Restoration is All About Adjusting & Removing

July 15, 2024 11:15am CST
As I was reading God's scripture about Him restoring Job at that time... it came to mind, that when we are restoring something we are adjusting, not to give pressure again to the restored things or relationship. For example, if we just restored our broken bag, we know that we have to adjust the weight of things we store to that bag, aligning with its design and storage capability. Same thing when we are restoring our relationship with other people, we adjust and avoid doing things that they hate or reasons that made them upset, same thing with them, they are careful not to do things in front of us that we hate. Its the same with our relationship with Jesus Christ! We should remove habits and things that made Him go down from heaven to die on that cross for our sins and live again on the third day to save us. As we restore relationship we adjust and removed things that can hinder a healthy restoration of our relationship with God. Just sharing. God bless everyone.
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2 responses
@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Jul
I agree. We need to realign our habits, so they align with Jesus Christ.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
16 Jul
Thank you Valerie for the comment and giving time to read my article. aligning it to God is impossible without His help, and I am still learning and trying to apply it. Have a great day.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Jul
@luisadannointed So am I still learning and applying what I learn. Have a blessed day. Thank you.
@dya80dya (36155)
15 Jul
Getting rid of our bad habits isn't easy.
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• Philippines
16 Jul
yes true, but we can if we ask the help of the Holy Spirit. Changing is not overnight, if we do change it is on progress. Thank you for reading and commenting.