~Love Bombing =Stalking!~

Valdosta, Georgia
August 8, 2024 8:20pm CST
The second part to my Narcissist series is about Love Bombing/Stalking. He never wanted to be away from me, even to the point of following me to the bathroom. I know I should have seen a HUGE red flag there, but I was young and naive. He wouldn't work either because that would mean having to leave my side. At the time, I thought it was "sweet" and his way of showing his love for me... Now I know it was his way of keeping tabs on me and having total control over me!
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14 responses
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
9 Aug
Wow that really is a level of obsession I can’t even wrap my head around.
3 people like this
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Aug
@shaggin Yeah, it is really crazy and intense living with a narcissist.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Aug
@2ndchances24 Yes it is and you're absolutely right! The Lord finally had to rip the blindness from my eyes to see my husband's true colors.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Aug
Obsession of a spouse is really saddening & VERY dangerous the worst part about it is you the LAST 1 to see it come to light.
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@AliCanary (3279)
9 Aug
I'm glad you are not with him any more. Narcissists don't get any better. It's definitely a mental illness, but they think they're great, so clearly, they don't need to do anything about it!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Aug
@AliCanary It's my husband, I'm trying to save money so I can leave him. Yes he thinks he has no flaws at all, everything is always my fault. It's exhausting.
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@LeaPea2417 (37572)
• Toccoa, Georgia
10 Aug
@LovingMyBabies Does your husband suspect that you want to leave him?
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@AliCanary (3279)
9 Aug
@LovingMyBabies oh no. Have you reached out to a local support group? They usually have a lot of resources that can help you make the transition and give lots of good advice.
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@rebelann (113336)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Aug
Good grief, did he have a trust fund? ....... to pay bills
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Aug
@rebelann No, we lived with other people. I feel bad they had to take care of us back then.
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@rebelann (113336)
• El Paso, Texas
9 Aug
I have to wonder if his friends ...... I assume they were his friends ...... noticed his obsession with you
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Aug
@rebelann We lived with my friend, who had feelings for me. So when he told me he didn't care for the behavior of my husband, I thought it was because he wanted a relationship with me. Looking back, I wish I listened for sure!
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@Juliaacv (52323)
• Canada
9 Aug
That is really controlling, and must make one feel awful. I understand how you would have felt like he was trying to control you, but you are a strong person, with a good head on your shoulders and I am so proud of you for realizing the wrong in this behavior and for trying to move on. You are all in my prayers.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Aug
@Juliaacv Thank you for the prayers! He's very controlling and my children are learning the same behaviors because of it.
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@Juliaacv (52323)
• Canada
11 Aug
@LovingMyBabies But the children are young, and you can influence them positively. God gave them an excellent, loving and caring Momma for a reason.
@LadyDuck (472506)
• Switzerland
9 Aug
I know how you did feel. You thought it was a sign of love, but that was a big red flag. When they want to be with you all time it's not love, it's a sort of obsession.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Aug
@LadyDuck Yes exactly, I was so naive and thought these signs were very different from what they actually were. Hoping this series helps others while helping me heal!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Aug
@LadyDuck That's my hope as well!
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@LadyDuck (472506)
• Switzerland
10 Aug
@LovingMyBabies I hope that your series will help those that are living a similar situation.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Aug
When we are young & unaware of such danger we don't see things like we should, that's all in the part of learning while we grow up it sucks BUT? I learned after 4 yrs of being with 1 & that was because I was only 17 at the time & that was what people call young & dumb & they right.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Aug
@2ndchances24 Yes I was very young and made the worst choices! I'm grateful the Lord has shown me his true colors now. Writing this out is helping with my healing journey.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Aug
@LovingMyBabies God knows how to reach you in time of need & he knows how to change things that you have no idea how.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
10 Aug
My great niece had some issues with her partner. He showed his stuff shortly after she had a baby and her mother came to rescue her and the child.
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Aug
I think that until you have experienced being around a personality like this you don't realize he is narcissistic or psychopathic. I read about them and have seen a gazillion movies. They are so nice and many women crave that so they fall into it quite easily. Total control is the mile stone. My ex always seemed to make me feel idiotic if I even questioned him.
@xstitcher (33396)
• Petaluma, California
13 Aug
@jstory07 (142120)
• Roseburg, Oregon
11 Aug
I hope you can get away from him really soon.
@paigea (36315)
• Canada
14 Aug
That would be hard to figure out at first. Especially if you enjoyed being with him.
@NJChicaa (121670)
• United States
9 Aug
ew he watched you in the bathroom? that is sick.
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
14 Aug
Ewww, I didn't think of that. I just assumed hung outside the door like kids do, and pets sometimes
@LindaOHio (183980)
• United States
9 Aug
Wow to not work because he'd have to leave your side is quite extreme. Have a good weekend.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Aug
@LindaOhio It is, just didn't see it that way at the time.
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@dya80dya (36937)
14 Aug
This is scary.