Gifts people have that they can share, and often don't.

@MarieCoyle (41816)
October 6, 2024 1:38am CST
Hear me out, please. I will try to make my point quickly. No, I don't mean that your average person is standing there with a gift wrapped package to hand to the nearest person. (Darn! I wish!) I mean a gift...something that person has a talent for, something they are good at, or something they do to help others...a gift. Something to share with others to make their lives better...something to make the world a better place. I know that many will say, well, those are gifts from God. Yes, I researched this through the Bible as well. Many people have gifts from their genetics, or from how their early years were. There are so many gifts that so many people never realize they have, or that their children have. Some are praised and recognized, and some are stunted and ignored. Some people have talents that are obvious--maybe they are a gifted teacher, doctor, lawyer, mentor, goes on and on. They are what they are, because of who they are. I've done a lot of reading about gifts people have that they share. Some are recognized, some are not. Some are truly noticeable and some are out there, front and center, and no one notices them. In my research, I stumbled over a lot of opinions, what this person and that person truly thought. The one opinion that truly hit home, was Rick Warren's definition of what to give someone. It's the gift of time. Your time. “Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time. It is not enough to just say relationships are important; we must prove it by investing time in them. Words alone are worthless. "My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action." Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is "T-I-M-E.” ? Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for? I don't generally worship any Christian writers. But what he says, it's true. We can say, oh, I will do this and that, but the gift of's priceless. Completely priceless! The visit to the nursing home that you have been meaning to make haven't gone. The friend who really needs a listening ear since she just lost her husband...but you didn't want to listen, because it makes you sad. The old fellow next door who sits outside and just remembers, and has no one to sit with him..and you could spare a few minutes. But he is old and you don't want to take the time to listen to him and to his memories... The young mother down the street who just buried her child...and you're afraid you will cry, so you stay away. Your friend who lost both his parents the same day--what can you say? Nothing that will make a difference. But you can offer the gift of time, and you can listen. Go listen to them. Take a few minutes to truly just listen. No one cares if you shed a tear or two with them. I have to agree with Rick Warren. The gift of time, truly the best gift of all. **Oh, the heads are shaking again...''Here's Marie, getting too deep. She needs to go bake some cookies or something...'' That may well be true, but this is on my mind and heart tonight. .**
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15 responses
@LadyDuck (472496)
• Switzerland
6 Oct
This is something we often discuss with my husband, the most precious thing we have is our time. We do not know how much is left and we can give a bit of our time to the others when they need, it is the most precious gift.
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@LadyDuck (472496)
• Switzerland
6 Oct
@MarieCoyle - The only thing we cannot buy "time" and I would add "health", because even very rich people can die of horrible diseases.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
6 Oct
All the flowers, expensive gifts, fancy trips,new cars and on and on, mean nothing compared to time. It truly is precious, Anna. Thank you.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
7 Oct
@LadyDuck Very true. A person cannot buy good health, they can get the best of medical care if they have money, but that certainly does not always fix the problems.
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@Sathyabo (892)
6 Oct
Very true quotes. Memories lasts forever. I used to make such kind of memorable things with my friends and family.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
6 Oct
Memories do last...some just for a while, many last forever. But the gift of time, it's the best gift. All the money in the world can't buy time with someone we care about. Thank you.
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@FourWalls (72346)
• United States
6 Oct
I took my mom on her last vacation in 2007. She had mentioned wanting to see then newly-opened Billy Graham Museum, and so I took her. She was in pretty bad shape from COPD by then. I had to help bathe her, in fact. She said during that, “I’ll bet you’re sorry you did this now.” My reply: “In ten years you’ll be gone, and all I’ll have are these memories.” (It was five months later, not ten years.) Time indeed is a precious thing. How many people have given up careers and fame to “spend more time with their family.”
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
7 Oct
I admire people who have given up fame, etc. to be with family. They have figured out just what's important. You do have the memories of your precious mother. I'm glad you have that.
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@rakski (134423)
• Philippines
6 Oct
I totally agree with you. This is absolutely true! Time cannot be bought, cannot be turned back. When it passes, you will just have to say goodbye. You should enjoy your time now while it is given to you.
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@rakski (134423)
• Philippines
6 Oct
@MarieCoyle True. We can ever tell when is ones time will end so better spend it wisely just like what they say about money. But for money, it is just material things you get while for time, memories are carved
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
6 Oct
You’re right, we can never get that time back, and should always make the most of it whenever we can. Thank you, Rakski.
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@LindaOHio (184442)
• United States
6 Oct
I agree with everything you said. Many people don't make the time to be neighborly or take the time to lend an ear. Have a good day.
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@LindaOHio (184442)
• United States
6 Oct
@MarieCoyle You're very welcome. Thank you.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
6 Oct
It truly is something so easy to do, and it means so much. Thank you, Linda. I hope your day goes well, too.
