No Evil Deed Goes Unrewarded

@jaylar (372)
Kingston, Jamaica
September 1, 2024 6:38am CST
The Horse wrote about the negative response to a good deed and I commented, mentioning the obverse. This is a true story. I stopped at the gas station in Harbour View to get gas and smokeums. I got the gas, walked into the shop there to pay for the gas and buy cigarettes. There were other people in there, all getting frustrated. Why? The Cashier was on the phone with her boyfriend. There was one big drama going on with her, and the customers were ignored, got fed up and walked out. I was standing there and saw a newbie and asked if I could see that pack of cigarettes and she handed it to me. I then told the newbie..."I don't want to bother the Cashier, I'll pay later..." and walked out. I got on the bike and road home... free gas, free ciggies. Two days later I went back to the gas station expecting to be scolded. As I walked in, ready to explain, apologise, whatever, the cashier looked at me with this huge smile on her face and said; "They told me what you said, I really appreciate it." So I'm feeling wierd and glance and see a Teddy Bear and say something about it, and the cashier comes from around the counter, goes over to the stack of bread, goes through them, and says: "Buy this bread, there's a ticket in it for a free teddy bear." So I buy the bread, take the Teddy Bear and go out and ride off.
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2 responses
@grenery8 (7352)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
3 Sep
very peculiar cashier. in some countries, she would have got fired instantly. i'm glad you got a free teddy bear.
@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
3 Sep
In Yard, people live on the phone. Before cell it was land line. The owner wasn't there so she was 'in charge' and having an argument with her boyfriend was important. Many customers walked out. But being accustomed I got my cigs, gas and left. Then my teddy bear.
1 person likes this
@grenery8 (7352)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
4 Sep
@jstory07 (137849)
• Roseburg, Oregon
2 Sep
Did you pay for the items when you went back. Cute teddy bear.
@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
2 Sep
no... that's the point. When I walked in the cashier was so all embracing and I didn't expect it. I was being sarcastic when I told the newbie that I didn't want to bother her...