Every one of us has a story. Don't judge a book by it's cover, until you read the book.
By Marie Coyle
@MarieCoyle (41360)
September 6, 2024 9:25pm CST
It's the story of us.
Every single one of us has our very own story, a different past, different people and circumstances have come together to make us who we are today. At least, this is how I perceive it all at this particular stage of my life.
I have a new neighbor. She dresses differently than most ladies, and it seems she is on the quiet side. She often reads sitting out on her patio, and in the evenings, she likes to have a fire in her little firepit and sit outside. So far, some of the other neighbors have simply decided that she is weird.
She wears long colorful skirts, often with beautiful designs or hand embroidered. Her hair is long and she wears it down or in a single braid. Sometimes, she wears beaded necklaces that are strange, yet beautiful. When she sits outside on her patio, her cat is usually in her lap or very close by. She has been observed talking to her cat. (Since I have been known to talk to my own animals over the years, I consider this more than normal.)
The neighbor the closest to her has decided our new resident is weird, doesn't like her clothing, her hair, her mannerisms, or even her cat. (The cat never runs loose if it's outside, she is there with it always.) She tells everyone who will listen that she is just certain this woman takes drugs, because she looks like an old hippie. (At the risk of being judgmental myself, this lady loves to gossip. Another lady calls her Gladys Kravitz (the nosy neighbor years ago, from the Bewitched TV show!)
Hmm...this lady is a retired professor from a huge university. She has awards, and has written a book. She holds a doctorate in psychiatry. She volunteers for animal rescue groups...but according to the neighbor, she is weird, because she looks different. She is currently trying to convince her other nearby neighbors that this sweet older hippie lady is a drug dealer, because ''she looks like one!''
What does a drug dealer look like? I've seen cases that drug dealers were caught and locked up. One was a lawyer I knew, very clean cut. One was a superintendent of schools in a county near me, again, very clean cut and respected. Granted, there are drug dealers that don't look nice, I'm sure. But I have known people from all walks of life that might look rough, but are some of the nicest people you will ever know.
Often, one's appearance is partly due to circumstances. Maybe they don't have enough money for clothing, so they wear things that are worn out. Maybe they are suffering a deep loss of someone they loved, so they just don't care how they look. Maybe they are way too skinny because they don't have enough to eat.
My point is, we absolutely do not know why they look the way they look. We shouldn't make assumptions on people just because we think they should look, or dress differently than they do.
When I heard what the one lady thought of her new neighbor, I marched over there to introduce myself and welcomed her to the area. We talked for a time, and she wants me to come over sometime soon for coffee or just some time on the patio by the firepit. I hope I can, it sounds nice, and I love outside fires in the fall.
I think there may be a lot of truth to yet another old saying, ''Don't judge a book by it's cover!''...and oh, is it ever true. And don't forget to actually read the book!!
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12 responses
@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
There is always room for a new friend. This year, I lost one really good friend to cancer, and another to complications from a car accident. I miss them both and always will. But I will not let the fear of losing another keep me from getting to know someone else. Yes, she seems like a lady who is smart and knowledgeable, I know I will enjoy getting to know her. Thank you, Amber.
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@kaylachan (75576)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Sep
I know that all to well. I wish her the best and I hope you two make good friends.
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
I honestly do understand, and it's so cruel to judge others according to how they look. It's what's inside that matters, as we know.
I hope to get to know her, too. She seems very nice. Thank you, Kayla.
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@kaylachan (75576)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Sep
@MarieCoyle You're welcome. I hope only the best comes out of this. My mother loved to wear colorful house dresses when she was at home.
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
I have been known for being rather funky at times, and guess what? I don't care. I'm always clean. My clothes are clean. I wear handmade jewelry because my daughter is a silversmith, and I am so proud of the things she makes. My hair has always been long, I like it that way--mainly because I can put it up and it's out of the way! It's my hair, I will wear it how I want to.
The lady we are discussing, she and I share several long-time friends, we had just never met each other. It's a small world, for sure!
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
7 Sep
@MarieCoyle That’s helpful for your neighbour. Partly, it’s helpful that Hubby notices who’s coming and going in the neighbour’s driveway , but partly he’s just nosy.
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
Oh gosh. The only times I ever watch out the window is if it’s storming or I heard a strange noise! I do look out occasionally to see if Dale, my very elderly neighbor who lost his wife, shut his garage door at night. He forgets sometimes, but he never looks the door from the garage into the house, so all the neighbors worry about him when he forgets that garage door.
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@Deepizzaguy (107174)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
7 Sep
I know of one female who works as a professional wrestler who used to have pink hair. I thought she was a radical person but I understood that her admiration of the color pink is her wrestling character. According to those persons who are closer to Alex Gracia, she is a businesswoman who enjoys the way she earns a living.
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@Deepizzaguy (107174)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
7 Sep
@MarieCoyle Alex is a college graduate who enjoys the color pink from her childhood in Texas.
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
Hair color or style, and clothing choices, are personal choices. She chose pink as her signature color, good for her, George.
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
8 Sep
Definitely must be a woman who knows just what she likes!
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@LindaOHio (183980)
• United States
7 Sep
That's so unfair. I'm glad you made contact with her. I hope you're having a good weekend.
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@LindaOHio (183980)
• United States
8 Sep
@MarieCoyle I will have a better day later today when I see my husband!!!
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
8 Sep
She seems like a very kind and good person. Not deserving of Gladys Kravitz snooping and making up stories!
I hope you are having a good day, Linda.
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
13 Sep
Single braid? One long braid down her back…and you are correct, animals know a good person when they see one.
Some people love gossip so much, if they don’t know any they make stuff up!! 

