The Desperation Endorsement Bids Begin

@porwest (87794)
United States
July 21, 2024 7:00pm CST
You would think, being a Trump supporter I would be having the time of my life, watching the Democrat party scramble in chaos. But I believe in the country, and I believe in choice. Kamala Harris is not the official Biden replacement, but in droves, Democrats are scrambling to endorse her. Pete Buttigieg has come out. Pelosi has come out. Biden of course gave his endorsement. Klobuchar came out with hers. Elizabeth Warren has given her thumbs up. Gavin Newsome even said yea to Harris. They don't have anything to run on. And now all they have is a candidate that is not Joe Biden. They think it's all they have to do, and it is painful to watch, frankly. Long before Biden was losing it had nothing to do with Biden's health or viability. It had to do with his policies. Kamala may be receiving endorsement after endorsement, but she has NOTHING to run on. They're excitement, thinking, "Okay, now we have a chance," is ill conceived. Klobuchar came out and said, "We saw her on the debate stage, and she was a fighter and strong." She never made it to the first primary before Democrats said, "Go home!" This is a party with no direction and ZERO idea about what the American people want now trying to fix a problem that CANNOT be fixed. She can't win. I think she knows it. I think the Democrat party knows it. But what else do you do at this point? If you are at a point where you are sure to lose no matter what you do, does it really matter who you put at the top of the ticket?
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13 responses
@kaylachan (67388)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Jul
I saw the writing on the wall when I heard about the possiblity of Biden dropping out. The demecrats didn't have a plan B. They don't know what to do. It's sad to see how far we've fallen.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
22 Jul
Have we fallen though? I mean, sometimes things happen for a reason. We needed a stark reminder of Trump's first four years, and if Trump is winning, and he is, its because people can suddenly look back with a more open mind and a dose of reality. Things were better. We needed that reminder to help us to make the right choice THIS November, and all of this that has developed has put Trump's last four years on the ballot. The silver lining is that it appears we are not voting for people. We're still voting for policies and effective governing.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
25 Jul
@kaylachan I dispute that Trump is not liked as a person. The MEDIA has made him out to be things he is not. I think MOST people get that. He's not as disliked as you and others think. Not by a LONG shot. He got 11 million MORE votes in 2020 than he got in 2016, and will probably end with 5-10 million more votes than he got in 2020 in 2024. Do you REALLY believe that's a personality issue or a perception issue based on reporting? You can't get 11 million more votes and say, "He's not popular."
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@kaylachan (67388)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
25 Jul
@porwest Okay, you're right. The media does tend to enjoy stearing to the negative. And, the number of people on here, who openly admit they hate him are very few.
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@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
22 Jul
Newsom or Buttigieg could have had a chance if they primaried Biden. Now we have Harris since it is so late in this election season. At least she still has access to the Biden/Harris campaign money. Legit no one else would have a shot at this point. Is she an ideal candidate? No. Will I vote for her. Of course.
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@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
23 Jul
@porwest I think she has a great personality
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
25 Jul
@NJChicaa You would be in the MAJOR minority. Even Democrats mostly largely cringed every time she spoke. She never even made it to the first primary when she ran for president she was so disliked, and she has had THE WORST approval ratings of ANY vice president in American history. That's FAR from a standing ovation or a vote of confidence regarding her likeability. I GUARANTEE if she were standing next to you with that voice and that cackle, you'd be squirming and trying to get away from her as fast as possible while trying to figure out how you were going to unburden your burdens.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
23 Jul
The problem is she cannot distance herself from the policies, and neither can she distance herself from the job performance people were and are unhappy with. On top of that, one of the primary issues has been the border, and that was one of her primary tasks, and she failed miserably at it. There is a LOT she has to do to convince people of her viability. I don't think she can do it. She may fare slightly better than Biden. But she won't be able to close the gap between her and Trump enough to make a difference. Beyond that, she has a serious personality issue that I don't think she can get past. She's highly less likeable than Hillary was.
@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
22 Jul
When I was very young I decided that whatever I studies, I WOULD NOT study Quantic physics. Later in life I decided I would not even try to understand how American people vote for President in the US. Let us just hope that whatever happens, democracy and order stays.