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@Nakitakona (56481)
• Philippines
6 Oct
The gift i have given especially to my children with a lasting value is not in the form material things. For me, it the values and good manners I have "talked and walked" which unconditionally had imparted on them.
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@Nakitakona (56481)
• Philippines
7 Oct
@MarieCoyle That's absolutely true.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
7 Oct
Yes, it's important to instill those things in our children, for sure.
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@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
6 Oct
And you have a gift for sharing the important kernels of life that we ignore.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
7 Oct
Sometimes, I think people procrastinate spending time with others. They know they should, but they put it off, often until it is too late. If a person finds themselves putting off spending the time, then it IS my opinion.
@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Oct
Yep, so true. These past few years I've come to realize this more than ever . . . even the littlest bit of time can make all the difference in the world to someone. I crave deep conversations such as this. Hate to say it, but the folks in my circle aren't exactly great listeners . . . in a sense, being on myLot can sometimes fill this void for me. I do appreciate and thank you for bringing up stuff like this .
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@much2say (57346)
• Los Angeles, California
13 Oct
@MarieCoyle I will read those political ones, but I sure won't comment on them . But sometimes I can't help myself . . . there are some political beings out there that are coo-coo for cocoa puffs and I just gotta jump in to give my 2 cents about that . But conflicts here - nope - I don't need that . . . I am too careful not to stir up heated fights. It gets ugly beyond the topic with such people after that - so why go there. Hee hee - but I would always be willing to have deep conversations WITH delicious cookies .
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
13 Oct
@much2say That does sound like a plan, good conversation and cookies. Add in some good hot coffee, and I'm there!
@MarieCoyle (41816)
10 Oct
I like the light hearted conversations, and I like some deep ones--just to have a mix, I guess. The only ones I am starting to truly hate is the conversations that are posted with the political stuff, and then...the fights start. I am trying to avoid those. As I have said before, no one is going to change someone's political preferences or religious stance through a social media post. It's just not going to happen, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to fight about it. Thank you so much, for what you said. Now I feel better and won't have to make more cookies!
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@Juliaacv (52531)
• Canada
6 Oct
Time, quality time, a slice of our life, is a rare and priceless gift that we can share. And even if the memories fade, the happiness felt during the interaction is what counts.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
7 Oct
Julia, so well said. Thank you so much.
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@wolfgirl569 (112968)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Oct
That is very true. I try to do that but it can be hard at times.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
7 Oct
Yes, it really can be hard sometimes. If something is uncomfortable, we often find excuses not to do it.
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@RasmaSandra (83118)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Oct
Memories are precious, Some of the best gifts are time, love, and understanding as well as friendship,
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
7 Oct
You are so right, Rasma. Thank you.
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@JESSY3236 (20304)
• United States
8 Oct
My former preacher at the church I used to go to had us go through Rick Warren's book. Yes, everyone have talents. But I think churches pushes this idea too much.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
8 Oct
I do not like it when churches are pushy about things. It doesn't help ''win friends and influence people'' it just chases them away. Rick Warren is one of the better writers and he is easy to follow. Also, he writes in what I call real time, not like a preacher but like a human.
• United States
7 Oct
Action speaks louder than words, and it’s true that talk is cheap. Many people may say this or that, but if their actions don’t align with their words, they’re just making noise. I often remind others, "Show me before you tell me." God has graciously given us two eyes to see, two ears to listen, and two hands to hold, help, and heal. He expects us to use the time He has granted us wisely. We are called to utilize our talents and skills to create positive change and to impact the world for the better. It's our responsibility to transform our intentions into actions that reflect our values and beliefs.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
8 Oct
Actions truly do speak much louder than words. You are correct. Everyone has a talent of some type. Most of the time, a talent can be used to help others.
• United States
6 Oct
You make a lot of sense and I love what you wrote! Also wouldn't mind if you made some cookies! the best gift for me would be if my sister gave me more time. She took me to get my hair done and shopping yesterday but i either won't see her until the last week of October or sometime next month as she is busy most of the month Well, I guess I will do what I always do when I am left to myself which is start my reading challenge by myself to see how many books I can read in a certain period. I did especially well on Memorial Day weekend when I read almost 5 books that weekend
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
6 Oct
I’m sorry you have to wait so long to see your sister. I know you would like to see her more often. Do you enjoy things like puzzles or crafts? That might help fill the time. I know our libraries here have puzzles you can check out. Thank you for your kind words about my posts, Jennifer.
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@jstory07 (142432)
• Roseburg, Oregon
6 Oct
Good memories are treasured when you share the gift of time with others.
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@MarieCoyle (41816)
6 Oct
They really are. And there are people who have no one, the time would mean everything to them.
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