Ya gotta love this!!!
@BearArtistLady (6036)
United States
August 6, 2024 5:47pm CST
It's almost 3:30 p.m. here in California (I've always called it the land of the fruits and the nuts) and of course the day isn't a total waste but it is a total aggravation.
I stated yesterday that we were busily getting ready for the alarm test and inspection. That the alarm test would be noisy and if we were sensitive to loud noises to be somewhere else. I, of course, won't leave my fur babies alone with screaming noise going off in the apartment, so I was up at 4:30 a.m. in preparation for the test. I cleaned the cats litter boxes, the bath tub, and other areas that I didn't catch yesterday when I was working my rear off to have the place looking good. I was really keyed up and still awake at 11:00 p.m..
The last part of getting ready for the inspection was taking the trash out. Boy did it stink!!! Used cat litter in this heat will really ferment the stuff and people can fall over from the horrible fumes. It was quarter to 8 and the inspection people were in the parking lot...but they were here to deal with the elevator. I relaxed a bit and got busy on getting some fur coats ready for processing into teddy bears and patiently waiting for the alarms to go off.
9 a.m. went by, 10,11, 12, 1, 2 and then I noticed that 3 p.m. had arrived and NO FREAKING ALARM TESTS!!!!! I was livid!!!!! I passed up on a doctor's appointment because of the freaking idiot directors of the housing unit I am living in!!! I know a lot of the people that worked their rear ends off cleaning their apartments for the inspections...The thermometers may say it's only 105 degrees outside, but around the apartment complex the temperature is more like 345 degrees plus. If they weren't going to do the tests they should have contacted us and let us know....They are in very very deep SH*T with the tenants!!!
If we were to do something like that they would be chewing us out like crazy!!!! I just can't believe them, of course they may try doing the testing at 4:45 p.m. and then try to get time and a half for over time...IT SURE AS HELL WON'T HAPPEN ON MY WATCH!!!! They will have to come up with a really super superior excuse to get even close to near by that they were to be excused.
Thank you for letting blow off a little rage...When I had to give up a doctor's appointment because of their stupid alarm test (they don't have the collective brains that God gave a goose that they HAVE to close the door behind them when they come in so the cats don't get out and get run over....) Oh sigh...I'll go back to taking apart the minks I've been collecting. The tearing out the lining helps some too. Have a great night everyone!!!
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4 responses
@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Aug
That's just how it goes sometimes. Things don't always go the way you expect them to.
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@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Aug
@BearArtistLady I know. All apartment complexes do that. That's why they tell you to put your animals in a carrier or crate if you have to go out. It's about safety. Not only for you, but them.
@BearArtistLady (6036)
• United States
8 Aug
@kaylachan There are a couple of problems with putting my brats in a carrier or crate. One is I don't know how long my appointments will be, and I sure don't want to have them restrained for several hours on end. I could take them down to my carport, Except that with the horrific heat we've been having even the carports are too hot for them. Plus Petey still has the "WET" farts and I don't want him to have to lay in the results of those, or have Freya in the crate with him when he has one. I guess I'm just a fussy "Kitty Mother.
I have done a couple of emails back and forth to the building super. I told her that when this happens I would be more than willing to get the word out to the other tenants, it would make them a little less unfriendly towards her. I didn't state that the tenant's were "unfriendly" about the supervisor, but they don't like her a lot.
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@BearArtistLady (6036)
• United States
7 Aug
I can handle things that don't always go the way I expect them to, but when it comes to getting an appointment that might get me some relief from the pain I am experiencing I do get upset. I had to change that appointment to later because of the inspection, the people that do the inspecting tend to open apartment doors and while they are in the apartment leave the doors open until they leave. With my 2 cats they might wander out, and I would be devastated if they ended up squashed on the roadway. That's why I insist on being home when there is any kind of inspection.
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Aug
They do that alarm thing here too. Sometimes maintenance and the inspector both do it. So nice on the ears. I know how "keyed up"a person can get with these things coming. I have been having them for about 23 years now. I usually spray Lysol around the trash and the cat litter box before the inspector comes.
I so hate it when they don't come and you wait and wait. We had gotten our second memo that the maintenance was coming to finally do the maintenance on the water heater. They never showed. The place where they have it is in our storage in between the apartments. That's where the kids keep their bikes. So we have had the bikes out leaning against the fence for about 2 months now. I have emailed them about 3xs with no reply. So aggravating. I finally figured it out. They were probably getting ready for the annual recertification and sure enough, we received the paperwork just a few days ago.
I know your pain and frustration. Hope they finally get the testing done without too much of a rude surprise. Ya, right!
@BearArtistLady (6036)
• United States
7 Aug
Well, my one surprise for the week was that the appointment with my Primary Care Physician was kept scheduled. Hopefully he won't bail on me and leave me sitting in the exam room waiting for him. But it would go with the way the week has been going.
I stripped furs today, and the last one I did was a fancy acrylic fur, that was of a beautiful acrylic fur that had to have cost a minimum of $300.00 and I got it for $10 at the thrift shop. It's done by Jones New York, so you know it wasn't cheap. I'm gonna love working on it, although right now my arms and legs look like they need to be shaved. I went into use the "ever flowing fountain" and looked down and wondered how I managed to grow so much hair.
My brain has stalled in the heat for real. It took about ten minutes for me to realize that it was acrylic fur fibersDUH!!! Oh well, the heat does wonders for a person's thinking process.
I will more than likely wig out if they reschedule the alarm check for later this week when I have my doctor's appointments. I will say that you're fortunate, if we had left bicycles out side leaning against the fence they would disappear within an hour of their being placed there. The only thing I leave out is the cat food and water and the tree squirrels sneak up and have lunch too. I can't deny the squirrels food and water. Then last night I saw a raccoon drinking out of the neighbor's kid's wading pool...they were wading in it very happily while they were drinking.
Oh well, I'm going to crawl towards bed and relax. Getting up at 4 a.m. for a non existent fire alarm check is really tiring. I still feel that the housing people could have let us know that it wasn't going to happen so we could do other things that we put off.... (

