Hey mylotters, it's payday!

@MarieCoyle (34574)
August 12, 2024 12:38pm CST
I just logged in and noticed that. Up until last fall? I did make the payout most months--I know I went about a year or so with hitting it monthly. Then we had the whatever it was we had, and it takes a bit longer now for me to do that. Since then, I am averaging a payout every other month, unless I get lucky or work hard at it. My time is often limited due to other obligations, so that's not anyone's fault but my own. I honestly am not here just for the money, but for the interaction and the people, anyway. At one point a few years ago, I let my earnings build up and saved it all for something I wanted--needed, actually. I haven't done that since then, but I am contemplating doing that again. Do you move your earnings out when you get them, or do you save them up in the mylot bank for something?
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19 responses
@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Aug
So far, I've made payout every month. From what I'm seeing, it could take the entire month to make the payout. I hope not as I'm leaving the site at the end of the month.
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Aug
@MarieCoyle Thank you. I appreciate it. I need to focus on my writing.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
13 Aug
@just4him You have to do what you think is best for yourself.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
12 Aug
You will be missed a lot, Valerie.
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@JudyEv (335364)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Aug
I mostly make payout each month but I used to be able to take it for granted. I have to work a bit harder at it now. It's just a matter of pride to reach payout. The interaction is more important for me too.
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@porwest (85968)
• United States
13 Aug
It definitely takes more work. My average monthly payouts are now about half of what they used to be for the same amount of time spent.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
13 Aug
There are days I just don’t have any time to be here for more than a few minutes…my life is not my own! But I agree, the interaction is the most important.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
14 Aug
@porwest It gives you a chance to post more recipes to irritate Chicca, more chances to give investment advice, and more to tell us about your bargains and your camping trips. See, it's worth it!
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@Juliaacv (50342)
• Canada
12 Aug
I used to get payout every month, but it has been just over a year where that hasn't happened. It used to be that I could hit payout with spending lots of time on my weekends and a little after my long day at work, but that no longer holds true. I always let my earnings build in my paypal account and then order my hubby something from the Lions website, as he is a fan, and they take USD which I do not have an account for other than my PP. Hopefully I will make it for August, I have alot of work to do in the next week or so to make that happen, as the last part of my month will be busy off line.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
13 Aug
That's really nice, that you spent it for something he likes so much. He is the lucky recipient when you get paid!
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@TheHorse (214698)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 Aug
I just leave mine in Paypal.
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@TheHorse (214698)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Aug
@MarieCoyle That French Girl is out there. I just haven't met her yet.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
16 Aug
@TheHorse Never give up, she's out there...waiting for you to discover her.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
14 Aug
Savin' it up for a rainy day, or a hot date? I hope it's the hot date, you need some excitement in your life!
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
13 Aug
I let the money build up in PayPal and then every so often I transfer some to the checking account. That money goes toward meals out. Have a good day.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
13 Aug
Hey, that works!
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• India
13 Aug
I joined mylot three months ago. Yet to earn my maiden payment. I see the journey would atleast take another 3-4 months for tht with the current rate. I do not intend to increase the number of responses or discussions per day. I limit my time in mylot and also do not want to have the quality down. I am impressed by many who state they get paid every month or every other month. I am not sure , if over a time , the mylot reputation would help in getting a better rate . Any case, I am planning to redeem the earnings as they come and not save them in the mylot bank. It may help in covering my small expenses.
@MarieCoyle (34574)
13 Aug
I completely understand. I limit my time here as well. I hope you have enjoyed it here so far!
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@abhi_bangal (4819)
• Ahmednagar, India
14 Aug
Well, MyLot pays on the 15th of every month, right? But are they now paying on the 12th of the month? Because I have read a couple of discussion here and there discussing if anyone was paid or not. But the 15th of this month is yet to arrive. So I was a bit curious if MyLot has changed the pay day.
