The Harris Report A Must Read for Undecided Voters: Her Economic Policy Which Will Affect Most Americans Savings
@dgobucks226 (36307)
September 15, 2024 5:08pm CST
If you want more complete information on Kamala Harris, free of social media gaslighting, based on logical assumptions, facts, and research of non-mainstream media views, you might find this post helpful. Especially if you have an open mind, are worried about the country's direction and are undecided on this election. Otherwise, this post is not for you...
After hearing all the lies and non-answers Harris told on the recent debate who really knows what she will do if elected. All one can do is look at her past voting record and the policies Harris has supported, or those so called "VALUES" of Her's, to find some clarity on how she would govern.
I can tell you her website does not provide that clarity. Its either filled with Democratic talking points and generalities, and any specifics she touts are economically infeasible or have no chance of becoming law.
So, with that, let's try to make sense of Harris's economic agenda, and how it will affect many Americans.
1. Climate Change Agenda- looking to spend over 350 billion dollars which will cripple the economy and already weakened dollar on green initiatives. Will throwing money at the climate and raising your taxes really have a massive effect on our weather? Experts are divided on this issue.
*I would rather spend some of my tax dollars toward helping to get aid and relief for the homeless on the streets. I think more overall progress is possible there than trying to control the weather.
2. Harris plans to continue the high tax rates on corporations and businesses. Corporations create economic growth and jobs and raising taxes will have a devastating effect on our economy and lifestyle.
*Those economic effects:
-Prices for goods will increase even more than they are now. This will reduce the purchasing power of the dollar for the goods you need and want.
-Corporations will have to lay off workers.
-Any new hires will be offered less in wages.
3. Harris is in favor of income redistribution, a facet of socialism. One idea Harris has floated is putting a tax on "unrealized gains." Meaning you will be taxed before you even receive a profit from your investment. Basically, a "double tax."
*It has been suggested by some pundits this additional income will be used to provide "special handouts to illegal immigrants." This is what "EQUITY IS, favoring certain groups at the expense of others. Many think it means the same thing as "EQUALITY."
As a SENIOR CITIZEN on a fixed income, I don't want to take a chance on Harris raiding my retirement savings to redistribute to equity groups like illegal immigrants? DO YOU! Or even worse, if you are still working payroll and income taxes will be eating away at "your nest egg." Sounds unfair in my opinion.
Shouldn't you be able to keep the money you legitimately earned and worked so hard for all your life.
Final Thoughts:
-Those who have complained about everything being MORE EXPENSIVE, just "be aware" about who was part of this administration that was running the country the last 3+ years.
-HOLD THIS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTABLE! Harris should not be rewarded (by being elected) for the lousy and chaotic state the country finds itself in. Remember, she accepted and supported Biden's policies as Vice President.
More information to come in a future post...
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5 responses
@RasmaSandra (83324)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Sep
Thanks for the information, For my non-political mind I have a feeling I would like to see everything on Harris for Dummies file, So which is the worst of the two evils Trump or Harris or are we up the creek without a paddle??????
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@RasmaSandra (83324)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 Sep
@dgobucks226 thanks for the explanation,
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
16 Sep
Ok, you're getting a long here Rasma but a heartfelt one. As a person Trump has many faults which turn people off. Me too! He's arrogant, stubborn at times, says dumb things or phrases them in a crude way. The name calling has become idiotic. So, his personality especially in front of the mostly liberal media, (who hates him), he does come off really bad.
But when he was president, he did not lie about what his policies we're going to be whether you agreed with them or not. He does listen to many other's opinions on all sides and seeks out facts from experts. We were at peace around the world and until Covid, had an equal opportunity, prosperous, full employment economy for all social classes, ethnic, and minority groups where everyone did well. When he left office, he had the economy back on track. We did not have the border crisis we have now, and people were safer in their communities. You could disagree with the government decisions without worrying about being arrested by the FBI or being thrown in jail without bail or legal counsel. These are some good reasons to give him his final 4 years.
Harris on the other hand has been evasive about her positions. They differ drastically from when she ran in 2020 and as Vice-President. What does she really believe? Nobody does a 360-degree change in policies with raising red flags. Trump has been mostly consistent on the issues. I could go on and on about what I have discovered about Harris's stance on issues before the flip flops, but this response is getting pretty long as it is.
