Don't Stop the Presses Just Yet on Biden's Dropping Out

@porwest (85053)
United States
July 21, 2024 3:34pm CST
Okay, so we kind of felt like this was probably coming, that Biden would drop out. But it was held up in the air for a long time considering Biden's defiance, even just Friday saying he was not dropping out, and reports that came out even today that he was angry with Obama for suggesting he should drop out. But there's a key thing to bear in mind. Does this change anything for the Democrat party? Here's the deal. I think it does not and here's why. And I have talked about this before. Biden's polling numbers were tanking and terrible long before the debate and this is a VERY important thing to consider. Even before the debate Trump was winning in key battleground states. Why was Trump winning, and why will he continue to have the upper hand? Because it's the REASON Biden's numbers were so bad that IS the real story here. The American people were not happy with the job that Biden was doing and felt that the country was headed in the wrong direction. Kamala Harris is nothing more than an extension of those same policies Americans do not believe are the right direction for the country with key issues like inflation and the border crisis weighing heavily on voter's minds. If Kamala becomes the nominee, which is the most likely scenario, she owns these policies as much as Biden does. Also, her popularity is considerably less than Biden's. So, what she brings to the table to fix the problem the Democrat's have is virtually nothing. Part of the problem on top of this is that the Democrats seem quite a bit out of touch with the sentiment of voters. It was never really a Joe Biden issue in so much as it was a Joe Biden POLICY issue. That does not change if you simply change the face and the name on the ticket. Ultimately, I do not believe this changes things much in the grander scheme of things. Besides, we are about 110 days from the election. This late in the game how does Kamala not only convince her party she is qualified to take the reins, how does she convince the American people that she will follow a course OTHER than the one Biden took, that no one liked? All I will say from here is that this is still a rather interesting thing to watch. But don't stop the presses. This DOES NOT end Trump's chances. It makes the job of Democrats MUCH MORE difficult, and I think, more than they know.
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8 responses
@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
21 Jul
I don't think this decision moves the needle for/against Trump or the Democrats.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
21 Jul
It may not move the needle, but that's the point. Biden's campaign was failing long before the debate and the reason it was failing had nothing to do with Trump. It had to do with Biden's policies. Put any name or face you want on the ballot. What's on the ballot was not Biden. It was his policies.
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@NJChicaa (118480)
• United States
21 Jul
@porwest I'm good with Biden's policies. Obviously Kamala would campaign on the same ones. That's why it makes no real difference IMO whether it is her or Biden.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
22 Jul
@NJChicaa But the American people disagree with you. DEMOCRATS disagree with you, These polls are not just Democrats saying, "We don't like the policies." It's the AMERICAN PEOPLE at large. Democrats. Republicans. Independents. NO ONE likes his policies. So, the question is, how do you get around that no matter who you put at the top of the ticket? We have wars. We have inflation. We have high gas and energy prices. We have poverty increasing. We have median income faltering. We have black/women and Hispanic unemployment levels rising. How can you say, with a straight face Biden's policies are good and working? How can you say I am wrong when Biden has had a 36% approval rating? One of the lowest in history? If Biden was doing the job would his numbers not be better? If people liked his policies would that not reflect in his polling? If people thought Biden was doing a good job would it be something not just that you say, but that reflects in the numbers? Face it. Biden failed. It is what it is. You CANNOT spin this. The numbers are what they are and the majority of Americans feel Biden has NOT done a good job and has NOT gotten the job done and has NOT made American's lives better. You CANNOT have a 36% approval rating, which includes Democrat input and say, "We are succeeding." It is time to wake up and smell the coffee. He tried. He had ideas. They were unpopular. They did not work. It's over.
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@JimmyDeen (211)
22 Jul
Remember we've got Putin to deal with, we need someone who can tread those waters slowly.
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
24 Jul
@porwest Trump has a proven track record of dealing with our enemies. He'll get it done. -------Yeah. Like when he said, Putin said Russia didn't do it and I don't see why he would lie about it." Get real. Trump is still Putin's Puppet.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
25 Jul
Yeah. Like when he said, Putin said Russia didn't do it and I don't see why he would lie about it." Get real. Trump is still Putin's Puppet. @xander6464 The only reason Putin is in Ukraine is because Biden let him and Putin knew Biden would not stop him. That would not have happened under Trump.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
22 Jul
Trump has a proven track record of dealing with our enemies. He'll get it done.
