Do You Celebrate Your Pets Birthday?

United States
September 20, 2024 9:29am CST
Happy Friday Everyone! it's a sunny morning and seeing the sun was quite a surprise because rain has been in the forecast almost every day this week. Today is our little dog Mushs birthday! She's 15 years old and starting to show her age. She doesn't quite run up the stairs as fast as she used to and sleeps more. Right now she's all curled up on her blanket and snoring. She doesn't even know it's her birthday. But, she's still a diva My daughter is going to take her to Starbucks over the weekend for a "pup cup" as a birthday treat. In case you aren't familiar with Starbucks "pup cups" it's a small cup of whipped cream just for your pup. Pup cup is short for puppuccino and it's free. Fall is right around the corner and I'm looking forward to cooler temperatures and all my favorite tv shows will be back. I'm not looking forward to it getting darker earlier even though I've noticed it's already happening. It's funny how during the summer months we tend to eat dinner later (around 7pm) whereas during the winter months we eat more like 6PM and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact it's dark earlier. Meanwhile we still have some warm days ahead and tonight we're just having grilled chicken with salad. Nothing fancy....just easy peasy. Today looks like a quiet day for me and I'm hoping it stays that way. Hope your day goes well
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11 responses
@rakski (114573)
• Philippines
Happy Birthday Mushs!! I don't have a pet now. But my sister usually celebrate Oreo"s birthday.
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• United States
I think most people celebrate their pets birthdays these days. Furbabies are family
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@rakski (114573)
• Philippines
@Marilynda1225 oh yes, definitely
@Juliaacv (50342)
• Canada
Happy Birthday to Mush. We always celebrated our pet's birthdays. Our son does the same thing. We are eating at a slightly later time tonight, as I have 10 hour fasting bloodwork to get done in the morning. Nothing fancy here, just burgers and fries in the air fryer oven.
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• United States
Good luck with your bloodwork tomorrow. I don't mind getting bloodwork but the fasting part is hard
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@AmbiePam (89335)
• United States
Happy birthday to Mush! Here is too many more for that sweet baby. No one knows Sadie’s birthday, so we celebrate the day she came to live with me. After many sunny days it is gloomy here, but if we get rain, that’s okay. Today it is supposed to be 96 degrees.
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• United States
Actually today is the day my daughter adopted Mush so we count this as her birthday. She was around 3 yrs old at the time so we guess she's about 15 now. Your temperatures today is about 10 degrees higher than here.
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@FourWalls (65837)
• United States
Happy birthday, Mush!!! And yes, we celebrated Freckles’ birthday. Since she was found as an unclaimed stray we didn’t know her exact birthday, so my mom suggested we honor my grandfather by celebrating her birthday on his birthday…so that’s the day we picked!
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• United States
That sounds like a perfect birthday for Freckles
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@wolfgirl569 (102597)
• Marion, Ohio
I don't know when Duke doberman is or Pretty cat. I do know Jill doberman and Patch border collie birthdays but don't do anything for them
@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
We were not used to the very long twilights in Ireland and we'd often find ourselves eating dinner very late. Mostly we didn't know the dates of our pet's birthdays.
@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
Thanks, Happy Birthday to Mush. I always celebrate my pets bdays, although I have no idea what Nico's exact birthdate is, but I celebrate it anytime in June, as I surmised from talking to others that was his birth month, but any day during that month will do!
@Tampa_girl7 (49943)
• United States
We do give our cat Baby a special meal for her birthday.
@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
Happy Birthday to Mush and I hope all her best doggy wishes come true, No I know when my cats have there birthday but I don't make it a day of celebration, Yes, autumn arrives on the 22nd. I had a busy afternoon because Fridays I blog. So the day went by quickly, I hope you have a good weekend,
@akalinus (42451)
• United States
There are two cats here. They are rescues. We don't know when their birthdays are but they get treats regularly.
@Beestring (14213)
• Hong Kong
Happy birthday to Mushs! I didn't know that Starbucks have "pup cups". Wonder if they offer this in Hong Kong.