I look at it this way, the alternative of socialism replacing our Constitutional Republic should scare the bejesus out of every normal American not a radical. Trump governed very effectively in his prior term. I only have to put up with his outrageous personality for 4 more years if elected president. Then he goes away from the national spotlight for good.
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@crossbones27 (50297)
• Mojave, California
15 Sep
This is BS unless make over 400, 000 a year. By the way Trump raised taxes on people who made 75,000 or less and gave rich people a tax break. No wonder inflation so high. Use logic, not politics. Please. Tax breaks for normal people cannot go down till 2027 no matter who wins.
I am at a loss how Mylot has so many wealthy people on it to keep pushing this nonsense. I get why they do it but why do poor people push it? Not to mention wants to kill freedom and democracy.
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@sallypup (63361)
• Centralia, Washington
15 Sep
Thank you @crossbones27 for this succinct answer. I don't get it either.
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@crossbones27 (50297)
• Mojave, California
15 Sep
@sallypup I also like to point out because I forgot to mention. Tax rates for 75,000 or less go up each year till 2027. The first year people got a cut, second year was about even, now it goes up till to 2027.. Its not horrendous but when add how inflation went, its pretty horrendous.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
15 Sep
You are so out of touch it's ridiculous! The no 400,00 a year is total BS. Tax comes in many forms not just per year income. And if you believe you won't be paying more if she wins you are truly a victim of gaslighting. You need to get educated.
So, let me try to enlighten you, although coming from a state like California it will probably go right over your head. But here's some "logic" to consider...
1. With her economic policies and giveaways, you will pay even more for the goods you purchase. It's called a PRICE INCREASE TAX.
2. You will also have to pay more in PAYROLL TAXES meaning less take-home pay.
As to Inflation, it is so high because it costs more to transport goods to retailers who sell them. Why, because of the war on oil and gas that Biden imposed almost immediately upon taking office. Example: KEYSTONE PIPELINE
Economics 101: Less supply = higher gas prices (as you should know as a Californian) and these costs are passed on in higher food prices for instance.
Second, when Trump left office inflation numbers were at 1.4%
(Government figure), with Biden/Harris, it rose to a Jimmy Carter 1970's high of 9%. (actually, it was higher than Carter's)
Your last paragraph is gibberish! What does wealthy people on My Lot have to do with Harris's economic policy? Finally, what freedoms have you lost when Trump was president? Show me????

@RebeccasFarm (93068)
• United States
16 Sep
Sickening DB..first of all, how do Americans, good Americans let these people get into any position of power in the first place?
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@RebeccasFarm (93068)
• United States
17 Sep
@dgobucks226 Welcome..the populace should be educated by now not to be fooled.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
17 Sep
Politics is a dirty business. They get in through the kinds of lies and promises that Kamala Harris is touting to dupe people into voting for her. "Common Sense is not So Common."
With the propaganda machine of most news media outlets and social media sites people believe the disinformation. Therefore, they just believe it rather than researching and finding out the real facts.
Good question, OT! Thanks!
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@LadyDuck (472505)
• Switzerland
18 Sep
@dgobucks226 - "Helping" those in need is good, but NOT if this becomes a way to make people lazy and NOT if this is at the charge of those who work hard to maintain themselves.
We have seen how bad socialism has been in some countries. The economy collapsed. Who wants to work only to give their money to the government?
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
17 Sep
I agree Anna. That's a very good point!
If my choice is to become a socialist country dependent on the government for everything, or use my own hard work, skills, and education to succeed, I choose capitalism.
Controlling businesses who are the job creators will only increase unemployment here making more people dependent on the government's help, decreasing people's motivation to find work.
Thanks for your input!
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@Plethos (13581)
• United States
16 Sep
all in your post is true.
its basically trying to put in place a different economic system/theory in place of capitalism. but the thing most people dont understand, is that if you want your socialist or charitable causes to succeed, you need a robust capitalist economy. its a proven fact, when americans do well, so do charities and organizations who rely on donations. And when america does well the world benefits.
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@dgobucks226 (36307)
17 Sep
That is well said Plethos!!! You make some succinct and excellent points 

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