isn't doing the wise thing and looking at both sides of a situation????? How come they aren't looking at both candidate and measuring the equation out????? I will admit I'm not without sin, and I commit more sins as I live. I work hard to pay for my sins and make things right. Yet we have people happy to judge both candidates. Instead of saying "Yes I did it, and I'm sorry" he wants the evidence sealed and the judgement with it. We have another with increasing dementia...and increasingly calls people by the wrong name, gets lost on stage and wherever and more. His son was tried on weapons charges...and I don't need to inform you of the verdict. I'll not bore you with the sins of previous presidents, they were humans and made their mistakes and paid for them. We could start with "The Father of Our Country" through to now. They all have committed their sins. Judging them on our part is also committing a sin. We need to look at what they can accomplish for our country and the Americans. Look at the masses of homeless and people out of work, look at the inflation, look beyond the end of your flipping nose. The older Americans are having a horrible time making their money last through the month. Shoot, look at where the price of gas went...look at the price of simple groceries. Find someone that can handle the problems and NOT look at it as a way to help themselves. Look at the Presidential election as an algebraic equation, NOT A FLIPPIN' POPULARITY CONTEST and see what you come up with. Figure in the illegalities that were performed by both sides too.
@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
14 Jul
you do realize that the president and US government has on control over gas prices, right?
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
17 Jul
@porwest the Keystone Pipeline was never going to affect US oil or gas prices.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
17 Jul
you do realize that the president and US government has on control over gas prices, right? @NJChicaa We have already had this conversation. And many times. Presidents do not DIRECTLY control gas prices. But the policies they establish CAN and DO directly affect gas prices. When you shut down pipelines and drilling and exploration efforts, gas becomes less plentiful and you become more reliant on other producers, thus, prices rise due to lack of supply as well as the power of OTHERS to dictate the flow AND the price. This is not rocket science, you know. When Obama was president we had $4 a gallon gas. He denied the Keystone Pipeline and curtailed drilling. Trump did the opposite and gas went down to $2. Biden took Obama's course, reversed Trump's policies and we went back to $4. So. You tell me. What's the connection, you think?