• Ahmednagar, India
15 Aug
@MarieCoyle I'm sorry to ask, but what's the difference between payday and technical payday? Do the calculate and finalize on the 12th and pay on the 15th? Yeah, I'm aware of where to check our earnings. I do keep checking it often. However, I'm still quite far away from qualifying for a payout. I'm trying to make it. But I don't think I'll reach there even in the next month.
@much2say (54916)
• Los Angeles, California
16 Aug
I'm not here enough lately to make it to payouts . . . but like you said, I'm not here for the money either. At the moment, I have no choice but to let it build up in the myLot bank .
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@much2say (54916)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Aug
@MarieCoyle I wonder if the algorithms changed any more here in recent times . . . I am not kidding that even trying to get a couple pennies is a far stretch for me lately. Not that it really matters, but you know.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
17 Aug
I completely understand. Sometimes, it's just not possible to have much time to be here.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
24 Aug
@much2say Some days it’s kind of strange, yes. And then there are times when it barely moves and I go to sleep or I’m away for several hours, and I made money. Not a bad thing!!
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@kaylachan (66088)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Aug
I have my paypal address linked to my account, So I get paid when I make payout. I often need the money, which is why I don't let it build. Those payments help pay for things like monthly subscriptions to streaming programs.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
12 Aug
I think most of us here can relate that the money is much appreciated. I know you always make the payout, good for you, Kayla!
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@kaylachan (66088)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Aug
@MarieCoyle I work my tail for for it.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
13 Aug
@kaylachan Yes, you do, and that's a good thing!
@wolfgirl569 (102597)
• Marion, Ohio
12 Aug
I let it pay out when I have enough. Didn't get paid this time
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@wolfgirl569 (102597)
• Marion, Ohio
13 Aug
@MarieCoyle It doesn't matter to me either
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
13 Aug
It's not always a monthly thing for me, either. The upside of that being, I get it the next month!
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
14 Aug
@wolfgirl569 It's there, and the second month it's nice to start out with a balance sometimes!
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@JESSY3236 (19641)
• United States
13 Aug
I had to take two weeks off of mylot so I didn't get to make it this month. I'm only on here once a week.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
14 Aug
Sometimes, life happens and I don't get here very often, either.
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@Shiva49 (26510)
• Singapore
13 Aug
It is not easy to hit the payment threshold every month. I feel only a few make it.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
14 Aug
Some people are able to spend more time here than others, I think.
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16 Aug
I don't get a payment on purpose as I am competitive with myself to earn more money each month and then that would cause me anxiety. and I don't feel comfortable having my Paypal address or however, they pay in the system,
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
16 Aug
I have never heard of one single person's paypal account being compromised in any way through mylot. I think it's very safe.
@yoooufi (138)
13 Aug
I prefer to save my earnings and use it to make some useful investments in the future. Hopefully this will double the money.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
13 Aug
Whatever works for you, is what you should do.
@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
13 Aug
It has started to take me two months to reach payout. I just let it sit in my PayPal until it is needed. It usually goes to a good cause. I might start saving it for something for 2025 Christmas. There might be a trip involved.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
13 Aug
I am going to try to leave mine alone for awhile again. Money is money...and we all find a use for it, no matter what!
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@snowy22315 (177351)
• United States
12 Aug
I usually just throw it in the general payment pot.
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@MarieCoyle (34574)
12 Aug
I’ve done that lately, too.
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@moffittjc (120997)
• Gainesville, Florida
16 Aug
I am like you, I make payout about every other month. And even though the amount we earn is minimal these days, I still come here daily because I enjoy the interaction.
@Shivram59 (33678)
• India
18 Aug
I have a busy schedule.That's why I can't spend sufficient time here.It takes me three to four months;and sometimes even five or six;to reach the payout.But I love my lot and enjoy interacting here.
@porwest (85968)
• United States
13 Aug
I am usually able to make payout each month, and always (or most of the time) more than the threshold. All of my myLot earnings go into dividend earning investments.
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