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
31 Jul
@porwest Sometimes a constitution has to be changed.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
2 Aug
@marguicha Not ours!
@porwest (87794)
• United States
29 Jul
If people vote Democrat, and that's the ironic thing here, democracy CANNOT stand. They circumvent the Constitution, want to mess around with the Supreme Court, CHANGE the Constitution... The more power Democrats have the less freedoms we enjoy.
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@jstory07 (138935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
22 Jul
I hope something is done real soon.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
22 Jul
Well, the Democrats have a LOT of work to do just to select their nominee. Many people believe Kamala automatically becomes the nominee. But the delegates have to now choose. So, there's a process that has to be gone through before she gets the official title of nominee.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 Jul
like what?? please tell me what can be changed or done to get things back on track for the country??
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 Jul
@porwest talk about a banana govt, that's what's fixing to happen cause they think they have some 1 that can beat trump & their going to find out there IS no 1 that can beat Trump cause they done did everything they could to knock him out & still lost on every aspect.
@xander6464 (43316)
• Wapello, Iowa
22 Jul
Kamala has already raised over $50 million. It's the biggest single fundraising day of the 2024 election. The people want her and you're stuck with the senile old guy in diapers that no one wants.
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@xander6464 (43316)
• Wapello, Iowa
22 Jul
@porwest Coming from someone who is supporting a convicted felon and rapist, that really means a lot. And then there are the felon's "policies." #Project2025
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
22 Jul
Your side has no laurels. You will support anyone with a D after their name. Look at Fetterman. Nuff said.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
23 Jul
Coming from someone who is supporting a convicted felon and rapist, that really means a lot. And then there are the felon's "policies." #Project2025 @xander6464 First of all, Donald Trump and Project 2025 have NO RELATION to each other. Project 2025 is not even a Republican platform plan or idea. It is something that came out of the Heritage Foundation. MANY things within it are outside, and WELL outside Trump's platform. So, you have to understand that. It's NOT a Trump proposal, nor is it a Trump sponsored manifesto. Nor is it a Republican party ENDORSED manifesto. As for Kamala Harris, I think you need to go and read her track record in law. It's not good. Of course you WON'T do that. Just spin today and forget about the past. Because it's her, and her past doesn't matter. And by the way, Trump was only convicted on paper. There was NO CRIME.
@JimmyDeen (252)
22 Jul
Gavin newsome said yes to harris? Thought he said not this time. Pelosi would vie for that top spot. Thought she should run for president. Cuomo could be drafted and a top pick. Politics is keeping me on the edge of my seat. All of us politic junkies.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
29 Jul
All of these names are what nightmares are made of.
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@LeaPea2417 (37336)
• Toccoa, Georgia
22 Jul
Don't get your hopes up about her losing.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
23 Jul
I never count my chickens before they hatch. I am still assured by the fact that it wasn't just Joe Biden's age nor health that were the issue. With 36% approval ratings people were unhappy with the job. Harris brings nothing new to the tableā€”in other words, she's just lipstick on a pig.
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@mom210 (9118)
• United States
26 Jul
well Obama just threw his support to her now, so all is right with the world. I find it hard to believe somebody that had to drop out due to no support could become President.
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@mom210 (9118)
• United States
30 Jul
@porwest i actually think they were better of with President Biden, at least we knew what to expect with him too.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
29 Jul
Obama had no choice. The entire Democrat party is stuck between a rock and a hard place. But you're right. She can't win. Not with her favorability ratings being what they were as VP, and running on the same record no one likes.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
2 Aug
@mom210 Disaster is all we knew to expect. And we have had enough of it.
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
23 Jul
She ran for president the first time, didn't make it anywhere, and for whatever reason was chosen as the VP. Now that Biden is out she is somehow the top Democratic nominee for president. That makes no sense. Sure I'd love to see a woman president one day but only if she happens to be the right person to run the country. Harris is definitely not that person. And what about Biden? Where is he hiding? Why hasn't he shown his face to the public since he supposedly got covid and then backed out from the race? Many say he is not fit to run for reelection and should back down, which happened. But by the same token he then isn't fit to run the country now. Why isn't he asked to resign as president? And why did he wait until now to end his reelection campaign? Was it so they can put Harris in his place and keep those same policies for the next four years?
