My long national nightmare is over

@NJChicaa (118480)
United States
July 19, 2024 12:52pm CST
Well not really but at least the court part is. After over 3 years the court case from a DUI case has been resolved. The prosecutor dropped the DUI charge because he didn't have blood or urine samples to corroborate the fact that the drug recognition expert believed that I was under the influence of some type of drug. (I wasn't) He wanted me to plead guilty to reckless driving and have my driver's license suspended for 3 months. I was fine with the guilty part (not happy but glad it wasn't DUI) but I wasn't agreeable to losing my license. I live alone and I need to be able to get to work. My lawyer went back to the prosecutor and explained the situation. The prosecutor agreed to reckless driving and an interlock device which is the thing in your car you have to blow into in order for the engine to start. I agreed to that although I find it absurd since my breathalyzer was 0.0% when I was arrested. I was not intoxicated. But whatever. So I have to get one of those things installed within the next week and then go to MVC in order to have my license updated. This will all cost money that I really am not in a position to spend at the moment but it isn't optional. I'm happy that the judge didn't suspend my license in the meantime until it is installed. Of course I had to pay a $240 fine to the court and my car insurance will go up thanks to 5 points. Still I am at peace with this outcome because it could have been way worse. Keeping my license was the most important thing. One thing I realized as things were wrapping up was who the police officer in the court room was. THE ONE WHO WORKS AT MY SCHOOL DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR. The school resource officer. He knows very well who I am. I wanted to melt into the floor. He did not look in my direction or at least he didn't after I noticed who he was. My only consolation is that I think he already knew about the arrest because I think he is the one who reported to the superintendent that I had been arrested. So that is what all went down at court today. I am glad to have that over with. Now I just have to set up getting the interlock thing. That's what I will be working on this afternoon. The pool will have to wait.
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9 responses
@kobesbuddy (78889)
• East Tawas, Michigan
19 Jul
And this has been a long battle, for you to go through. No, you hadn't been drinking that was a ridiculous charge. You had just left the hospital and were still in the parking lot! It's about time this charge is done, over with.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
19 Jul
It is terrible to have to be charged with a crime you did not commit and suffer consequences even when you are not guilty. But I guess so long as the outcome was what you wanted, ultimately, that's what matters. By the way, wink wink on the first part of my comment.
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
19 Jul
no comment on that first part
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
19 Jul
@NJChicaa I know, because it's so damn true, right? Funny how that works, hey? But like they say, if the shoe fits... lol I mean hey, someone said you drank too much. So what if there's no real evidence to support it. Someone said you did it and a judge agreed one way or the other so, you MUST have done it. It's still on the books, though. I'm going to just say you are as guilty as guilty comes cause someone said so. And well, THEY are the authority that matters, so...
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
21 Jul
@NJChicaa No one lives in fantasy land more than you do. Some days I scratch my head wondering how that happens to a person that they become so far outside the realm of reality that there is no going back? It's an amazing departure, let me say. As for your case. I am sure you were innocent. However, sometimes the law doesn't work, and that's why you have to sometimes be critical of certain decisions and verdicts. Like the O.J. Simpson murder trial. The law can be tricky sometimes. But it is dangerous when it is applied deliberately and for reasons that are not lawful, but are seeking predetermined outcomes. When you are relying on the fox to tell you how the chickens are doing, this is a recipe for some very bad things to happen. Critical thinking is important in situations like that, and being able to accept truths even when they do not agree with our desires is even more important, because tables often turn, and one day we may find ourselves on the receiving end of hatred and wrongful accusation.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
24 Jul
This is so wrong in so many ways. How long must you keep the interlock. I think this case has gone on so long they should say you have paid your "debt to society".
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
24 Jul
3 months
@vandana7 (99882)
• India
20 Jul
So who was responsible for the accident? If you are not charged with DUI, then the other party's insurance should be paying up, right? 3 years seems pretty long. That is how it is at this end. At your end, I expected things to be faster.
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@vandana7 (99882)
• India
20 Jul
@NJChicaa sad....strange that the judge took so long to understand that.
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
20 Jul
I hit the concrete wall of the parking garage. It was just me. I had just been released from the hospital.
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@sallypup (59745)
• Centralia, Washington
19 Jul
That nasty court appearance is done with. I'm glad you continue to have your driver's license.
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
19 Jul
me too!
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 Jul
I suppose it was as good an outcome as you could have expected but it would still rankle. And at least it is all over with now. Well, mostly.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
19 Jul
If you’re “at peace” (you know what I mean) with the outcome, then I’m happy for you.
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@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Jul
George had one of those things for a year. The worst part is, it makes you re-test after so much time behind the wheel. So watch out for that. But, I'm glad that they gave you a lesser charge and what not. Should've dropped the case, but.... whatever. You'll have the summer to get used to it (or what's left of it) at least. You have the ability to drive so that's the main thing.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
20 Jul
I'm glad this whole thing is over and done with. I'm glad you didn't lose your license. Is the interlock device going to be a permanent thing?
@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
20 Jul
3 months
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
20 Jul
@NJChicaa OK. Good. You can handle that!