Trump Assassination Attempt Response: It Had to Come to This

@dgobucks226 (34957)
July 14, 2024 12:38pm CST
The Democrats and their operatives tried to impeach him, bankrupt him, even have him silenced with a gag order, but they could not stop him from running for President. So, they put him on trial with the hope of imprisoning him, but that didn't work as more Americans saw the injustice of what the left was doing, and Trump gained more support. Now what can they do to stop Trump? ASSASSINATION ***What was left for the Democratic Party and their leftist, socialist, following to do that would definitely take him out of the presidential election? ASSASSINATE HIM!!! -Why did I think this would be the next obvious step. Here are some reasons: 1. Democratic leaders (including Biden), media and news network coverage proclaiming Trump as a "threat to democracy." 2. Hollywood Celebrities taking to social media using "hate speech" and violence against him. *I remember the Kathy Griffin photo with her holding President Trump's severed head. *Johnny Depp asking, "when was the last time an actor assassinated a president?" 3. The incessant labeling of Trump by the left comparing him to "Hitler," being a dictator, a racist, and insurrectionist. Endorsed by many in the Democratic Party. 4. Comments by Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi saying we must stop the MAGA REPUBLICANS AT ALL COSTS. ***My conclusion is this "escalated rhetoric against President Trump" supported by the mainstream news, the Democrats, the FBI, and social media during his term and currently, served to "egg on" mentally unstable people to eventually commit such a heinous act. DEMOCRATIC COOPERATION AND CONSPIRACY THEORIES ***This is conjecture on my part, but there are some plausible actions (in my view) that the Democrats wanted this assassination to happen... -Consider the following: 1. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, an arm of the Biden Administration, the one responsible for the current border crisis refused the Trump teams request for additional security. 2. The slow response by police and secret service to numerous spectators cries of "there is a man on the roof with a gun." 3. The inadequate preparation by the secret service to station agents to watch those rooftops overlooking the stage. There were only a few buildings in that particular area where Trump was speaking. Why not surveil them? SOCIAL MEDIA LUNACY ON X (TWITTER) THE SHOOTING WAS STAGED ***Did you know that over 170,000 responses came in on Twitter after this shooting saying that it was staged. Well, tell that to the 1 dead rally goer and the 2 critically injured, as well as Trump who escaped being shot in the head by a fraction of an inch. INSANE AND UNBELIEVABLE!!! -Makes one wonder how many people secretly or vocally wished him dead on social media sites (even this one.) One social media post had 6,000 likes on this post: "How Do You Miss!" CNN AND MSNBC INITIALLY PLAYING DOWN AND MISLEADING VIEWERS ***Another example of the media trying to manipulate the narrative to have the wrong idea or impression of what happen at the Trump rally... Consider the initial comments made by these networks after the assassination attempt: 1. CNN reported what happened as an incident trying to minimize what actually happened. CCN News Headline: Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after "HE FALLS AT RALLY." 2. USA Today claimed it was just loud noises. Some reporters at the scene speculated it was just fireworks going off. 3. MSNBC headline- Trump "apparently injured" at PA rally. HE WAS SHOT!!! Did they not see the blood on his head and face? 4. NBC- Trump rushed off stage by secret service after hearing popping noises. 5. Biden's Secret Service Director even issued a statement afterwards that "there was an incident" at the Trump rally. Really? How can anyone believe what the mainstream media reports? Don't report the facts until you can confirm and clarify them. FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY IS AT STAKE *Look at what the Democrats and the liberals have become. They have put a repulsive stain on this country from their policies and ideals. Is this the party "YOU" want to continue to support? -Here are some final thoughts which comes to mind: 1. Should Robert Kennedy Jr. (RFK) be worried a Democratic supporter will attempt to assassinate him for opposing Biden and running a Third-Party campaign? After all, Biden refused to grant RFK secret service protection. 2. The left taking to social media (X) after the assassination attempt to minimize the incident by claiming it was someone using a BB gun. The lengths they sink to are disgusting. 3. 1,000 Democratic Donors stated they wanted this attempt to happen. Shocking! *** In closing, of course the left and Democrats will say all the right things claiming they are appalled by this assassination attempt. Suddenly Biden will show concern for "DONALD" and condemn the violence. -But it raises the question, how many in Biden's Administration would have been glad if Trump were eliminated. -What has Joe Biden done to unify the country during his presidential term? - Has he increased the division by putting the USA on the wrong path backed by the Obama holdovers who are part of his administration. -Who really is calling the shots, and do we want them to continue for another 4 years? Finally, this is an election for America's future. Hope one takes this into account when casting their vote!
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8 responses
• Philippines
14 Jul
But why does it have to be a bullied victim? and the secret service didn't cover the roof for security?
3 people like this
@dgobucks226 (34957)
15 Jul
Good Questions and thanks for commenting. Yes, someone has lots of explaining to do.
1 person likes this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
14 Jul
I totally agree with what you have said, & your right to speak the truth I just hope this goes Viral across the web on every site there is to wake people up, & SEE just what is really true & what's being done in the W H.
2 people like this
@dgobucks226 (34957)
15 Jul
Thank you for the kind words. I do hope and pray people are finally coming to their senses and realizing enough is enough with the hostile political hatred and rhetoric from the media and Democrats. We need a return to common sense...
2 people like this
• Cloverdale, Indiana
15 Jul
@dgobucks226 You are SO RIGHT, people need to have common sense & wake the ? UP & stop all the hatred across the globe, god MADE humans to help & love & teach each other in need.
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
19 Jul
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@RebeccasFarm (88350)
• Arvada, Colorado
20 Jul
Hate is such an overtaking emotion.
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Jul
As much as I have always wanted this guy to just go away I still say no one deserves to be shot, I just hope that once something like this has come about it will not be repeated,
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
15 Jul
Despite Trumps character flaws and every leader has them, the man loves our country and sees its decline and believes he can help fix it. And as far as I can tell, no one's rights got taken away from them while he was president. Actually, until Covid we had peace and prosperity. Do I like Trump's style, and some of the comments he makes. No, but I look past those character flaws and stupid tweets and see the results he achieved for the citizens of this country. The press and Democratic Party have ridiculed Trump from the time he came into office. They never gave him a chance. Some of their criticism was deserved, but much of it was a witch hunt and personal attacks. So much so, that the result became an assassination attempt... Thanks for commenting.
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@1creekgirl (41067)
• United States
15 Jul
Very well said, DB. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but too many facts for a long time showing how much some people hate President Trump.
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
15 Jul
Thanks for commenting, Vicki. Not the first-time political rhetoric has led to violence, but the viciousness of the press and Democratic Party against Trump achieved hatred levels beyond comprehension. Maybe they will be less inciteful and choose their words more carefully from now on, but I would not bet on it.
2 people like this
14 Jul
Fear not. Continue what you, patriotism, and the fear of God do its course. Fight!
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
15 Jul
Praise God's will that the bullet did not kill the former president! Thanks for reading and commenting!
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
27 Jul
People are not happy unless they can hate someone.
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
28 Jul
Yes, hate is a strong emotion sometimes fueled by misinformation from other people or media.
@sallypup (59745)
• Centralia, Washington
14 Jul
Nothing like playing the blame game. Got to love it. One and all, lets sit down and read the history books.
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
15 Jul
Yes, and plenty of blame to go around too for this happening as I mentioned in this opinion piece. Sad, you cannot see what is happening to our country. Maybe you should read this again with an open mind.
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