Age and Life's Choices

@annierose (21589)
July 14, 2024 1:52am CST
Ever wondered how much age influences the choices we make and the experiences we gather along the way? Age can be a guiding force in life, shaping our decisions in profound ways. Whether it's the career path we choose, the relationships we nurture, or the adventures we embark on, our age often determines the lens through which we view the world. Older adults may prioritize stability and family, while younger individuals might crave adventure and exploration. Understanding these differences can help us appreciate the diversity of perspectives that age brings to our journey through life. What priorities guide your decisions at this point in your life?
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5 responses
@allknowing (132209)
• India
15 Jul
Health is of prime importance to me at this stage in my life
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
15 Jul
@allknowing That's a great priority to have! Taking care of our health is essential, especially as we age. Do you have any specific routines or practices that help you stay healthy?
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
15 Jul
@allknowing That's wonderful to hear! Pranayama is known for its many health benefits, especially in promoting relaxation and improving lung function. Staying active and mindful of your diet are excellent habits too. How do you manage to stay consistent with these practices in your daily routine?
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@allknowing (132209)
• India
15 Jul
@annierose I do pranayama - a breathing exercise. And I am paticular about what I eat. I do not stagnate in one place but keep moving specially when I am on my PC,.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Jul
The only thing influencing my decisions is my finances. I would love to travel. As much of a loner as I was when I was growing up, I still liked to do things and go places, preferably alone, sometimes with someone else. I had a wonderful vacation several years ago when I asked a friend if she would like to go with me to Washington Island. She said yes, and we became best friends during that trip. It was the best three days of my life. Literally. When I was married, we only did one spontaneous trip. Even when we lived on Guam for 16 months, we never explored the island like I wanted. Life is so much better now that I live alone.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
16 Jul
@just4him Valerie, it sounds like you've found a wonderful rhythm in life that suits you perfectly now. Your trip to Washington Island sounds like it was truly special, especially bonding with your friend and creating lasting memories. It's great to hear that you're prioritizing your love for travel and enjoying the freedom to explore on your own terms. Wishing you many more amazing adventures ahead!
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Jul
@annierose Thank you. I would love to travel, but alas, it's not possible.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
17 Jul
@just4him You're welcome, Valerie. I'm sorry to hear that travel isn't possible right now. I hope you can still find joy in exploring new experiences and creating special moments, even if they're closer to home. Wishing you all the best!
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@pumpkinjam (8671)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul
I haven't really wondered how much age is an influence. However, I was having a discussion with my husband and eldest son (age 24) about age and life experience. The discussion began about a 22-year-old becoming the youngest MP (member of parliament in the UK. The young MP was interviewed but had not been taken seriously. The interviewer seemed too focused on their age rather than their ability. The interviewer asked questions with the assumption that age equals experience. The discussion with my husband and son went off on various tangents, as our discussions are wont to do! One of the 'age equals life experience' things was about getting married and having children. By the time I was 22, I had a 3-year-old! One of the things that I pointed out was that, yes, this 22-year-old may be young but he must have been good at whatever he did/does/is doing to get to be the youngest person in his position. We also said that we could just as easily question why someone two or three times his age might still be in the same position and not moved up the ranks. One thing my son mentioned was that my husband had achieved all sorts by the time he was 25 (he was a father, he had reached the rank of captain in the army, earned a degree, travelled the world, and done lots of things). He'd had a lot of life experience (good and bad). I am in my 40s and still haven't done a lot! Then there are lots of people who haven't really had much 'life' at all - no real hardships, just trudging along with no ambition! To answer your question about the priorities guiding decisions, I don't feel that's ever been guided by age but more the particular period in life. As I said, I had my children young whereas I have friends my age just having children now. My own decisions have always been based on what is best for my children and for my family. I'm not saying I always made the best decisions but family was my priority. Now, my children are all adults so it's different. My sons still live at home so they are, of course, a factor in decisions I make. But my priorities are different now. My husband, my career, and my personal goals are now my focus.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
15 Jul
@pumpkinjam What an insightful discussion! It’s true that life experiences can come at any age and in many forms. It sounds like you’ve balanced a lot of responsibilities and experiences beautifully. How do you see your personal goals shaping up now that your priorities have shifted?
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• United Kingdom
15 Jul
@annierose It's only been the past couple of years that I've really started thinking and focusing more on personal goals. It took a while to decide what I wanted and then I often change my mind I'm doing fun things like little trips and time with friends. I've been talking about career progression but I need to be at my job for one more year before I can do the appropriate training. I already know I'll have the support for it, which is half of the battle!
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
16 Jul
@pumpkinjam It's great that you're now focusing more on your personal goals. Having fun with trips and friends sounds awesome! Planning for career growth is exciting, especially with the support you have. You're on a great path of discovering what you want and moving forward. Best wishes as you continue exploring this new phase of your life!
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
14 Jul
I always prioritized stability, even when I was young, so I continue as I always did.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
15 Jul
@LadyDuck Staying focused on stability can give you a strong base throughout life. It's nice to see how some values stick with us no matter our age. What's been the best part of keeping that stability for you?
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
16 Jul
@LadyDuck I'm really sorry to hear that. It must be very hard for you. How do you find moments of peace or support during these tough times?
@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
16 Jul
@annierose - My life is very hard right now and I feel that keeping my stability is becoming difficult. My husband mental problems are getting worse.
@cabuyogty (2721)
• Philippines
14 Jul
I want to prioritize stability because it will help me a lot for life.
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
15 Jul
@cabuyogty Focusing on stability is definitely important, especially for long-term well-being. Are there any particular steps you're taking right now to build that stability in your life?
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@annierose (21589)
• Philippines
16 Jul
@cabuyogty That's a smart approach! Saving money and exploring new income opportunities are great steps toward building stability and preparing for emergencies. It sounds like you're on a solid path to achieving your financial goals. Keep up the good work!
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@cabuyogty (2721)
• Philippines
15 Jul
@annierose i want to save my money and find another income opportunities to save my hard earned money so that i have money for emergency use.
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