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@grenery8 (14056)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
15 Sep
@MarieCoyle some feed of others

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@snowy22315 (185915)
• United States
7 Sep
Kudos to you to be friendly to the "talked about one."You are absolutely right. We can't judge someone by how they look. We have all had different experiences in our lives, and liveife the best way we know how. Most of us are pretty much alike inside.
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
8 Sep
I try hard to understand why some people are the way they are, but I must admit to just not understanding the Gladys Kravitz's of the world! And kindness makes a lot more friends than Gladys's gossipping! LOL
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@wolfgirl569 (112293)
• Marion, Ohio
7 Sep
Glad you went to visit her. She sounds like a good person from what you described.
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
Very friendly, kind, and seem very nice. I will probably see her next week for coffee and a little visit, thank you.
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@sallypup (63094)
• Centralia, Washington
7 Sep
Oh my. I want to go grind some wheat and make sweets and go sit with her. I do not plan to ever curl my hair. I will be 85 if God lets me and have long hair. I do not look like anybody else in the women's gym locker room and I don't care. Your other neighbors are really missing out. Let's stop being divided, fellow Americans! Embrace diversity.
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
Oh, Lenore!
I would put up a flagpole with your quote on it if I had a place to do so!! What a perfect sentence!
“ Let’s stop being divided, fellow Americans!
Embrace diversity!”

@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
She does seem to have other friends, it’s just too bad she has to be the immediate neighbor of Gladys!! I look forward to getting to know her, thank you.
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@LovesEverybody (4381)
• United States
7 Sep
Nothing makes me madder when somebody judges somebody by how they look. But I admit I judge MYSELF. I wish I were different but it seems i feel never feel like a normal person. I do NOT judge any other human being
I don't go out very often unless I am with my peer or sister because I fear the judgment of my looks and personality and those two can protect me. neither of those two dear people knows that is why i like to go out with them so much
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@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
Jennifer, you ARE different. We are ALL different, I've never met anyone that is just exactly like they want to be...everyone seems to wish they could change something about themselves. And then there are the people who are judged because of something a family member has done--can you imagine being related to someone like Casey Anthony, or a serial killer, or? I can see why family members disappear, change their appearance and their names, and hide.
I imagine you are a beautiful lady. I know you have a lovely heart, and that's all that truly matters. Hold that head up high, Jen!
@RevivedWarrior (3711)
• India
7 Sep
Very true, many judge a book by its cover. There is no way you can judge a personality by lookinh at the person. Perhaps they are introverts , or are interested in other aspects of life rather than grooming themselves. Unless , something is proven , we can never judge anyone. And from whatever I have read so far , she seems to be a good person . Perhaps there would be things to learn. And I would keep an arm's distance from your other neighbour who is judgemental. Without any solid evidence, she is spreading the rumours. Perhaps , the new person could be a good friend as well!
@MarieCoyle (41360)
7 Sep
I do like it when people are clean and neatly looking. Doesn’t have to be fancy by any means, but clean is good. But I try hard not to judge general looks. You truly cannot tell what a person is like by just appearance.
And yes, many people already avoid that other woman. She is leading a sad life, stays mostly in her home and peeps out her windows. She has numerous outdoor cameras to be able to watch all of her neighbors. Most of us have one or two cameras. She has four or five!
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