So glad I have PayPal

@Ghostlady (1018)
United States
July 20, 2024 9:31am CST
I have been getting ads from companies that are selling shoes for diabetics. Being the "Smart" shopper I went to the websites to check them out. I kept putting off buying anything until my leg starting hurting, and caused my foor to swell till I had to wear house slippers to go to the store. Saw another one of their ads and decided to take the leap. Had the right Logo on it. I picked out 2 pair of shoes, and went through Paypal to purchase them. Paypal emailed me and gave me the information I would need. TODAY, I get a message from the seller. Says my order is at the distribution center, but can not be delivered because the address is wrong. I should click on a link to give them the right address. PayPal HAS my address and They are the ones who sent them the address. I did NOT click on the link. I called Paypal, and they are looking into it, and said I will be getting emails letting me know how the investigation is going. If they find out it is a scam, I should be getting credit back on my card in 30 days. Not holding my breath, but made me feel better for now. LOL SOOO Glad I used Paypal instead of just using my credit card. I broke my rule of Never Buying Anything on Facebook. Learned my lesson. Will from now on only buy through Amazon or Ebay. I don't think I will even trust some websites as this one looked like the site I had been to before, but after the checkout, it turned into a different name, but still similar to the REAL company.
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4 responses
@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
26 Jul
I am careful where I order. I hope you are able to get some suitable shoes somewhere.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
21 Jul
I bought some of those shoes from FB a while ago; and it was a scam. I ended up getting credit on my credit card from the bank. I won't order from Facebook again. Have a good day.
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@popciclecold (37904)
• United States
20 Jul
I've had similar experiences, only they would not ship to PO Boxes. PayPal would let me know. Glad you are looking into shoes. Good job.
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
20 Jul
I don't trust anything I see on FB
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