Should I tell you guys?

@GardenGerty (159885)
United States
September 20, 2024 6:55am CST
So for safety sake we are told not to post travel plans on social media, does that include myLot? We are going to see my brother. I will post more details when I get back. Last night I got my flu shot for the year and a covid booster. Slightly sore shoulders today. We also shopped and ate at Curtis C's Diner. Probably will not go back there. I have some sanitation reservations. I paid $87 for the food I bought. They say I saved $27 with coupons loaded digitally. So without that I would have paid $114. Do you see why I try to shop less. Happy Friday to all.
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7 responses
@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
$87 for your meals? At first i thought it sounded a lot but we'd pay at least that if we ate out in a restaurant.
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@BarBaraPrz (46593)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
I paid about $60 for dinner for me and Juanita the other day at Red Lobster... I wasn't impressed with the food.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
@BarBaraPrz I hate paying a reasonable amount for a meal then not enjoying it.
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@BarBaraPrz (46593)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
@JudyEv And I hate having to always pay for the meal when I'm with Juanita...
@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
I see no reason not to share your travel plans here, At least when you travel and others travel I get to hear about places I won't get to, I hope you have a good visit with your brother and a safe journey,
@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
I’m so glad you get to go see your brother. That’s going to be so nice.
@snowy22315 (177346)
• United States
Funny, I was just investigating the flu and Covid boosters yesterday. I think I am going to make an appointment online. Have fun on your trip. Good deal on the coupons.
@rakski (114570)
• Philippines
I'm glad you're seeing your brother. That's too expensive got me
@Ghostlady (1059)
• United States
Have never had a flu shot in my lifetime...and have never had a Covid shot. Haven't had the flu in over 20 years. I get bronchitis and I had pneumonia, but no flu. Did not get Covid, and only wore a mask when I had to. I take vitamins that help with immunity. Friends of mine that took the Jab all got I decided Not to take it for fear I might actually Get it. LOL
@wolfgirl569 (102597)
• Marion, Ohio
Unless someone is on here that knows where you live it is safe