Hi again, I'm sitting here thinking about the air conditioning....

United States
July 21, 2024 4:13pm CST
I'm sitting here thinking about the air conditioning and what the building supervisor had to say about my apartment being too HOT when she was here with my 3 day notice about the rent. (They still haven't notified me that they got the rent check that I mailed two weeks ago...I wonder if their hoping for a double payment???) She asked in a demanding voice if I had air conditioning and I snarled back at her "YES, BUT I'M POOR AND CAN'T AFFORD TO RUN IT!!!!" She looked like I slapped her. The past two days have been extremely hot and I should have caved and ran the air conditioning, but I can't afford a $100 electric bill. I'm running my fans and drinking ice water and iced tea. It isn't helping my stomach problems any, but I just have to sit and suffer. One appointment is in two weeks and the next one is in over a month...and I'm still waiting for the referral paperwork. OH, and now they want me to go to a pain clinic. That's choice, as I told them I'm not going somewhere that they can treat me like a pile of dog poop that they just stepped in in their designer shoes. The last one I went to they felt free to order me around and chew me out and call me a substance abuser. We didn't part company on good terms, I called them some very dirty words and they discharged me (they were supposed to send me paperwork about that and never did). Anyhow, I decided that tomorrow I need to get another couple of ice cube trays as one just isn't enough. The cats are doing fine with the fans so I don't need to worry about the air conditioning, I can get by with the fans myself, I check the temperature periodically (right now it's 95 degrees outside), and I realize that come later in the year it's going to be cooler and I'll be complaining that it's too cold and I can't wait for warmer weather. I keep forgetting that you can only take off so much clothing before you're sitting around naked. I'm not that good looking in my "birthday suit". It has been one of those disgusting days, between trying to pay for my internet, hand sewing a mink teddy bear head, looking for a sewing machine to handle all my bear sewing needs, and everything else I would crawl back in bed, but it's too darned hot. OH, and hopefully the stuff I took for my stomach kicks in soon...although it makes me fart worse than Petey when I get in bed. It's like drinking a 12 pack of coke in a 4 ounce glass of water. It's carbonated to a point but it works wonderfully. Well thanks for reading my complaint session...I'm going back to working on my head. Like I said, when I finish the mink bear I'll post the picture.
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2 responses
@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Jul
You really should consider caving and running that air. If you run it early and don't let it get hot like that you won't have a 100 dollar eletric bill. In fact, the higher you run it the less energy it takes. The mistake most people make is waiting until they're dying and then turn it on. This causes high power bills because it's working so hard to cool the place. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are no joke. Be careful, okay?
• United States
21 Jul
You got it!!! Tomorrow I get to enjoy the air conditioning at the motor vehicle department while my neighbor takes her driving renewal test. Then we may go to a thrift shop and Wal Mart. I know about heat stroke. I had it two weeks ago-I don't want to go through it again!!!!
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@kaylachan (65344)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Jul
@BearArtistLady Well, refusing to run the air isn't going to help with that.
• United States
23 Jul
@kaylachan Actually neither did DMV!!! There were three little toddlers that were having a ball and screaming at the top of their lungs!!! It must be nice to be that oblivious to the heat!!!!!! It was only 104 when we left the building and went to Wal Mart. I discovered that I don't care for the store much anymore. It's over crowded with inconsiderate shoppers, small aisles, and too much junk. Boy was I happy to get out of there!!!! Plus I didn't find half of the stuff on my need to buy list, and usually I had no problem finding all of it and more. It has dropped down to 95 degrees at almost 5:50 p.m., so it's going to be a warm night and an even warmer day tomorrow. I'll sit quiet and hand sew teddy bears with the fans (and maybe the air conditioning) going. I made iced tea last night and stocked the fridge with bottled water...I may decided to do some yeast bread to torment the neighbors. But I have a bread maker to handle most of that job. Well off to work on bears and kick back. Have a great evening and try to keep cool. Tons of hugs from Toni, Petey and little Freya.
@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Jul
I hope you can continue to keep cool. I sit by my PC with an AC running and a fan but where I sleep in the front room I only have a stand-up fan blowing over my bed, The cats like to stay there, I know it ain't easy and that is why I keep to my survey sites as they say every penny counts,
• United States
21 Jul
You can say that again!!! I just took my trash down to the dumpster and there was a clear storage bin in there...nothing wrong with it and it was clean as a whistle. It was just what I wanted for sorting the bears I'm working on into. So it's now in my apartment receiving the bears that need jointing and stuffing. Shoot is saves me about $15 so why not grab it???? Each time you go to the store you see an increase in prices...somewhere you have to get the extra cash to pay for the stuff even if it means survey sites or dumpster diving!!! Thankfully my rent isn't out of sight so I don't have to worry there...except when the boss lady comes by and tells me they haven't received my rent check. I'm going to send her another "Did you get???" email and let her know I'm holding off on important purchases because I'm worried about having to double pay my rent. I'm going out with my neighbor tomorrow and I plan, if it isn't too expensive, to buy some bagged ice. Also some extra ice cube trays. My big thing is getting my stomach under control. I can handle the heat but not both the stomach and the heat.... I remember the Florida heat when we were there taking care of my Aunt's estate. It wasn't fun and it was so nice to get back to California and our awful heat. Come to think of it, it wasn't as nice to get back to California...both Mom and I wished we had stayed in Florida, it was cooler than here in California by quite a bit...
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