By paulobraga85
@paulobraga85 (842)
August 5, 2024 11:59am CST
Today I went to the supermarket, and something caught my attention. A woman owns several houses in another city, and all of them are rented out. She was asking for money in the checkout line. The supermarket staff made a point to tell everyone present that the woman didn't need to ask for money because she owned several rental houses in another city. When the woman heard this, she quickly left the supermarket shouting that the supermarket employees were lying about her. Personally, I think a lot before helping people who ask like that.
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5 responses
@Metsrock69 (3599)
• United States
5 Aug
it is true what they say. The rich are greedy. that is how they stay rich
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@kaylachan (73466)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Aug
It costs a lot of money to have an income property. Everyone can be low on cash sometimes. Since some of our money is tied up in investments, I'm a little strapped for cash. I'm doing my best to leave it alone for now. Let them do their thing. Every little bit counts.
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@RevivedWarrior (2916)
• India
6 Aug
That was horrible! She should be reported to cops! There are many worthwhile people struggling for food and supplies. They are many struggling with unemployment and medical costs.Yet this lady did this disgraceful act. We could understand if she lost money and she could aks for money so that it can be repaid . She has regular rental income and showing greed, will not be for good. Karma can be bad when you do such things. You are right - we should think twice before helping people. Help should be for deserving not for disgraceful ones!