Last night's dream. (19-20/7/2024)

@sharonelton (27384)
Lichfield, England
July 20, 2024 2:22am CST
Yesterday our next door neighbours moved house. We know they're only moving to the next street, but we were going to ask them for their new address. We never got chance to. So that obviously inspired part of this dream. So, in the dream we again meant to ask the neighbours for their new address, but didn't get chance to. We saw that Julie'd parked her car further up the street to give room for the removals van (as she did in real life), and when I saw Julie go up to fetch it to take it up to the new house, I chased after her to ask her for her new address. She was talking to some other people when I asked her for her new address. She asked me what I want her new address for, and I said to send cards for your birthdays and your sons birthdays, to either post them or put them through your letter box. But she refused to give it to me. I only need the number, I said. Then my Mum came up and asked the same thing. But she refused to give it to her too. Then she walked off with Mum following her trying to persuade her to give us her new address. Then I saw her going off in the other direction, leaving the car where it was. Later we got two lads to go and look for the new house. We gave them a description of the car, yellow with one red door because the original door was pranged in an accident. Tell us the number of the house where this car is parked, we asked them. Off they went up the street. So they walked up and down the next street, but couldn't find the described car on any of the driveways. Then they started knocking on doors to see if anyone knew where Joan and Julie now live. But after a while they got bored. One of them went back to my Mum to tell her we couldn't find it, but the other one decided to play some pranks. He accessed a fellas house and stood in the doorway watching him. When the fella turned and saw him he asked, What are you doing in my house? Just playing a prank he said, and ran off. The next house he did it to had a couple canoodling! They chased him out! He went off and found a nightclub building. He decided to play some pranks there. He went in and pretended to be clumsy tripping and falling over things. People laughed at him and he went into the next part. It was like a bar with a dance floor. At the side was a curtained off area. He moved the curtain back to reveal another, larger dance floor, with better lighting. There was a stage at one end. The lights went down a bit and then onto the stage came some young ballet dancers who started dancing to some music. The lad kept to the side and moved the curtain back. Then the ballet dancers came off the stage onto the dance floor and continued dancing. They didn't seem to notice him at the side. He started joining in with the dancing. Or trying to! When the music and dancing stopped, their dance teacher said, That was very good girls....but I don't know who this is, she turned to the lad, and I don't know how he got into our private dance studio. The lad said, It was just a prank...... But the dance teacher said GET OUT! So the lad ran out as quickly as he could! The next day the new neighbours had moved in. When I went outside I saw that they'd painted the house white! (It was ordinary brick and brown window sills before!) I went in to my Mum and said, the new neighbours have painted the house white! A little later the new neighbour came round with a hamper and a bottle of wine to introduce himself. He was a young guy with curly hair. For some reason he came to the back door (actually at the side) rather than the front door! And that's where the dream ends. Have you had any interesting dreams lately that you can remember! I hope you are all well. Have a nice day.
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4 responses
@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Jul
That was really a strange dream.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
20 Jul
Yes, it was, wasn't it?
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@arunima25 (87128)
• Bangalore, India
20 Jul
That's strange and interesting. Your neighbour moving a few blocks away was running in your mind. And in your deep sleep, it inspired a very interesting story as a dream. It's wonderful that you can actually remember your dreams so well. I do dream a lot of strange things, but I don't remember anything clearly once I wake up. I would just remember some bits and pieces.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
21 Jul
It was a strange and interesting dream! I know round about where they live. I saw their car coming back when I was walking home from church and I made a point of looking down the street to see where it stopped. It stopped infront of a house but not on the drive, so I know whereabouts they live now but not the exact house. I'm glad I can remember my dreams. I'm sorry you can't remember your dreams clearly, but I'm glad you can remember bits and pieces. Sometimes I only remember bits and pieces of a dream.
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@arunima25 (87128)
• Bangalore, India
23 Jul
@sharonelton There are nights that I would dream a few dreams, but all jumbled and scattered. I would not remember any when I get up. And at times something happening in my life would seem like a Deja vu moment for me. And I have a strong feeling that it might have happened in my dream. Hope that you are able to stay connected with your neighbour.
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
23 Jul
@arunima25 That happens to me sometimes too. And I've had some Deja vu moments myself in the past, but not very recently. I've seen where my ex neighbours live because I've seen their car on a drive. It's a very distinctive car - bright yellow!
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@Fleura (29677)
• United Kingdom
20 Jul
That is quite bizarre! I hope you find your neighbour's new address!
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
20 Jul
It was rather, wasn't it? I hope so too.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
20 Jul
I made a point to remember the dream I had yesterday; but now I forgot! I did dream about a former coworker that I supervised. She is residing at the same facility as my husband is. Have a good weekend.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
22 Jul
@sharonelton What are Daleks?
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
22 Jul
@LindaOHio They are a monster from Doctor Who. This one was at the Lichfield Greenhill Bower this year!
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@sharonelton (27384)
• Lichfield, England
21 Jul
Oh, dear. I'm sorry about that. You should have wrote it down while you remembered it. Last night I dreamt about Daleks! Thank you very. You have a good weekend too.
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