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
22 Jul
Here's the deal. I think it does not and here's why. ---------Uh huh. It's the same caliber of thinking you used when you thought Meatball Ron could beat Tampon Ear.
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
22 Jul
@porwest You told me Pudding Fingers would be the next President and you were very confident about it.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
22 Jul
I never made any such prediction. I was watching the race just like everyone was and assessing things.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
23 Jul
You told me Pudding Fingers would be the next President and you were very confident about it. @xander6464 At the time I was simply being sensible. I gave consideration to the idea that Trump might be too "distracting," even if I liked his presidency and definitely would have my vote. DeSantis offered a Trump like approach with a bit more decorum and I thought that might be a winning combination. The fact is, no one ever actually lost interest in Trump and his popularity has only grown. It's not something anyone else can defeat right now. So, my thoughts and my position changed.
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@Deepizzaguy (99643)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
21 Jul
Many alternate media sites are saying that the people need to vote on Election Day for Trump,
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@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
22 Jul
@porwest I think Trump wins by a landslide. I am very comfortable now making that prediction. --------Really?????????????????
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@Deepizzaguy (99643)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
22 Jul
@xander6464 It appears that way.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
22 Jul
I think Trump wins by a landslide. I am very comfortable now making that prediction.
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• United States
21 Jul
Even more difficult to do is convince the country that a woman is able to run the country. Yes, she has been the "VICE" President, but that is a bit of a distance from the top person. I am a woman and would love to see a woman president, but in this case there is so much crap to wade through and straighten out...the whole thing is a horrible mess. You look at all the mistakes made by both Trump and's going to take someone with strength and tons of intelligence and guts to step into the shoes of the leader of our country and try to straighten things out. Shoot (pardon the expression) just look at the attempt on Trump's life...there's a lot of holes (again excuse my choice of words) in that sinario. There are a LOT of things to straighten out, and it's going to be EXTREMELY difficult. No, I haven't been following the political climate closely. If I try, I pay for it physically, so I tune in here and there when I catch headlines that interest me. As I've said, I'm as political as a jelly fish. But just seeing what is going on with the local economy and what shows up on the news, we've got problems and need someone who can do things about it without worrying about their golf game, or whatever other than the country.
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• India
22 Jul
Well, pointed out. It is interesting to see what narrative can Kamala Harris add . Biden unfortunately did not have any favourable points from last four years. He could say it was peaceful and quiet era and did not tax too much . However, there was nothing to show there will be another great 4 years . His mishaps was getting viral. The campagin or the debate or following events never helped Biden . Coming to the election ,It would never be easy as US never elected a woman as President . Not that I am stating something against gender , but we never had a Margaret Thatcher in Us. The shooting incident also has added few brownie point for Republicans and there is a wave riding on that. The question now would be can Democrats put a good fight in these last 100 + days ?. Well, in 3 months , we will have an answer!
@xander6464 (42308)
• Wapello, Iowa
29 Jul
@porwest When 64% of the American people think your record sucks, it's not a WINNING record. It may be a record. But in order to win an election it has to be a record people are INTERESTED in. Not opposed to. DUH! As for Trump, no one told him to exit the race because he was unfit to run. DUH squared. ------the corporate elite keep pushing that false narrative and it is a problem but Kamala is capable of defeating it. And with DonOld doing things like choosing Shady Vance, it gets easier for her,
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
24 Jul
It is a wait and see thing right now. It's all we can do. But Harris certainly has a HUGE task ahead of her. She can't win simply because she's not Trump, and the woman and black cards aren't shoe-ins either.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
29 Jul
the corporate elite keep pushing that false narrative and it is a problem but Kamala is capable of defeating it. And with DonOld doing things like choosing Shady Vance, it gets easier for her, @xander6464 Kamala Harris is her own worst enemy, and trust me, it's too much to overcome.
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@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Jul
Oh biden is not happy to have to had to drop out. However, he's not a fool. He knows no one likes him, even his own party. But, I also won't be surprised to hear we loose him sooner rather than later with his continued declining health. As for Haris , she's got a lot going against her. This is going to be one long race.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 Jul
I totally agree with you on all points, believing is watching what happens next.