Brush Killer

@GardenGerty (159754)
United States
July 24, 2024 10:34am CST
I will work outside today. I am going to mix up some brush killer solution to deal with the baby trees that come up in odd places and just will not go away. Zogie told me how to do it. I will do some planting and adding some soil to other things and just maybe I will mow. Bob is back in bed asleep. I find myself wondering if one of his new medicines is making him feel a little tired. He also stayed up until midnight, so that could be why he is tired. Once I make sure everything is out of the van we will sell it to our mechanic for junk metal and cancel the insurance policy that is on it. We are still waiting for the title for the Mazda we bought before vacation. We have a 91 F high predicted for today. That is about ten degrees lower than normal, but still is pretty hot. We have been below normal for about ten days now. We cut the soup recipe in half, and still had two full meals from it and froze two more meals for this fall or winter. Things are adding up, I would say, so that we will be comfy year around here.
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4 responses
@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
24 Jul
My dad’s doctor put him on a heart medication that makes him tired. It’s driving him nuts. With all the work you do, I expect soon you’ll have some impressive muscles.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
25 Jul
Sounds like things are moving along. Have a good day.
@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
24 Jul
Different medications can do that.
@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Jul
We just swapped one car for another. I might write about it later.