Doctor Visit Update Pt 2

Rupert, Idaho
August 28, 2024 2:20pm CST
Hello everyone, how are you all doing? I shared the other day that I saw my doctor and it went better than I thought - my A1c dropped from 8.0 to 6.5. However, it dropped that much because of how many lows I have been having. I said I would share more when I got the results from my labs back. I finally got them all back so I will share now. My weight did go up 7 pounds (so now that is 14 pounds up in 6 months) My blood pressure was high at the visit and heart rate was really fast (118) - but that could be related to some of the blood work. So, surprisingly my cholesterol numbers were pretty good. All in the ranges they should be except for the good cholesterol being a little low (58 when it should be above 60) My TSH was fine (thyroid test) but not sure how they'd see if you have an issue with your thyroid besides that test. All of my electrolytes and such were good - except that my co2 was a bit low (but still in range) and my anion gap was high (but again still in range). Those two being off could mean some kind of acidosis (with high blood sugar it is ketoacidosis). The anion gap/co2 numbers could be causing my being out of breath easy, the blood pressure being up, and heartbeat being abnormal. I usually have a faster heart, but in the 90s not almost 120. Not sure what to do about it though. He did not do a CBC package this time, so I don't have those to compare to anything. Finally, my kidney numbers were good this time which is good news. Sometimes they are elevated but I usually find that issue if tested during certain times (IYKYK). Anyways, what do you think? Surprised my tests aren't worse with my diet and everything? I kind of am, especially with being taken off certain meds last time. Photo is mine; sharing the same photo as last time since this is a continuation post kind of.
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8 responses
@kaylachan (66080)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
28 Aug
Not a surprise. I'm glad your numbers are pretty good over all. That's a huge drop in A1C, but I guess it's not to bad. Might want to do something about that weight. Then again, who am I to talk? I lost about 30 or so pounds, only because George's been in the hospital. Gained a little muscle because I'm carrying his heavy boxes in the house from his tube feeds.
• Rupert, Idaho
28 Aug
Well I never had major health issues, minus the blood sugar issue and weight of course....even though I ate the way i do my whole life. I would do something about if I could walk more then 3 minutes without being in extreme pain. I know, I should just cut out the carbs and I would probably lose the extra weight and be able to move easier. Also don't want to gain a bunch once I do get pregnant (if I can). But carbs are just so addicting. Well gaining muscle is good for sure, so gaining that is not a bad thing....
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@kaylachan (66080)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
28 Aug
@MommyOfEli2013 No. Looking at me you wouldn't know I have, but when I make lifting boxes look effortless or can go a little longer wheeling in the chair before I get tired (despite not going out daily) I call that a win. Cuting carbs isn't easy and not right for everyone. Have you looked into the pain thing? Walking isn't exactly ideal for everyone, either. I can't do it very well due to my cp so it's not an option as far as exercises goes. reguardless of George's stroke.
• Rupert, Idaho
29 Aug
@kaylachan Well that sounds like a win, it's not all about how things look necessarily either....if someone feels better though then that is a plus for sure. Cutting carbs has worked for me in the past though, but the past 3 year or so I have struggled getting back on track with it. Told the doctor's nurse the other day and she just said to stretch is all, about the pain. I am sure it is my weight though...I should lose 100 pounds...well now way more than that. Could be scoliosis too. That is understandable, and I am sorry to hear that though...
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@Deepizzaguy (100140)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
28 Aug
That is good to know that your test results are getting better.
• Rupert, Idaho
29 Aug
Well the A1c at least is...I guess the others too while not being on meds that I was on for years.
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@Deepizzaguy (100140)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
29 Aug
@MommyOfEli2013 Thank goodness your A1c is good.
• Rupert, Idaho
29 Aug
@Deepizzaguy Well it is not really good....should be 5.6 or under. But it's better than it was, even though it only lowered because I was having too many lows.
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@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
28 Aug
Glad you found out your numbers are good, So you must be doing things right,
• Rupert, Idaho
29 Aug
Well I wouldn't say good necessarily, but not as bad as I thought. I know I am not doing much right. Out of shape, can't walk more than 3 minutes on the treadmill.....out of breath doing daily things...but I know it is the 100+ extra pounds I am carrying.
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
29 Aug
I'm glad your numbers are good.
• Rupert, Idaho
30 Aug
Well they are okay....probably not good enough
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
29 Aug
Thank you for the update. Glad to hear that your A1C is down. My heartbeat is usually around 100 which is higher than it was a year ago. Have a good day.
• Rupert, Idaho
29 Aug
No problem...and I am too except for the way it is down. Sorry yours is around 100.
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@Ghostlady (1059)
• United States
29 Aug
Do you take medicine for Diabetes? I take Metformin. Your A1c is great.. I started with 7.2 and finally got down to 5.8 last year, but went back up to 6.2 this last blood work. I hardly ever worry about BP, as they always seem to take it after you have either walked a ways, or just got there and they call you back immediately. I take it at home and it is just fine. I have cut my meals down in amount of food. I used to fix 4 chicken quarters for dinner for Tom and me, now I only cook 2. I have lost 7lbs. in 6 weeks. But they also gave me a water pill, so that may have been why. I can not walk much either, and in the past month or more have had problems with the calf of my right leg. I limit intake of sweets and bread, but still eat them. So far this past week my Blood Sugar has been below 120. I try t keep it below 120, but try for under 110. Hope things turn out well for you getting pregnant.
• Rupert, Idaho
29 Aug
Yes, I take that as well. I take insulin besides that. My A1c was good but only because I was dropping into the 50s a lot. 7.2 is not too bad and the 5.8 is really good. 6.2 recently is even pretty good. That's good not to worry about blood pressure. I worry because it wouldn't be good for a pregnancy. But yes they take it at the worst time. That's great on the weight loss. I should cut back but I don't like feeling hungry. So I never get on a diet plan. But I need to do something because I just keep putting on weight.
• Rupert, Idaho
29 Aug
@Ghostlady Oh really? It is so interesting how different it is for everyone. With my son I gained a lot of weight, I didn't really get morning sickness and ate just fine. I need to lose that amount of weight you did, plus some... Thank you, I just hope I am not too late on trying to conceive.
@Ghostlady (1059)
• United States
29 Aug
@MommyOfEli2013 When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I could not eat much of anything. Everything I ate came right back up. I lost over 50lbs before she was born..Trust me, I NEEDED to lose that much. I was WAY over 200lbs. Hope all goes well.
@snowy22315 (177348)
• United States
28 Aug
You didn't ask the doc what you should do about the fast heartbeat?
• Rupert, Idaho
28 Aug
He is trying to find some medicine that would be safe for pregnancy, even though I wasn't pregnant at the time I hope to be soon....and not all meds are safe.
@1creekgirl (41152)
• United States
28 Aug
Sounds like mostly good news? Your hair is beautiful!
• Rupert, Idaho
28 Aug
Thank you, it's an old pic but I have the same color now. And yes mostly, I guess
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