It's Hard Monday, Ya Beatniks! (MyLot Exclusive #1646)

@xander6464 (42308)
Wapello, Iowa
July 15, 2024 1:03pm CST
Many people are saying that the "assassination" attempt on the Orange Pedophile Rapist was as fake and staged as everything else in his life and supporting evidence is mounting. The latest piece comes from his fake and very staged judge in Florida: Judge Cannon DISMISSES Trump Document Case ((Video Linked Below)). The basis of the "assassination" attempt was fake" theory hinges on the very high number of unlikely coincidences. Every sane person in the world wants Trump to die as soon as possible ((Preferably in prison)) and no one did anything about it until right before the RNC Convention? When he Simultaneously, also desperately needed a diversion from the Epstein Files and Project 2025. Also, witnesses saw the shooter and alerted the police and they did nothing. That screams INSIDE JOB. Counterindications include the rapist's cowardice. Even Trump is smart enough to know that there is no safe way to fire an AR-15 at someone and would have been unlikely to approve a plan where he was supposed to get grazed but if even the tiniest thing went wrong, he would be actually unalived. Ah, but what if Trump didn't approve it? He's an idiot who never knows what's going on ((That's why he can't run a successful business)), so doing this behind his back would have been a piece of cake. His handlers could have easily set this whole thing up without him knowing. It is also much safer that way. Trump is a yuge moron with an even yuger mouth. You don't want someone like that to know anything when you're doing something this illegal and then will need to cover it up. So, is Trump a real Crisis Actor? I'm leaning toward "Probably." And were his recent speeches about him being covered in scars and wounds a foreshadowing of this fake "assassination" attempt? "But, Sir," You're saying, "How could he foreshadow something he didn't know about?" He didn't have to know it was foreshadowing. His staff is always feeding him stupid things to say during speeches. That's how we got the "Don't fight uphill, me boys," quote and the remarks about airfields during the Revolutionary War. And many others. He's a total submissive idiot and will say or do anything he is told to do or say. I think this is just another reason he should be put in prison, ASAP. ************** Judge Cannon DISMISSES Trump Document Case
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3 responses
@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Jul
If nothing else being in prison would keep him safe,
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
16 Jul
He would get the wall he's always wanted.
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@FourWalls (65394)
• United States
15 Jul
I’m on the fence about whether it was rigged or not. For the people who are claiming that he’d stand up and pump his fist and incite the crowd proving it was fake, I do point to the fact that, in 1912, Teddy Roosevelt, while campaigning, was shot in the chest, at which point he promptly told the audience not to lynch the person who’d shot him, assured them that “it takes more than that to kill a bull moose,” and continued to deliver his speech. Nobody disputes this because we didn’t have video of it (or the concept of “crisis actors”). Now, to the point of the aforementioned “crisis actors,” I also find it funny that the far-right wingers who’ve ASSURED us that EVERY mass shooting has been staged with “crisis actors” (ask Alex Jones how well that conspiracy theory pays ) are the ones pitching a hissy fit over anyone daring to speculate that this might have been staged. There are two horrible things about this. First, and foremost, the idea that any politician, no matter how despised, would have an attempt on his or her life. (Not surprising, considering how loathed Mr. “Segregation Today, Segregation Tomorrow, Segregation Forever” was that someone put him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life with a bullet, but still, horrible.) Two, and more troubling to me as a believer in God, is how this has only increased the “messianic” talk about Orangeface. I’d remind everyone that Dolfy Mustache always attributed his survival of at least two dozen assassination attempts to “providence” (and not the one in Rhode Island, as the Eagles sang), so not to put any stock in that. Sorry, I’m serious again. I have to buy the donuts tomorrow for the meeting, I guess. Chocolate-covered again?
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• United States
15 Jul
If you get chocolate donuts for tomorrow, eat one for me. As I've maintained the whole thing has holes in it. I would really like to have the holes filled before I pass judgement on the whole event. I had several of the holes filled by watching the news feed. One thing that was said was that the Secret Service was doing their duty closer to the Former President and one of the local police had tried to talk the assassinator off the roof of the building. He couldn't do it and left to find a Secret Service person. The police officer just couldn't up and shoot the assassin as he didn't violate a local law. By the time the Police Officer could get the Secret Service operative the shots had been fired. Also, watching the videos last night, I spotted a double fence. One was black and the other was closer to the metal buildings. I assume that the black one was a security fence. Then there was a reference to mental illness on the part of the shooter. That's still under investigation. There are still a lot of holes that need to be filled in! I hope that the media will be honest and fill in my "HOLES".
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
15 Jul
@FourWalls Now, to the point of the aforementioned “crisis actors,” I also find it funny that the far-right wingers who’ve ASSURED us that EVERY mass shooting has been staged with “crisis actors” (ask Alex Jones how well that conspiracy theory pays ) are the ones pitching a hissy fit over anyone daring to speculate that this might have been staged. ----Having seen you put it like that, I think this is the strongest "It was fake" argument.
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
15 Jul
@BearArtistLady i want all the holes to be filled, too.
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@anya12adwi (6372)
• India
15 Jul
This incident will make him win, I guess..
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
15 Jul
"Might" is the operative word in that sentence. Followed closely by "guess."
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• India
17 Jul
@xander6464 But all the people and media are betting on him to win! Don't you think so?