An Illustration of the Laziness of Today's Media

@porwest (85877)
United States
September 9, 2024 7:06am CST
There's a radio talking head I listen to often. He always offers a unique perspective and brings up some great points. But there's a story he has told a million times that never gets old, about today's media and journalists in general, that sums up rather nicely the state of our press these days, and why it is so useless when you really get to the heart of it. An editor tells his reporter there is a press conference that will be delivered by the mayor, and he wants the reporter to go and cover it. After a very short time the reporter comes back, and the editor inquires as to what he learned from the press conference. "Nothing happened," said the reporter. "What do you mean? Why?" "The press conference was cancelled." The editor scratches his head. "Why was it cancelled?" "Someone broke into the mayor's office and assassinated him." The moral of the story is that the reporter ONLY knew to cover what he was told to cover and did not understand that the REAL story was not about the press conference, but the fact that someone killed the mayor. And that's how news is done these days. The right questions rarely get asked and the real stories rarely get told because reporters are either too lazy or too dumb to get to the bottom of what it is they are supposed to be covering.
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5 responses
@jaylar (371)
• Kingston, Jamaica
9 Sep
perfect story. Most major media houses have their bias and program and promulgate what matches their views. They don't want independent honest reporters, they don't want diversions,
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@porwest (85877)
• United States
9 Sep
It's a pretty sad state of affairs across all media these days. It's part of the reason it is so important for people do their own research and inform themselves, because you can no longer rely on the media to give it to you straight.
@jaylar (371)
• Kingston, Jamaica
9 Sep
@porwest exactly...and few people know that
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@porwest (85877)
• United States
10 Sep
@jaylar Unfortunately, and thus, more people get screwed when they make ill informed decisions than benefit from it.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
9 Sep
I've noticed that my self, some of the questions they ask makes me shake my head thinking what kind of question is that, like on the Ky shooting, 1 asked why is the area so hard to search when the speaker just told them it's a LARGE area over a 1000 acres to search DUH???
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@porwest (85877)
• United States
11 Sep
Not the best and brightest, that's for sure.
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@porwest (85877)
• United States
14 Sep
@2ndchances24 I think that would cancel a lot of people out. But luckily it would mostly be democrats left out. lol
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
11 Sep
@porwest you think?? & what's more crazy is they get to vote, I would give every person a smart test B-4 they get registered to vote.
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@BarBaraPrz (46564)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
9 Sep
That's about it.
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@BarBaraPrz (46564)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
9 Sep
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@porwest (85877)
• United States
9 Sep
Quite a sad reality, isn't it? lol
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@rakski (114394)
• Philippines
9 Sep
Dumb dumb dumb dumb. Oh I thought I heard a heartbeat
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@rakski (114394)
• Philippines
10 Sep
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@porwest (85877)
• United States
10 Sep
lol. Hey, however it works for you.
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• United States
9 Sep
Yup! I feel as if Im constantly shaking my head. One of these days it's probably going to fall off my shoulders
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@porwest (85877)
• United States
9 Sep
lol. That will happen LONG before you ever get the whole story from any media unfortunately.