What a great day! How was yours?

@AmbiePam (91062)
United States
August 12, 2024 5:08pm CST
I astonishingly slept late today, which I never do, but the best thing was that my sister and her family were in town for two of Hudson’s (my nephew) doctor appointments with specialists, and they came over afterward for lunch and to visit. It was so nice to see them. Hudson threw a fit, which normally wouldn’t be something to celebrate, but this is a kid no one was sure would ever talk. Stomping his foot and saying he’s mad just made my dad and I smile. Of course, my sister wasn’t smiling, but she’s also the mom. We’ve only seen him perfectly behaved. Articulately (he has fetal alcohol syndrome) how he’s feeling, and carrying on conversations was never promised. You can see from the picture how tiny he was, how he needed that tube in his throat to breathe. Now he’s doing so much! It was a great day to see all the kids. How was your day?
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20 responses
@JudyEv (337897)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Aug
It just seems so unfair that, through no fault of his own, this dear little soul has had to go through so much. And will continue to do so.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
It is, Judy. But he’s so much better now, and he’ll get even better as they try new therapies. He had an IQ test last week, and when we get the results of that, they’ll know which special therapies he should be getting. Also, they are going to start him on human growth hormone to help him grow stronger. Not that I wouldn’t like to talk to his birth mother.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
15 Aug
@JudyEv Yes, absolutely.
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@JudyEv (337897)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Aug
@AmbiePam I guess we can all take a little comfort in the thought that he was born in this era and not 20 years earlier.
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@hexeduser22 (7419)
• Philippines
12 Aug
It's great to see that Hudson has a supportive family behind him. I spent half of my day at the car repair shop. It really tested my patience and almost drained my wallet, but the satisfaction of driving safely again after all the repairs was worth it!"
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
@hexeduser22 Good lord, you needed that nap!
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
12 Aug
Half the day, now that will try a person’s patience! What a relief to have it over with now.
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• Philippines
13 Aug
@AmbiePam That was an after-work activity for me too. I worked the graveyard shift, then headed straight to the repair shop. I ended up taking a nap in their waiting area before driving home because I was so exhausted and really needed sleep after it all.
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@GardenGerty (160290)
• United States
13 Aug
It was a great lazy day. I got to use the gift "someone" sent me, and cashed out at a couple of sites. Tonight we drove to Hutchinson and had Chinese Buffet, because I have been craving it really bad. Tomorrow is a workday at school.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
I’m glad to hear you got to enjoy your day since all the work starts for you soon. When I write about Hudson, I always think of your job.
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@snowy22315 (178990)
• United States
12 Aug
He's come so far! BTW, he looks mad in that picture too.. What was he mad about today?
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
12 Aug
He was upset in the picture because of an IV poke, but today he was hungry, and food was slow in coming. This child who is normally perfectly behaved had a subdued cow. Lol No screaming or falling to the floor, but more emotion than I’ve ever seen.
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@ktosea (2026)
• China
13 Aug
Good day to me too, weather good ,no clouds in the sky,it's so blue an pure that people want to fly over the sky.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
That sounds amazing.
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@Juliaacv (50771)
• Canada
12 Aug
I see how very small he was. I remember the strides that he made, that the doctors did not expect. Your sister and her husband and all of you really, must be a spectacular support group. He's a little miracle, even if he looks mad in this photo.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
12 Aug
He got poked with an IV again in the picture. I did get a shot after he did a “tap dance” for us today.
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@Juliaacv (50771)
• Canada
12 Aug
@AmbiePam He looks like he is having fun hamming it up here. I feel like when people overcome such huge obstacles at such tender young ages, they are deemed to go so far in this world. I am sure that he is one such person. He looks like he would keep his audience on their toes.
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@xstitcher (32149)
• Petaluma, California
13 Aug
Cute little guy.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
Back when this picture was taken I didn’t know what to do with him. He was connected to tubes and wires, and the tube in his throat kept him from making sound. No sound even came out when he cried.
@xstitcher (32149)
• Petaluma, California
14 Aug
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@LadyDuck (469838)
• Switzerland
13 Aug
Poor baby, I am so glad to know that he is improving. I imagine you do not care if he did not behave, you were to happy to see him talking and moving.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
Yes, exactly! Thank you for understanding.
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@LadyDuck (469838)
• Switzerland
13 Aug
@AmbiePam It's such a joy to see him improving.
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@wolfgirl569 (104408)
• Marion, Ohio
13 Aug
Glad he is doing so good now
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@RasmaSandra (78920)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Aug
Poor Hudson he only wanted to express himself, I hope things might get easier as he grows, Many blessings to him and his family,
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
12 Aug
Thank you. He’s so much better off than he was though, which is great.
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@TheHorse (216938)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 Aug
How old is he? I like the pout.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
He’s currently eight. I’m not sure how old he was in the picture.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
@TheHorse This is him showing us his tap dance.
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@TheHorse (216938)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 Aug
@AmbiePam Do you have a current picture?
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
14 Aug
Looking at that picture, my heart just goes out to him. How old is he now? I'm glad his progress and temper tantrums put a smile on your faces. I'm glad you got to see them yesterday. My day was good.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
14 Aug
He’s 8 now, almost nine! It’s amazing how he’s progressed.
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
14 Aug
@AmbiePam That's great!
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@grenery8 (8230)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
13 Aug
i didn't realise he was this tiny. i think the decision about the tube was a good one and i am glad you felt happy. i wish you all the best health.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
He’s a lot bigger now. Here’s a more recent picture.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
14 Aug
@grenery8 Thank you. We’re proud of how far he’s come.
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@grenery8 (8230)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
14 Aug
@AmbiePam o,i see.i mean,i remember your recent photos but i wasn't sure.what a fine boy.have a good day
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@yoooufi (138)
13 Aug
seeing his tiny hands and feet depicts him as a strong little boy. I want to hug him and give him some prayers of safety. may he always be healthy and grow up in good condition
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
Thank you so very much.
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@popciclecold (38239)
• United States
12 Aug
He's a cute little fella, I hate he threw a fit because he was hungry. Enjoy your day.
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@GardenGerty (160290)
• United States
13 Aug
@AmbiePam I throw fits when I am hungry as well.
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
12 Aug
Oh, that’s okay. We’re trying to get him to gain weight, but those doctor appointments are long! Don’t you hate when your doctor takes forever? I always try to get morning appointments to prevent that.
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@kaylachan (67630)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Aug
Busy. Mondays usually are. Well any day I choose to do laundry usually is.
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• United States
13 Aug
God bless Hudson and all his accomplishments. It really must have been great to see his strides of showing emotions of being mad and stomping his foot even if your sister didn't think it was a smiling moment. I'm glad you had a nice visit with the family. Family time always perks me up too
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
Yes, and you and I both have such good families!
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@JESSY3236 (19819)
• United States
13 Aug
My Monday was ok. I started on my boyfriend's diamond painting and I made a few phone calls. I tried to get my printer to work, but it won't work so I will be getting a new printer soon.
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@paigea (36320)
• Canada
13 Aug
That would be amazing to see his little temper tantrum! At first Yesterday I was very unproductive, so feeling behind and stressed today. That's the price of procrastination
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@AmbiePam (91062)
• United States
13 Aug
Yes, procrastination bites me in the rear more than I care to remember. Lol Luckily, his fit didn’t last long.
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@LindaOHio (175157)
• United States
13 Aug
I'm glad you had an opportunity to visit with your sister and her family. I'm glad that Hudson is doing so much better. Have a great day. My day yesterday was frustrating.
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