A Day of Reckoning

@porwest (87794)
United States
July 14, 2024 9:39am CST
With blood on his ear and cheeks, Donald Trump said to his Secret Service detail before rushing him off the stage, "Wait." His resolve was unwavered. His will was undeterred. "Fight. Fight. Fight," he shouted with his fist held in the air, and a moment in time was captured that will remain forever in history. This is an image of leadership at its core, and serves as one more reminder to the American people to beg to ask, "Why would a man put his entire life on the line for the good of his country?" As Trump said in the presidential debate, "I would be very happy to be someplace else." If he had decided not to run, he would not have been plagued with political persecution, indictments, trials and everything else he has endured. And now, an assassination attempt. But he felt he had no choice when he saw the state of the country under Biden but to get into the race. The fact is that no matter on which side of the political aisle you stand, events such as this one rock the core of America. One millimeter more in one direction and the news we would be seeing wall to wall today would be about the assassination of a former president. No one ever truly wishes for that. Things like this transcend politics, and while we can disagree with one another on a variety of topics, ending the life someone with whom we disagree with is never an acceptable outcome. It's also a bit of a wakeup call as to just how divided as a country we have become, and how politically charged the world we live in is. Our country needs unity and at least some sense of oneness. There is no room for the level of hatred that has charged this political landscape the way it has since Trump became president. It may not be a call for some people to step into Donald Trump's corner. But it is a call for Americans to step back from all that has happened and reassess where we really are as a nation. Has our political rhetoric become too severe? We have to ask ourselves, is this the country we want not only for us, but for our children and grandchildren? A country literally at war with itself? A place where a simple discussion leads us to such intense emotional response that we cannot rationalize or digest the discourse with reasoned perspective? Our country can only succeed if somewhere in the middle of what we disagree about, we can still find enough common ground to offer a sense of balance. I am glad that Trump is okay, and relieved the nation was not confronted with a tragedy like the one we had to endure when Robert F. Kennedy was struck down, and the American people were forced to decide the fate of the country differently. If there is a positive outcome other than the one that happened, I hope that it is a reckoning of the American people that we cannot allow our differences to become acts of violence of the worst kind.
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4 responses
@moffittjc (121382)
• Gainesville, Florida
15 Jul
It did give me a reason to pause over the weekend, reflect on what we have become as a nation, and discuss with my family, friends and coworkers how we can best emerge from this terrible situation and move forward together. Everyone agreed that political rhetoric has gotten out of hand. Are we all going to wake up Monday morning, hold hands and sing patriotic songs together? No, definitely not, but at least some good conversations have been started. Look, neither party is perfect or has all the answers, I think both sides have good ideas that we can all work together to achieve. We need to stop looking at those who disagree with our political viewpoints are literal enemies.
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
15 Jul
When it comes to politics many can't agree to disagree. They always have to start something. One side says they are right. The other side says they are right. So who is actually right? Also, I've been wondering, why the need for two political parties? As long as two parties exist there will never be peace and hate will prevail.
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@moffittjc (121382)
• Gainesville, Florida
17 Jul
@lovebuglena I think that is part of the problem with our society overall, is the fact that we can no longer agree to disagree. I have my opinions about what I think is right, but that doesn’t necessarily make it fact. And other people have their opinions too. I at least have the decency to debate someone back and forth about what is best, and I don’t hate someone just st because their viewpoints don’t line up with mine.
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
19 Jul
@moffittjc that’s the way to do it.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Jul
Some people these days has gone off the deep end & could careless about how this world is going & frankly just don't give a damn any more & that's sad. Some are wishing the guy had of got the shot in which is VERY sickning if you ask me & some say those that suport trump are rappist which is just as demented as they are in how they think. So yeah this world has & IS going to hell in more ways than it should be & it's a sad thing to see & live in at the same time, I hate to see the next 10 yrs from now IF I'm alive that long like it is now.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
16 Jul
@lovebuglena if it HAD of been Biden they would have blamed trump just like they have been doing since they have been in office.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Jul
I agree with you. This country needs to come together.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 Jul
@porwest Yes, it is.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
22 Jul
Very badly. At the end of the day, it is not about agreeing 100%. It is about finding common ground and working off of that.
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@josie_ (10036)
• Philippines
17 Jul
One you tube commentator called Trump "badass" for his defiant raise fist as the crowd roared it's approval. But "fight, fight, fight" was not Trump's first utterance after he was shot and duck for cover. He said to the secret service men covering him and attempting to get him off stage, "Let me get my shoes". With adrenalin pumping through him, the master showman's instinct was to provide what the audience wanted. That fist thumping the air was pure bravado. The call to violence comes from the rightwing of the political fence. While the left is trying to get weapons off the streets, the right offers thoughts and prayers. They should say one for the parents of Thomas Matthew Crooks. Trump so far has not offer any condolence to the family of Corey Comperatore.
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