Good morning myLot

@NJChicaa (118681)
United States
August 26, 2024 9:30am CST
Hello everyone. I hope your day is off to a good start. It is 80 degrees F and sunny here at the Jersey Shore. It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day. I was up in the middle of the night so I woke up late today. Fine with me. I'm up now and thinking about something to eat for breakfast/lunch. My neighbor is currently out doing Instacart and Sparks (or whatever the Walmart thing is called) orders. We will head to the pool when she gets back. Gotta soak up the sun while we can! What's everyone else up to today?
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9 responses
@nonersays (3335)
• United States
26 Aug
Good morning. Well, good afternoon when I'm responding to this. I hope you enjoyed your pool time today. My morning was slow. I slept until 10, and might have slept longer but my husband woke me up. We had to do grocery shopping today, and I've been working on little things here and there online since. Just a dull, normal day.
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@GardenGerty (159850)
• United States
27 Aug
Sounds a lot like me.
• India
26 Aug
It is sunny here as well . I injured my left tendon and limping at times and well would have to work from home for a few days. It is not a bad injury but at times it pains in the area. The doctor mentioned it could be because of uric acid. I have started the medicines and yet to see a big difference. Perhaps a little rest could do wonders. Workwise, busy season for next 6 months. I have organized better and now counting my productivity to do the wonders for me. Well, you enjoy your wonderful day and week ahead!
@ptrikha_2 (46546)
• India
26 Aug
@RevivedWarrior Oh that is a bad bit ! I hope that you get well soon.
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@GardenGerty (159850)
• United States
27 Aug
I stayed inside all weekend. I am glad you slept in when you could.
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@AmbiePam (89171)
• United States
26 Aug
I laughed, I cried, I accomplished nothing. Enjoy your pool day!
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@FourWalls (65700)
• United States
26 Aug
Just grabbed an apple at the breakfast bar, gonna post a song, and back out to Route 66 before I head for home!
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@LindaOHio (171555)
• United States
27 Aug
Nothing on the agenda for today. Hope you have a good, sunny day.
@ptrikha_2 (46546)
• India
26 Aug
Pretty much similar weather here but more rainy and pleasant. Watched a couple of High Altitude travel videos after completing my official work today. Some of the roads were quite narrow and steep and it was a thrill to watch although I know that the people in the vehicle would he having a tough time. Happy Swimming and a happy day overall.
@flapiz (22934)
• United Kingdom
26 Aug
I woke up in the middle of the night too. We have a new puppy and she was crying.
@MarieCoyle (34469)
26 Aug
It is sickeningly hot here, too hot to even be outside. Even a trip to the pool sounds too hot for me~ Enjoy your last week of freedom, before you start school again!