I found out some interesting info yesterday

@snowy22315 (177347)
United States
September 20, 2024 8:26am CST
I was in the city yesterday. I had planned to go Weds,but had an appointment that was cancelled. Good thing too,because Weds was quite rainy. Anyway, after I monkeyed around a bit having lunch and going to Trader Joes I went to Costco to check when I would be eligible for my flu And Covid shots.The pharmacist said this was a new season so anytime. I could have gotten them yesterday. He said also I could fill out the info on the website do the paperwork online and just waltz in for my shots when I felt like it. Good to know I know for sure I need to be down there on the 10th..but am also getting blood work that day I think so I might not want to do it then. We will see.
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9 responses
@rakski (114570)
• Philippines
that is awesome!
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
Yes, should be helpful.
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@rakski (114570)
• Philippines
@snowy22315 making life a bit easier
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
It's so convenient to be able to do paperwork online.
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
Yes, much less time consuming.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
@snowy22315 - A lot less stress not having to deal with someone in person.
@allknowing (132675)
• India
I did not know one needs to take Covid shots all over again
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
They are boosters The virus is still out there and you need to protect yourself.
@Juliaacv (50342)
• Canada
That is how I have always booked our shots, it is easy and convenient. They reportedly are coming out with a new shot, an annual one, that will protect us against the new variants. My shot is due on Nov 25, I hope that the shot has been approved by Health Canada by then.
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
I didn't know Costco had the online option to check into the pharmacy. I am glad I found out.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49943)
• United States
Doing things online is very convenient.
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
I totally agree.
@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
Anything you can do online is always a time saver,
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
Just now
That is right!
@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
I love being able to do paperwork online.
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
Yes, I think I knew you could do that for other pharmacies,but I didn't know Costco had that option. Its good because you can get everything vetted. Last time I was there it seemed it was taking them forever to process my insurance. They were busy that day too.
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• United States
Having the opportunity to go anytime is great. No worries about appointments
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
Yeah, and not waiting around doing the paperwork shuffle.
@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
I'm still waiting on a second shingles shot but I'm up to date on everything else.
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
That is one thing I want to get is a Shingles shot.