) Hopefully tomorrow will be better in the squirrel cage.

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@BearArtistLady (6036)
• United States
7 Aug
I just sent the building supervisor an email letting her have it about the rudeness of not letting us know it wasn't going to happen. It felt good to chew her out!!!

I also told her that I had to reschedule an important doctor's appointment because of the testing, not that she will care, but I let her know how rude it was. Just because we get old doesn't mean that we are any less important than the younger people. It will be interesting to see if she replies.
Oh, I scoop the boxes daily and I have a metal canister with a glass lid that the used litter goes in. When the building supervisor first came on the job she got ugly and wanted to know what I did with the used litter (the place doesn't stink like a cat box) SHE was positive that I flushed the used litter. She went on and on until I handed her the canister and she lifted the lid. She about fell over from the smell. I looked at her and calmly stated that if one flushes the used litter it will build up in the plumbing and it costs between five and fifteen thousand dollars (or more) to fix and takes about a month to get the repairs finished. She apologized for being so nasty. Especially when I went down stairs with her and showed her the last weeks zip lock bag full of cat litter scoopings.

@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Aug
@BearArtistLady .......That fancy fur sounds interesting. How's the Scorpio one coming?
Acrylic materials make me itch.
This heat turns off the mental and physical. So am trying to remember all I need to do for the recertification paperwork we just got. Always love doing it. And, this year we have to have hard copies of everything. We used to be able to send documents in emails. Not so anymore. Ugh!

Good luck on the rescheduling of the alarm test. Housing drives me crazy!
I feel so sorry for furry animals in this heat. They must be miserable.

@shaggin (74039)
• United States
7 Aug
I would be really irritated too. Seems anytime someone is supposed to come do something by appointment they never come when they are supposed to.

@shaggin (74039)
• United States
9 Aug
@BearArtistLady I’m glad you sent her a email telling her that!
That was an early awakening by the guy leaf blowing

@BearArtistLady (6036)
• United States
7 Aug
I found out from a neighbor that they couldn't do the inspection because they couldn't get enough county workers to do the inspections. They keep firing the good ones. By 8 p.m. last night I was beyond irritated into livid. I then was rattled awake at 7:45 a.m. this morning by the sound of the yard man starting the leaf blower. Sigh, he had to do it right under my window.
I did send the building supervisor an email chewing her out about how rude it was not letting us know that the alarm test wasn't going to happen. Some of us had to change important doctor and other appointments because of the testing and inspection. I was one who had to change a doctor's appointment. Needless to say...I wasn't happy.
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@2ndchances24 (10122)
• Cloverdale, Indiana
7 Aug
That's why I hate living in a apt or ANY rental place cause they know
how to disturb your life & day at the same time & don't give a ?