Teachers are not trying to indoctrinate your children

@NJChicaa (119104)
United States
July 24, 2024 12:11pm CST
Seriously people turn off the FOX News or OANN or InfoWars. Teachers are trying to teach their content whether is is at the elementary or high school level. No we don’t have some secret agenda to turn every student into a transgender one. I’ve worked at the high school level for over 20 years. I can name off at least 10 students who are trans. Some were my students and some were those I knew from the halls. Whatever. I never had an issue with any of them and treated them all equally. This indoctrination BS has to stop. No one is trying to convince your Charlie is a Caroline. Like that is not a teacher’s job. What?Thats not their goal. Teachers are just trying to educate their students. I get so offended when I see people who have no experience in schools claiming that teachers are trying to “indoctrinate” students. If I had that kind of power I’d be able to get them to do classwork and study for assessments. I don’t care what your student identifies as. I will teach them and look out for them regardless.
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6 responses
@FourWalls (66720)
• United States
24 Jul
If they were trying to indoctrinate children, we wouldn’t have a MAGA cult, now would we….
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@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
25 Jul
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@moffittjc (121382)
• Gainesville, Florida
25 Jul
It's just scare tactics being used to incite fear into the public. I don't buy any of that BS.
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@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Jul
I'm sure teachers have enough to do without adding extra to their duties - intentional or not. People are so stupid sometimes. So easy to sway and unable to think for themselves.
@LindaOHio (174650)
• United States
25 Jul
This definitely doesn't apply to you. Have a good day.
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
25 Jul
B effing S. Of COURSE they are indoctrinating children on ALL sorts of positions and ideas. It's not like people are just making this stuff up. There are VIDEOS of it. There are documented curriculums. There are materials kids have taken home parents have seen. It's HAPPENING. Like it or not, believe it or not, it's happening. A lot of this came to light, ironically, during covid when teachers were too afraid to go to work and did teleteaching and parents got a FIRST HAND look at what was going on in classrooms.
@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
25 Jul
Again--if teachers had that kind of power they would "indoctrinate" students to study, complete assignments, be respectful, etc.
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@NJChicaa (119104)
• United States
26 Jul
@porwest your disrespect for teachers is incredible
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@porwest (87794)
• United States
26 Jul
@NJChicaa Why waste time on that when they can use all the time for the other stuff? I mean, who needs math? Promoting racism is so much more useful. Spending the day teaching Jonny about what heels go best with red is also much more productive. They don't want more educated people. They want more VOTERS agreeing with all the same convoluted garbage they do. Meanwhile they close the schools for three months to hold signs in the streets begging for more money while the kids' education needs go right down the damn drain. Hey, HERE'S an idea, fight for higher wages and better benefits during the summer when school is out. Oh, but wait, then teachers would be forced to do their jobs. Never mind!
@MarieCoyle (35720)
25 Jul
I have enough good friends and family that are teachers, to know how hard they work. They bring home stuff to grade and spend many hours on searching for items to help the kids,and like you keep snacks and things hungry kids with no lunch can eat. They find winter coats and boots and gloves for kids who don’t have any. They don’t care if a child identifies as a cat or a kangaroo. They are just trying to teach and to help the kids.
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