Health Matters: Going full vegan but dairy-free products are hard to find?

@piyoz000 (385)
August 24, 2024 10:36am CST
Deciding to go full vegan is not a joke especially when there's lack of resources. Then there's the preparation phase that takes a lot of practice. If you're not good at cooking, or you can barely afford to fill-up your pantry on regular basis, then it's all about luck. Now, have you ever considered the impact of dairy farming on both the environment and animal welfare? Some people choose to go vegan not just for health reasons. But also, to reduce their carbon footprint and avoid supporting industries that they believe can cause unnecessary suffering to animals. What if the dairy industry puts a thought on the ethical and environmental implications of consuming dairy products in the first place? I don't know, there's still so much to think about on this but that's it for now. Photo grabbed from
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1 response
25 Aug
Animal welfare should be on top priority for sure.
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@piyoz000 (385)
• Philippines
27 Aug
I think animal welfare should be put alongside environmental matters. I'm sure there are cases where our environment is compromised because of putting animal welfare first. There must balance on both sides.