The TV Ad Boost

@porwest (85053)
United States
July 24, 2024 6:32am CST
It's that time again when you have the TV on, and if you are watching especially your local channels, almost every single commercial happens to be a political ad. I admit it does get annoying. The TV stations certainly make their money during election years. No doubt about it. What do Americans get out of it? Honestly, I have never felt it's all that much. The thing is ads aren't really going to give anyone any real insight into what a candidate is really all about. It's just a back and forth, and of course the information is coming from the PACs supporting certain candidates, and the candidates themselves. You still have to do your homework, understanding that what you are likely to get are half-truths and innuendo more than hard hitting accurate information useful in making a choice. It is interesting, and even sometimes entertaining the high use of dark music and after watching any of them, you swear you are going to look out the window and see you are no longer on planet Earth. It has been destroyed. Really, a lot of the time this is the way I hear these ads in my head, "He will blow up your house, kill your children and kick your dog to death, all the while taking every dollar you have ever earned for his own evil, diabolical plans to destroy the world." I guess it just is what it is. And it comes from both sides.
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