I almost called the vet.

@marguicha (221329)
October 14, 2024 6:12pm CST
After lunch I gave Luna an early dinner and went for my errands. I got back very tired and Luna again had not eaten her dinner. I started to get worried. A small while ago the vet had come and she had seen Luna´s allergy (infection?). She put her a shot, gave her some pills and told me that with that she thought that she´d be fine. But why wasn´t she eating? She came to see the dish with her meal but was clearly not interested. I was not going to give her any snacks because if she was ill she should not eat food for human beings. Had she destroyed her guts with the bones I often give to her? I never give her chicken bones but I do give her pork and veal bones. This is the second or third day she has behaved like that. I was worried sick. But then, as the sun went down and started to hide behind the mountains. Luna came towards her dish and began to smell it. I was doing something else but I heard the noise or her biting the pellets. I went to look: she was eating. I think that when the sun is up, she is too warm to be hungry. That´s my latest theory. Anyway I´ll check her and give her her dinner later. We´ll see. Luna should learn Spanish. I have asked her what´s the matter but she does not answer. I suppose that if I had a lot of dogs, they would just be animals and I wouldn´t care so much. But Luna is not even my pet nor even my fur baby. She is my friend. I care for her very much. It is very difficult to be a mother, whether it is a human being or a dog. In both situations there is a lot of responsability that goes with it. What are your thoughts about this?
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10 responses
@wolfgirl569 (103998)
• Marion, Ohio
With the weather changing she could have had a cold too. Glad she ate and hopefully she keeps eating. Even when I had 5 here they were all my babies and friends.
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
We are in spring now. Anyway I´ll keep checking on her.
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@rakski (117892)
• Philippines
Maybe Luna is not that hungry. Or maybe she was just thirsty before eating that is why is feels full. Yes, it is hard to be parents, human or pet
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
She has been active sio maybe I should not worry.
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@rakski (117892)
• Philippines
@marguicha that is good to know
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
@rakski I understand that her habits change with seasons. But I forgot.
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@LadyDuck (469330)
• Switzerland
I hope your theory about too warm to eat is correct, often animals are less hungry when th temperature is hot.
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
She is active so I think that she is healthy. And when Richard came, he went to play with her in a way I cannot. And she was elated!
@JESSY3236 (19815)
• United States
Maybe the medication made her feel sick.
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
No. That happened a couple of weeks ago. And a couple of weeks ago she had a skin problem that even I could detect.
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@LindaOHio (174417)
• United States
You have to be very careful when giving Luna bones. If they can splinter, they can cause damage. I'm glad that Luna is eating again. We all worry about her. Have a good day.
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
That´s why I never give her chicken bones. Sometimes I tame my time in getting out and giving her the tendons but never the actual bones.
@somewitch (833)
Glad Luna is doing well. Maybe you're right she sometimes feels too hot to eat, it makes sense. If I'm not mistaken, she's a bit of a senior pup so it's reasonable to be concerned about her health. Yeah, it would be much easier if dogs could speak! I don't know if those videos where dogs press buttons that repeat words and create phrases are real.
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
Luna is grown up but young. She is 5 years old
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@marguicha Oh, I don't know why I thought she was older. I hope she'll forgive me for that.
@snowy22315 (178700)
• United States
Of course we care for our furry children. They are like family.
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
They are. But she is running and playing so she must be healthy.
@JudyEv (337349)
• Rockingham, Australia
I do remember ages ago you saying that Luna would stop eating when it got hot but I gather it's not that hot there at the moment. I hope she doesn't give you any more cause to worry.
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
It is not that hot but we are out of winter and Luna still has her winter coat. Maybe she needs to go to the beauty shop.
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@anya12adwi (7429)
• India
Even if you had loads of dogs, you would have cared for each one of them dearly!
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
I suppose so.
@Ghostlady (1150)
• United States
Hope Luna gets better. It is rough on us humans when our Fur Babies are sick.
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@marguicha (221329)
• Chile
I think that I might be too overprotective.
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