The Warren Buffet Rule

August 16, 2024 2:38pm CST
Warren Buffett is a brilliant man. His rule on paying taxes is a brilliant idea.No one making over 1 million dollars a year should pay less of a percentage of their income than the middle class. An example would be a tax on one million dollars is 1 percent. On the other hand taxes on 50,000 dollars would be 55 percent. This rule would turn this around to the exact opposite. This rule is called the Warren Buffet Rule. This rule is music to the middle class' pockets.
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3 responses
@porwest (88199)
• United States
19 Aug
I think this is a bit of a misrepresentation of the rule. That being said, the rich already contribute FAR more to society than any other class of people and it always gets missed from the discussion. Rich people invest their money and create businesses. Those businesses create jobs that employ people and offer opportunities. Those jobs produce tax revenues from the wages taxed and the earnings spent. On TOP of all of that, regular folks can INVEST in those businesses and share the profits. Taxing the rich is ridiculous anyway. A tax is a cost of doing business and ALL costs of doing business are passed along to the consumer. Tax the rich and the businesses more, and you will pay more for everything and earn less. A small example of this is when I owned real estate. I wrote the check to pay the property taxes, sure. But the taxes I paid were collected from the people who rented from me. Essentially, I paid no property taxes at all because the taxes were added to the rent charged. If the tax goes up? I charge more for the rent to make up the difference. Who paid the tax? Not me. The renter did.
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@porwest (88199)
• United States
22 Aug
@JimmyDeen You missed my point. The middle class will NOT pay less. The greatest cost will be on THEM because things will cost more, and wages and jobs opportunities will be less plentiful. When you think about corporations, you have to step back and look at what they contribute as a whole to society OUTSIDE of taxes. They pay WAY MORE of their fair share than anyone else does, HANDS DOWN.
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@evans777 (1540)
20 Aug
yeah, this makes a lot of sense
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20 Aug
They make a lot of money. The cost won't be from their pockets, But taxing that huge income is what this rule is trying to do. The middle class can then pay less.
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@evans777 (1540)
17 Aug
i feel like people earning in millions are doing charity work with their taxes, because those in the middle and lower classes tax amounts to very little which probably cannot even be used to build any social amenity
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17 Aug
It's the middle class that pays most of the taxes.
@evans777 (1540)
17 Aug
@JimmyDeen that is what you think, ask any millionaire how much they pay for tax, you will be surprised
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17 Aug
@evans777 people like warren buffet who are billionaires pay not more than 30,000 per year. Wealthy individuals pay very little tax. You can research and find out how much billionaires pay in taxes.
@mom210 (9117)
• United States
19 Aug
I always likes the fair tax, I wish we could adopt that. No tax on 2nd hand items. If you have not read about it you should it was a great idea.
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20 Aug
I'm sure it is, especially if it can get more taxes from mega billionaires.
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