Gee, it's 2:30 p.m. and I don't have this many heart pounders until....HERE COME THE GREMLINS!!!

United States
August 11, 2024 5:21pm CST
I usually "TRY" to have a quiet start to my day, at least until 12 noon. I usually make out okay where I don't have the panics or nerve rackers that I've had today, especially on Sunday!!! But today has been a good one for both. I started with deciding to take out the trash (yes, dear readers even the used kitty litter. That goes in the trash dumpster. Unfortunately my area doesn't recycle cat droppings!) I got back up and couldn't find my little Siamese lady. I knew she wasn't looking for a man, she had that taken care of at an early age. I searched and searched and I was even sicker than I had been thinking she had gotten out. I was walking down the hallway and Petey (the ginger tabby) happened to be following and he let out a loud "MEOW!!!!!". I stopped, turned and looked and the whole parade stopped. There was Petey, then Freya the Siamese following close behind with a "This is fun, why are we doing it???" look on her darling kitty kisser. I was so relieved I couldn't do anything but hug them both and give them treats. I had been looking for a solid hour! With that behind me, I poured myself some iced tea and sat for awhile. I was heating water to make another batch (I drink a LOT of the stuff in the summer. I developed the habit in Thailand when I was there in 1972. I loved the place and almost became a native.). I brew the tea in a half gallon container and leave it out to cool. When it cools enough I get out the ice cubes and fill my tea glass with both cube and tea. Before I started that process my heart went into overdrive, it suddenly DAWNED on me that my, uhhhh, well, stool sample that I wasn't able to deliver right away had to be frozen wasn't in the spot that I kept it in. Holy panic Bat Man!!!! Whew, I searched the freezer. I had forgotten that I had moved it to the back of the freezer in cage my gentleman friend who was visiting yesterday went into the freezer for the things he stored there while he watched the 1982 Lone Ranger movie. I would have been mortified if he had found it, not that he isn't used to that kind of stuff...but still I do ''TRY" to be a lady, it doesn't always work out, but I do try. I haven't even made it to 3 p.m. and my discussion disappeared from the screen, heart pounder number 3!!!! I hadn't gotten to the sample in the freezer part and it just disappeared. I searched frantically for 10 minutes and finally found it by some dumb luck. I am VERY glad I don't drink alcohol!!! I could imagine what would happen if I did that!!! Now I'm debating if I want to keep transferring the furs to be upcycled into bears from the smaller containers into the larger one or just sit and wait for the gremlins to go away. It's over 99 degrees (why doesn't the weather service in California just say it's 100???? A few degrees either direction won't make any difference, especially to the gremlins. One of the containers wasn't all furs, it had a heating pad and it looks like an electric blanket and more stuff destined for the thrift shop. I wonder if my gentleman friend will help me out with a hauling of the stuff.... Well, off to debate what I am going to do next...neighbors have been coming up doing their drying up here since the downstairs dryer quit (more gremlins work!) the lady that was doing her drying in our laundry room and I were discussing what year the dryer would get fixed. It was like my being interrogated about what I did with the used kitty litter, if I "flushed" it down the toilet. UHHHHHH, when you plug up the pipes with used clay litter (that stuff doesn't wash away) bottom rate to clear the blockage is $5,000 (if you're lucky) it goes into five to six digits otherwise. Don't flush clay clumping cat litter. Boy, the gremlins are really at it!!! I was debating what to do next as the phone was was my gentleman friend. He was checking on how I'm doing and wanted to know what the doctor was planning next. Hummm, those gremlins must be having a living ball!!! My neighbor friend has been busily telling me that the gentleman is sweet on me, and I'm saying "Sure, right!!! We both had people we adored...we're not ready for another extremely tight relationship." Those gremlins must have my place bugged!!!!!
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4 responses
@GardenGerty (162781)
• United States
11 Aug
You ARE having quite the day. My sister always had to field comments about her gentleman friend as well. Even her daughter called him her "boyfriend not boyfriend". I NEVER flush litter.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Aug
Long ago I realized that with my luck if I happened to flush litter the toilet would back up. When I moved in to help Mom she laid down the law about flushing cat litter and I told her that in the country I used alfalfa pellets. They got dumped over the back fence and the wild critters would (please forgive the grossness) eat the stuff. Now I use scooping, clumping stuff with baking soda and scoop it into a metal canister with a gallon zip lock works wonders at controlling both the litter box stench and the apartment management. Oh, and I also will add extra baking soda if it's needed. I scatter it on top of the litter and when the cats see that they roll in the baking soda. No figuring why, but they love doing it. It keeps the box smelling fresher much longer, especially since I scoop it twice a day. There is more coming about the Sunday gremlins. Boy they're so much fun!!! Almost like having your tooth filled!
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@kaylachan (76364)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Aug
Are there people in your complex that are THAT dumb that they'll actually flush cat litter, or know someone who does? You'd think that'd be common sense. Little girl must've found a good hiding spot. Cats are known for that.
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@jstory07 (142708)
• Roseburg, Oregon
12 Aug
Those gremlins are always up to no good.
@wolfgirl569 (113596)
• Marion, Ohio
12 Aug
Those gremlins are having a great time today. Glad you found Freya. Pretty cat can find some great hiding places too.
• United States
12 Aug
What gets to me is she can find great places in plain sight!!! Before I panic now I stop and think "IF" I had gone outside. If I haven't, she's inside because she isn't about to jump three stories out a screened window. Petey is totally different as he goes where there's food. He helped me eat my chicken and ended up eating about 2/3's of my portion. He's in his favorite sleeping spot, sleeping off his feast. It's only 5:20p.m. and the gremlins have hit three times again already. I hope they plan to take a break soon!
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
12 Aug
@BearArtistLady I hope your Gremlins settle down.