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@lovebuglena (44203)
• Staten Island, New York
29 Jul
@porwest Perhaps the Dems didn't want him to back out of the race sooner so they could put Harris (or perhaps someone else) in his place at the last minute without letting the people vote for the nominee. Maybe Biden is told what to do...
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
30 Jul
@lovebuglena I think, and of course it is only a guess, they were HOPING no one would notice the reality of Biden's health longer, or they could hide it, win the election, then 25th Biden out and install Harris.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
25 Jul
Of course it doesn't make sense. Beyond the fact that she ALSO has THE lowest approval ratings of any vice president in American history, and yet...she's the golden chariot? Not sure what they are smoking in D.C. these days, but it's some pretty potent stuff. lol As for a woman being president, I have no qualms with that either. I just want someone who is QUALIFIED and capable. I have long been an admirer of Margaret Thatcher and count her as one of THE best prime ministers the UK ever had. But no. We agree. Harris is NOT the one to take the reins as a first on this one. Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office last night, so I guess that addresses that question. We agree Biden is not fit to be president. As much as pulling the 25th and installing Harris scares the hell out of me, having a president who is incapable of being president is worse. As to why he waited so long, I am not sure. MAYBE he thought he could pull things together through some miracle? Who knows? But of course the policies Harris will continue are the very same policies 64% of Americans have clearly rejected, so I am not sure what new Harris brings to the table other than that she's not Biden.
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22 Jul
Kamala can do it. She's good and perfect.... For entainment, fill in the blanks about this Democrat candidate.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
29 Jul
She can make one hell of a word salad. Other than that, she's useless.
@dgobucks226 (35362)
26 Jul
Any rational person would look at the Biden/Harris record and the current state of the union and agree with you. Harris has nothing to run on. The Democratic Parties decisions have done nothing to make every day Americans lives better. We know the drill, higher prices on groceries and gas, foreign wars, skyrocketing spending, a border crisis, woke ideology, crime out of control, freedom of speech quashed, and so on... What you may be overlooking is the power of the press in this election. Mainstream media has control over what people see and hear. They do not show the complete picture either ignoring it or spinning it. A most recent example is the Border Czar spin. Harris was put in charge of the border by Biden and there is video proof he did just that. Will everyday citizens see that tape revisited. Heck no! Will they see old footage of MSNBC, CNN, or CBS stating on air that Harris has been appointed "Border Czar" NO WAY! What they will see though is these stations now saying she was never proclaimed border czar even though there is video proof of them using those words. And most Americans will take them at their word, after all the "mainstream press" does not lie. Sadly, another factor is certain voters still seem more interested in personality than policies. It's much easier to understand. And with a willing press ready to take anything the BAD ORANGE MAN says out of context and portray Trump as a hateful person who threatens Democracy, people will vote against him. And Trump's inability to tone down the name calling does not help his cause. He has not even taken his wife's advice on this subject and people come off seeing him as a bully, hothead, or divisive. And then, even with all of Harris's faults the media and the Democratic Party will do an image makeover, protecting her, covering up her inadequacies, and making her out to be the next Indira Gandhi. Next, you have the alphabet game. Some voters who believe she is a terrible candidate for president will still vote for her just because she has a "D" next to her name and not an "R." You can make all the valid points you want in support of Trump or against Harris. Just look at the responses here as proof. Finally, you have those ignorant people with TDS. They parrot the Democratic leaders and the presses fabrication of the truth. Saying Trump is a convicted felon and rapist, even though both trials were witch hunts by the Democrats to keep him from running. These people have no minds of their own and often use the personal attack argument to make their decision. Why? Because their hatred clouds the whatever little grey matter they do have.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 Jul
I knew when he stepped in the wh things weren't going to be good & after these 3 & a 1/2 yrs my thoughts were right & now every 1 see's it. Back when I was on here back in the day we had this very talk & all that didn't want to believe me on what I was telling them they see what I was saying was & IS true that they can't face the truth.
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@yoooufi (138)
11 Aug
maybe this is where the excitement of our annual political party lies, competing for power either with the support of everyone or just going it alone. trump and kamala both have their own charm of political power
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
13 Aug
At the end of the day we can only wait and see what happens in November.