The Eye Doctor

@dfollin (25324)
United States
July 25, 2024 10:07am CST
I went to the eye doctor this morning and the people were real nice except for the nurse. She came out and got me asked me some health questions. Then she had me look through the machine at letters and took me to another room where she told me that she had to put drops in my eyes to dilate them. I asked her if it was going to hurt and she said no. It immediately started burning and I stopped her. She proceeded to get nasty with me and snapped at me to put my head back because they didn't get in my eye. I said, " No! If the drops didn't get in then why is my eye burning?" She said, "Well you are not going to get examined today, because we can't unless you get dilated!" I told her I never had that issue before and you told me it wasn't going to hurt and it did. She took me in another room and told me the doctor would be in and tell me if I could be examined or not. Lies! She just told me that I couldn't be! The doctor came in and showed me what the dilation does and he said or she can take a picture. So I said ok, the picture will be fine. Then after we walk out in the hallway he tells me that I will have to pay $45 for the picture. I don't have 45 cents! Seriously! So he said that I had to sign a waiver and he would examine me. So I did. He told me the best glasses for me are bifocals which will help for regular vision, my phone and driving. And for me to keep using my readers for the computer use. However the prescription was written and given to me it is in their system because the lens' MUST be gotten from my supplemental insurance company. The lady wrote down the price for me and showed me the frames I could chose from, which was many. It will cost me almost $80, which isn't bad! And I asked her after I pay how long will it take for me to get them and she said about 14 days.
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7 responses
@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
25 Jul
Those people are irresponsible, girl. The usual is to also use numbing drops at the same time to negate the burn. I am not impressed with those people, and I can tell you aren’t either. Don’t hesitate to write an anonymous review online.
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@dfollin (25324)
• United States
25 Jul
@AmbiePam Well, I have to go back when I get $80 to put the order in for my glasses. And they asked me to make my yearly appointment next July. So i made it. Hopefully we will no longer be living here.
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@dfollin (25324)
• United States
25 Jul
The doctor and the other staff seemed to be ok. But that nurse was not right! I don't have to make it anonymous!
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@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
25 Jul
@dfollin I didn’t know if you planned to go back due to them being the only place your insurance covered or not.
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
25 Jul
You at least got the glasses you need. You should know that the drops do sting but the hurt goes away quickly. Sometimes you just have to submit to things for the best outcome. And she needs anger management classes before things get out of hand.
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@dfollin (25324)
• United States
25 Jul
Yes she does need those classes. But she lied and said they do not hurt at all, so when my eye started burning I thought something was wrong. When I was talking to the doctor he said the stinging will go away in 2 to 3 hours. No I do not have my glasses. I have to wait till I can get $80 to pay for them.
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@dfollin (25324)
• United States
25 Jul
@akalinus I am trying to earn the money, but I don't know how. I haven't found a way to do it. yet. No one I can borrow from.
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@akalinus (42874)
• United States
25 Jul
@dfollin I hope you can do it soon. Do you have anyone to help you or can you earn the money?
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
25 Jul
Some people are so nasty that I don´t know why they work in health or education. At least you will get the glasses you need AND can pay for.
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@dfollin (25324)
• United States
25 Jul
I know! Yes at least I got this far, now to come up with the money to pay and get the glasses.
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@marguicha (221452)
• Chile
25 Jul
@dfollin I hope you do.
@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Jul
I'm sorry you had such a belligerent nurse. It makes a stressful examination even more so.
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@dfollin (25324)
• United States
26 Jul
Thanks and yes it does.
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@Courtlynn (67090)
• United States
27 Jul
Yeah, drops should not burn. But obviously yours did so she should have believed you?. Yes all glasses are said to take 2-3weeks. But some do come in earlier. My eye drs is the same with offering the picture thing instead of drops, but it's also money not insured.
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@dfollin (25324)
• United States
27 Jul
Later the doctor, my mother and a sister told me that the drops do burn. Well she should of told me that and I wouldn't of panicked . True the picture is not insured!
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@LindaOHio (174650)
• United States
26 Jul
I'm sorry the nurse was so rude. I am used to the drops burning, as I have to have my eyes dilated once a year. I'm glad you will get your glasses soon. Have a good weekend.
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@dfollin (25324)
• United States
26 Jul
I told her that I had never had it done before then she said, " Well then you have never had a proper eye exam then! " Then I asked her if the drops would hurt, so when they started burning I thought something was wrong. Now if she had told me in the first place that it would burn then I could of been prepaired for it and known it was normal. Yes I will get my glasses as soon as I can get the $80 saved up and go order them.
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@snowy22315 (178806)
• United States
25 Jul
I think I would be switching eye doctors. That practice sounds nasty.
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@dfollin (25324)
• United States
25 Jul
The doctor was fine and the other people, just the nurse was nasty. My insurance will not cover another doctor in this town, unless it is out of network then I have to pay 20% plus 20% of the cost of glasses. I am having a hard enough time coming up with the extra cost for the glasses now.
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