Weather Forecasts?

@jaylar (371)
Kingston, Jamaica
September 14, 2024 7:57am CST
In ancient days, because I was afraid of hurricanes, I joined the Parish Disaster Committee. I had found a site which insured yachts so used it to track storms. Think of it, if a storm damages a yacht that insurance company has to pay millions. By having a tracker on line going minute by minute, its advisories bought the company protection. I recall two major storms where the government issued warnings where I tried to advise that they would not hit. My information was kicked away. Buses stopped moving, shelters opened, everyone was anxious, except me who, following the insurance company, knew one storm would pass fifty miles from the south coast, the other would turn to travel between Jamaica and Haiti. While everyone awaited the storm I sat on the beach, enjoying the night. Alas, that insurance company ceased to front page their storm tracking. Now, I'm left with the erroneous local information which is less accurate than Granny Rose's bunions.
1 response
• Philippines
I hope everyone is safe. God bless and have a great day.